Teen who was sentence 10 years in prison for consentual sex to be released

One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 05:27 pm
aaronssongs;22689 wrote:
I have my wits about me...it's you and others I'm unsure of...like I said before...Denial is not a river in Egypt...it is absolute...so, who might be in a "real" haze...uh, that wouldn't be me.

Pure evasion.

Answer my points, don't just say I'm in denial.

Answer the (very important to this subject) question I asked you earlier, do you really believe the part of the brain that controls attraction to the opposite sex is the same in people not attracted to the opposite sex?
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 05:48 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22697 wrote:
Pure evasion.

Answer my points, don't just say I'm in denial.

Answer the (very important to this subject) question I asked you earlier, do you really believe the part of the brain that controls attraction to the opposite sex is the same in people not attracted to the opposite sex?

You pose a question that is difficult, if not impossible to answer "accurately"...
The reasons for you asking it, are clear enough...however, I cannot give you the answer or confirmation you eagerly seek.
It's like asking where is the seat of the soul. Does it lie somewhere in the mind...in the heart( conventional wisdom), or is it simply an intrinsic entity?
I, safely can say, I don't know. I can make the conjecture that others don't know, either. The jury is out...for the foreseeable future. Satisfied?

You may not only be in denial, you may be "in the dark"...I, a gay man, at the University of Houston, in my freshman year...pledged a all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta. I wound up de-pledging before hazing...but later learned quite a few members later came out, on their own, and I wound up seeing them at local clubs. I consider my "gaydar" to be pretty accurate, and I wound up surprised....so, you, undoubtably, are "in the dark", about a number of your friends and family, who statistically speaking, must be gay...and you can be in denial of that fact, or accept the plausibility. Your choice.
The world would work better for you, if you were right...but reality might strike down all your conventionality, and then where would you be?
Lost. Confused. Perplexed. At reality, no less. Do you see how pedestrian that mode of thinking is? How uninspired. How republican?
Read the article in the latest Time Magazine, about how the Republicans are on the wrong side of the "Gay Issue"....history is in our favor...dinosaurs are going extinct. Even the Republican field vying for the presidency acknowledges that gay rights are apropos...and in 50 yrs (or less)...we'll be realized...gay marriage will be a non-issue...a woman's right to choose will be the order of the day, and Hispanics will be the "new majority"...quickly followed by Asians. Get ready...the writing is on the wall....I welcome it.
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 05:51 pm
aaronssongs;22714 wrote:
You pose a question that is difficult, if not impossible to answer "accurately"...
The reasons for you asking it, are clear enough...however, I cannot give you the answer or confirmation you eagerly seek.
It's like asking where is the seat of the soul. Does it lie somewhere in the mind...in the heart( conventional wisdom), or is it simply an intrinsic entity?
I, safely can say, I don't know. I can make the conjecture that others don't know, either. The jury is out...for the foreseeable future. Satisfied?

You may not only be in denial, you may be "in the dark"...I, a gay man, at the University of Houston, in my freshman year...pledged a all-white fraternity, Phi Kappa Theta. I wound up de-pledging before hazing...but later learned quite a few members later came out, on their own, and I wound up seeing them at local clubs. I consider my "gaydar" to be pretty accurate, and I wound up surprised....so, you, undoubtably, are "in the dark", about a number of your friends and family, who statistically speaking, must be gay...and you can be in denial of that fact, or accept the plausibility. Your choice.
The world would work better for you, if you were right...but reality might strike down all your conventionality, and then where would you be?
Lost. Confused. Perplexed. At reality, no less. Do you see how pedestrian that mode of thinking is? How uninspired. How republican?
Read the article in the latest Time Magazine, about how the Republicans are on the wrong side of the "Gay Issue"....history is in our favor...dinosaurs are going extinct. Even the Republican field vying for the presidency acknowledges that gay rights are apropos...and in 50 yrs (or less)...we'll be realized...gay marriage will be a non-issue...a woman's right to choose will be the order of the day, and Hispanics will be the "new majority"...quickly followed by Asians. Get ready...the writing is on the wall....I welcome it.



Honestly, that's hardly a coherent post, and I don't like walking into walls of text.

You notice the strange way I layout my posts? That's intentional.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 06:05 pm
I'm sorry but the majority has always been hetero, and since we've had homosexuality since recorded history it's safe to say if it was a growing movement we would have been "overrun" long ago.

It's just not realistic to think it will happen, regardless of how accepting society is of gays
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 06:14 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22717 wrote:


Honestly, that's hardly a coherent post, and I don't like walking into walls of text.

You notice the strange way I layout my posts? That's intentional.

Oh, I get it...you don't read. I never in all my life..."...walking into walls of text."
Guess novels are out of the question. That is absolutely the "lamest" excuse for not reading a post I have ever heard...typical. Not surprising, at all.
What? English isn't your parent tongue...or is it you just haven't mastered it yet? LOL
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 06:22 pm
aaronssongs;22734 wrote:
Oh, I get it...you don't read. I never in all my life..."...walking into walls of text."
Guess novels are out of the question. That is absolutely the "lamest" excuse for not reading a post I have ever heard...typical. Not surprising, at all.
What? English isn't your parent tongue...or is it you just haven't mastered it yet? LOL

Well-written novels don't have walls of text.

That's why I read those ones.

Anyways, I read your post, but it's mostly incoherent, and mostly off-topic.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 06:43 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22737 wrote:
Well-written novels don't have walls of text.

That's why I read those ones.

Anyways, I read your post, but it's mostly incoherent, and mostly off-topic.

Ok, you're not well-read...Many neo-cons aren't either..In fact, your boy, Dubya, announces "publicly" that he don't read much, so you're in good company.
I answered your question, to the best of my ability...but even a blind man could see your avoidance of my premise, that you don't know, for sure, if the people closest to you are 100% straight. I can understand how that might be difficult for you, you being intransigent. But as I indicated...you exhibit all the hallmarks of "classic denial"...
Why right now, you're even questioning your own proclivities....have I ever? Would I ever? Did I? I feel ya...It's ok...you're gonna be alright.
I know some men that only were able to admit the truth about themselves, well into their 40's....release that burden...get in touch with your feminine side...it's liberating. Disco music tends to accelerate the process, I've found.
Put some on....try Labelle's "Lady Marmalade"...that always did it for me. LOL
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:01 pm
If your trying to convert him i think your going about it the wrong way.
0 Replies
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:01 pm
aaronssongs;22738 wrote:
Ok, you're not well-read...Many neo-cons aren't either..In fact, your boy, Dubya, announces "publicly" that he don't read much, so you're in good company.
I answered your question, to the best of my ability...but even a blind man could see your avoidance of my premise, that you don't know, for sure, if the people closest to you are 100% straight. I can understand how that might be difficult for you, you being intransigent. But as I indicated...you exhibit all the hallmarks of "classic denial"...
Why right now, you're even questioning your own proclivities....have I ever? Would I ever? Did I? I feel ya...It's ok...you're gonna be alright.
I know some men that only were able to admit the truth about themselves, well into their 40's....release that burden...get in touch with your feminine side...it's liberating. Disco music tends to accelerate the process, I've found.
Put some on....try Labelle's "Lady Marmalade"...that always did it for me. LOL

I could care less if the people close to me are in the closet.

This post is again a wall of text, and full of false assumptions.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 12:13 am
Silverchild79;22732 wrote:
I'm sorry but the majority has always been hetero, and since we've had homosexuality since recorded history it's safe to say if it was a growing movement we would have been "overrun" long ago.

It's just not realistic to think it will happen, regardless of how accepting society is of gays

You know it's really hard for me to take you seriously, when you say make such asinine statements that not only ring of contempt, but of some perceived notion of superiority.

I'll grant you that heterosexuality is the predominant state of being....however, as I alluded to earlier, the number of people who are
bi-curious, , openly and clandestine, or who simply have a "one-time" homosexual encounter, are more than you realize, or clearly, unwilling to admit.
Because of shame and guilt, you know accurate accounting of the statistics is impossible...but you cannot say it is not plausible.

"homosexuality since recorded history it's safe to say if it was a growing movement we would have been "overrun" long ago."

You don't have too many friends do you? Certainly, not any "gay friends" of any substance. "overrun"? "overrun??? Like vermin? A movement? What?
Like "The Crusades"? Like Western Thought? Like "Civil Rights"? What movement?
And for your information, homosexuality is a part of the "human condition", and has "always existed", as a "normal variant", "prior to" recorded history.
If you're a master debater....you need re-certification, and bad!

What? you think gays held clandestine meetings to see who we could recruit to our ranks (in a grand scheme to "grow the movement"), anywhere or anytime in recorded history?
What universe are you from? You must be from another planet, where people suffer delusions and fancies of grandeur. (Would that be classified as "slander", or a logical conclusion(albeit, "over the top", to illustrate incredulity) drawn from your outrageous assertions?)

Gay people are not lab rats, lab rams, or vermin...as someone eloquently stated before, we're people

P.S. Certain people keep responding to my posts, that I have ended conversation with....because they are not "up to snuff"...I recommend ignoring my posts and engaging others...as I'm becoming increasingly "bored"
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 01:07 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22789 wrote:
I could care less if the people close to me are in the closet.

BS...That's a lie. If not you wouldn't have gotten into such a tissy about it.
You're afraid I might be correct...which would, in fact, turn your world on its' head. You'd have to examine your prejudices in a whole new light...one that would, undoubtably, feature those you care about and love...not just some black gay liberal on some board, who thinks that you're shallow and unenlightened, that you could care less about.
Go and re-read the entire thread of your posts.

this post is again a wall of text, and full of false assumptions.

If that's so, and you're, once again, "correct"...what is the harm in examining it, and elaborating on it? The wall of text argument won't hold water...a lot of posts around here, are walls of text...with people expressing their ideas and positions...I don't see you or anyone else identifying their posts as, "walls of text", as a disclaimer. Issues, issues, issues...
It's not funny when the rabbit has the gun, is it? LOL
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 09:31 am
aaronssongs;22802 wrote:
You know it's really hard for me to take you seriously, when you say make such asinine statements that not only ring of contempt, but of some perceived notion of superiority.

I'll grant you that heterosexuality is the predominant state of being....however, as I alluded to earlier, the number of people who are
bi-curious, , openly and clandestine, or who simply have a "one-time" homosexual encounter, are more than you realize, or clearly, unwilling to admit.
Because of shame and guilt, you know accurate accounting of the statistics is impossible...but you cannot say it is not plausible.

"homosexuality since recorded history it's safe to say if it was a growing movement we would have been "overrun" long ago."

You don't have too many friends do you? Certainly, not any "gay friends" of any substance. "overrun"? "overrun??? Like vermin? A movement? What?
Like "The Crusades"? Like Western Thought? Like "Civil Rights"? What movement?
And for your information, homosexuality is a part of the "human condition", and has "always existed", as a "normal variant", "prior to" recorded history.
If you're a master debater....you need re-certification, and bad!

What? you think gays held clandestine meetings to see who we could recruit to our ranks (in a grand scheme to "grow the movement"), anywhere or anytime in recorded history?
What universe are you from? You must be from another planet, where people suffer delusions and fancies of grandeur. (Would that be classified as "slander", or a logical conclusion(albeit, "over the top", to illustrate incredulity) drawn from your outrageous assertions?)

Gay people are not lab rats, lab rams, or vermin...as someone eloquently stated before, we're people

P.S. Certain people keep responding to my posts, that I have ended conversation with....because they are not "up to snuff"...I recommend ignoring my posts and engaging others...as I'm becoming increasingly "bored"
You know it's really hard for me to take you seriously, when you say make such asinine statements that not only ring of contempt, but of some perceived notion of superiority.
Not superiority, they call it a majority. Of which is usually the ruling power in this country. Irrational people usually have a hard time taking anyone serious who does not hold the same views. Were deemed ignorant, bigots, racists, bible thumpers, pretty much every thing you've said up to this point. Real tolerant huh?
I'll grant you that heterosexuality is the predominant state of being....however, as I alluded to earlier, the number of people who are bi-curious, , openly and clandestine, or who simply have a "one-time" homosexual encounter, are more than you realize, or clearly, unwilling to admit.
Does this apply to all of nature or just homosapiens? If such a person has or intends a honosexual experience does that make them homosexual? Being of such a mind wouldn't that indicate to you the homosexuality is a behavior?
Because of shame and guilt, you know accurate accounting of the statistics is impossible...but you cannot say it is not plausible.
So what your saying is you have no way of backing up your theory?
You don't have too many friends do you? Certainly, not any "gay friends" of any substance. "overrun"? "overrun??? Like vermin? A movement? What?
Like "The Crusades"? Like Western Thought? Like "Civil Rights"? What movement?
Is it possible for you to keep emotion out of the conversation?
And for your information, homosexuality is a part of the "human condition", and has "always existed", as a "normal variant", "prior to" recorded history.
I would say it is an "Abnormal variant."
If you're a master debater....you need re-certification, and bad!
Heterosexual= normal
Homosexual= abnormal
I think you need re-certification.
What? you think gays held clandestine meetings to see who we could recruit to our ranks (in a grand scheme to "grow the movement"), anywhere or anytime in recorded history?
This will hold as much water as your theory does, if not, got link?
What universe are you from? You must be from another planet, where people suffer delusions and fancies of grandeur. (Would that be classified as "slander", or a logical conclusion(albeit, "over the top", to illustrate incredulity) drawn from your outrageous assertions?)
No more outragous then yours.
Gay people are not lab rats, lab rams, or vermin...as someone eloquently stated before, we're people
People who willfully volunteer for studys are indeed lab rats. Emotion has nothing to do with science unless that is what is being observed.
P.S. Certain people keep responding to my posts, that I have ended conversation with....because they are not "up to snuff"...I recommend ignoring my posts and engaging others...as I'm becoming increasingly "bored"
P.S. Certain people don't care what or who your responding too. If they feel so inclined they respond to your post just like i'm doing. God i love this country. Bored, i think this **** if fun, tag your it.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 09:57 am
Drnaline;22832 wrote:

Heterosexual= normal
Homosexual= abnormal
I think you need re-certification.

I agree here. I don't think homosexuals are "wrong" or "Evil" but the fact is as homosexual activity does not lead to reproduction, and reproduction is the end game of sexual activity (there are only two species that mate for fun, the other is dolphins), homosexuality is abnormal by the standard of the natural order.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 10:08 am
I don't believe they are wrong or evil either. I think it's a difference of choice. Al be it a bad one IMO. They willfully obsolve themselfs from the reproduction pool.
Point to ponder. In a perfect world would there be gays?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 11:10 am
Heterosexual= normal
Homosexual= abnormal
I think you need re-certification.

That's the bottom line. Having a gay cousin myself, I must share some observations -

Not all homos are neat, tidy and thin. Some are actually slobs - wear shabby clothing and drive dirty cars. They live in cheap apartments, eat junk food and hang out at the 7/11.

For the most part the hate Madonna and could care less about Judy Garland.

They watch World Wrestling Entertainment, Untimate Fighting and Championship Boxing.

They do not all go to plays or musicals or know Broadway show tunes.

My cousin does not prance around in public or pris around his house in a tutu.

He will attend the various pride parades but is embarrassed by the exhibitionist displays of some.

Most gay men do not have any interest in straight men. Occasionally, a drunk one will make a pass but it is more wishful thinking than anything.

One of my cousin's pals tried to make a move on me and when I told him I would kick his ass, he backed off.

In short, except for where and how they enjoy sex, they are pretty much like everyone else. It's the over the top idiots that make life difficult for men like my cousin, Terri (not Terry - he changed the spelling some time ago...).
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 11:23 am
socalgolfguy;22879 wrote:

Most gay men do not have any interest in straight men. Occasionally, a drunk one will make a pass but it is more wishful thinking than anything.

I've been hit on gay guys more then my share of times, I think I may be an attraction magnet for gays. I think it's flattering and they aren't pushy so I'm cool with it. They don't know until they ask.
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 11:27 am
They know, Cam... they know. They have gaydar.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 11:30 am
I have the Homotron 5000 gaydar but still every once in a while you encounter the stealth homosexual
One Man Clan
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 11:48 am
BS...That's a lie. If not you wouldn't have gotten into such a tissy about it.
You're afraid I might be correct...which would, in fact, turn your world on its' head. You'd have to examine your prejudices in a whole new light...one that would, undoubtably, feature those you care about and love...not just some black gay liberal on some board, who thinks that you're shallow and unenlightened, that you could care less about.
Go and re-read the entire thread of your posts.

No, again, I don't care if anyone I'm close to is gay.

I said it would be wierd if I found out the MAJORITY OF PEOPLE are gay.

If that's so, and you're, once again, "correct"...what is the harm in examining it, and elaborating on it? The wall of text argument won't hold water...a lot of posts around here, are walls of text...with people expressing their ideas and positions...I don't see you or anyone else identifying their posts as, "walls of text", as a disclaimer. Issues, issues, issues...
It's not funny when the rabbit has the gun, is it? LOL

Why would I?

You don't even make valid points. You go off topic, you go on personal attack tangents, you make assumptions about me that aren't true.

Frankly, your posts are a waste of time. You feel them with useless, logical fallacy fluff.

Fine, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously (does anyone, by the way? I mean, really...).
Reply Fri 22 Jun, 2007 12:29 pm
Silverchild79;22848 wrote:
I agree here. I don't think homosexuals are "wrong" or "Evil" but the fact is as homosexual activity does not lead to reproduction, and reproduction is the end game of sexual activity (there are only two species that mate for fun, the other is dolphins), homosexuality is abnormal by the standard of the natural order.

Indeed that is your opinion...and you know what they say about opinions..they're as numerous as a..holes.
If your argument had any validity, then what could be said of clergy, who take vows of celibacy...they don't reproduce, either...would they be considered "abnormal". What about hetero couples that decide that children are not for them...by your argument, they aren't normal either, if reproduction is "the end game"...whatever the hell that means.
Homosexuality is abnormal from a heterosexual viewpoint...heterosexuality seems abnormal to me, and countless others. Do whatever blows your skirt up. LOL.

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