Teen who was sentence 10 years in prison for consentual sex to be released

Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:05 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22522 wrote:
What I think is funny:

The humping-at-the-sky-conservative-losers are going, "HAH! WE TOLD YOU SO! IT'S A DISORDER! LOL!"

While the parading-hey-look-I'm-gay-losers are going, "OMG! OMG! HOMOPHOBE! IT'S NOT A DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER!"

While we rational people are watching science get raped when it gets political. Again.

this was my point exactly, it isn't often credible scientific research cuts both ways. There will no doubt be more research on this, and I'm all for it. I think it's a fascinating subject.

And I'm not on the far right that screams "see it's a disorder!!!"

for the 1,000th time my stance is simple, let's do more research and keep an open mind.
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:06 am
Silverchild79;22531 wrote:
this was my point exactly, it isn't often credible scientific research cuts both ways. There will no doubt be more research on this, and I'm all for it. I think it's a fascinating subject.

And I'm not on the far right that screams "see it's a disorder!!!"

for the 1,000th time my stance is simple, let's do more research and keep an open mind.

That's fine, but my stance is also simple:

No matter what we find out, let's not limit anyone's freedom.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:12 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22521 wrote:
Wow, like I don't know that.

Nevertheless the research makes sense. If there's part of the brain that controls attraction to the opposite sex, it makes sense that that part of the brain isn't developed in people not attracted to the opposite sex.

Pure nonsense

No, because it makes sense. I don't appeal to authority.

One would have to have "sense", for input and data to "make sense".

No, they think bad.

That's why I said that.

Yes, I did develop that part of my brain like most people. That's why I'm not gay.

Most people is... most people. Most people are straight.

Uh, you didn't develop anything...development is independent of a person, meaning that it is not a willful act. Duh, indeed!
How do you know that most people are 'straight"...they could be lying...people lie...all the time....even up in here.

Develop in this case is that part of the brain growing and... developing.
ooooh, world-class inductive reasoning. WTF was I thinking. Geez, I could have had a V-8

WTF kind of stupid questions are these?

WTF kind of stupid response was that?

You're welcome.

What I was doing was giving a reason they deserved the same freedoms afforded to everyone. People are the pre-requisite, so I wanted to point out they fit the pre-requisite.

But you, like usual, throw a hissy fit. That's ok, I'm not here to make you feel better, I'm here to speak what I see as the truth.

Freedoms and the homeostasis of the Earth are not in the realm of your control...therefore, I'd come down off of that lofty cloud you're on, and operate on "solid ground"....just say no to drugs
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:13 am
One Man Clan;22532 wrote:
That's fine, but my stance is also simple:

No matter what we find out, let's not limit anyone's freedom.

oh I wouldn't want that either

even if the final research came in and we discovered it was a dysfunction of the brain, if somebody is happy being gay then great. I am, and would still be, in favor of gay marriage.

Those are freedoms set aside by our government as sacred: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness so long as it doesn't harm others is the law and the spirit of Liberty.
0 Replies
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:17 am
Pure nonsense

Really? So you think the part of the brain that controls attraction to the opposite sex is the same in people who aren't attracted to the opposite sex?



Uh, you didn't develop anything...development is independent of a person, meaning that it is not a willful act.


Holy ****.

How do you know that most people are 'straight"...they could be lying...people lie...all the time....even up in here.

Because I my father's not gay, I'm not gay, my sister's not gay, my mother's not gay, my grandparents aren't gay, umm...

I only know one gay person. Yeah, I think that's it.

Freedoms and the homeostasis of the Earth are not in the realm of your control...therefore, I'd come down off of that lofty cloud you're on, and operate on "solid ground"....just say no to drugs

No, it's fluffy.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:18 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22522 wrote:
What I think is funny:

The humping-at-the-sky-conservative-losers are going, "HAH! WE TOLD YOU SO! IT'S A DISORDER! LOL!"

While the parading-hey-look-I'm-gay-losers are going, "OMG! OMG! HOMOPHOBE! IT'S NOT A DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER!"

While we rational people are watching science get raped when it gets political. Again.

And again, contrary to popular belief, I am not a gun toting, flag waving, tutu wearing gay. My sexuality is never on my sleeve...however, I felt it necessary to "come out of the closet", here, because "someone" decided to offer up slander, under the guise of reputable research, and I felt compelled to speak out against lies and falsehoods. Freedom of speech is for everybody, not just those with skewed ideologies and agendi.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:24 am
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22535 wrote:
Really? So you think the part of the brain that controls attraction to the opposite sex is the same in people who aren't attracted to the opposite sex?




Holy ****.

Because I my father's not gay, I'm not gay, my sister's not gay, my mother's not gay, my grandparents aren't gay, umm...

I only know one gay person. Yeah, I think that's it.

Oh, and people never lie, do they? Have you ever heard of "Secrets"?
Do you know what it means to be "DL" ( down low)?
How many married men, with children, wind up leading double lives, completely fooling friends and family, and eventually come out?
Hundreds of thousands.
So, you ain't said nothing but a word.
Truth is , you "assume", but you don't really know. Or maybe, you're lying. Hmmm. LOL
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:24 am
Silverchild79;22531 wrote:
for the 1,000th time my stance is simple, let's do more research and keep an open mind.

One Man Clan;22532 wrote:
That's fine, but my stance is also simple:
No matter what we find out, let's not limit anyone's freedom.

Both sound like good plans to me....
0 Replies
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:28 am
aaronssongs;22538 wrote:
Oh, and people never lie, do they? Have you ever heard of "Secrets"?

For some reason, I actually trust people close to me.

I know, it's wierd.

Do you know what it means to be "DL" ( down low)?

Isn't that what happens when there's a crazy Muslim in your plane?

How many married men, with children, wind up leading double lives,

And they're usually homophobic until they actually face the facts.

I know the signs.

Truth is , you "assume", but you don't really know. Or maybe, you're lying. Hmmm. LOL

Yes, I'm lying to people I don't even know for no reason other than... well, no reason.
0 Replies
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:32 am
Anyways, let's not pretend the majority of people aren't straight.

If most people were gay there would be no problem, now would there?
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 11:49 am
no they are all secretly gay and opposing homosexuality!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:15 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22549 wrote:
Anyways, let's not pretend the majority of people aren't straight.

If most people were gay there would be no problem, now would there?

Can't say....I've found straight people to be the "most" intolerable...
Seems to reason that when one group is in the majority, and therefore, the "most" influential, there comes with that distinction, a sense of responsiblity...to be fair, and equitable, but most importantly, non-judgemental...and from what I've seen on this board, is really representative of America, right now...and that is intolerance, and arrogance, unseen, in my lifetime.
One of my best friends is a Palestinian Christian (Catholic), born in Kuwait (during his parents exile from Palestine), and reared in Houston, Texas...He is an incredible musician and human being (think all-american meets paul mccartney). He taught me about the plight of the Palestinians, and how their people have been disparaged, disenfranchised, raped and pillaged. I had no idea. I couldn't conceive of a Christian Arab...but they do exist.
Because of the bleak state of the union, the war, and all of the rest of our ills, he decided to pack up his wife and 2 daughters and move to Hawaii, where the BS, and crime, and the general malaise that affects most of us here on the mainland, is less so, there, with a serene backdrop ( which undoubtably , aids in reducing stress)...
He said, there is a concentration camp, here in Texas, where Arabs, perceived trouble makers, and enemy combatants are being held, without representation, and with no recourse...he fears that he could be absconded at any moment, simply for the way he looks (curly hair, freckles, goatee, enemy combatant looks, you know....).
I asked him if he fears flying....surprisingly, he said he doesn't, and he's had no incidents ( He frequents Houston to look after his ailing father) .
It makes me ashamed, what America has become...however, it's people like my friend, a devout Christian, that gives me hope in humanity, and that its truly "the meek, which will inherit the earth".
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:17 pm
aaronssongs;22561 wrote:
Can't say....I've found straight people to be the "most" intolerable...
Seems to reason that when one group is in the majority, and therefore, the "most" influential, there comes with that distinction, a sense of responsiblity...to be fair, and equitable, but most importantly, non-judgemental...


Are you agreeing with me, or no?
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:23 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22564 wrote:

Are you agreeing with me, or no?

I'm saying we have no way of knowing , for sure....
People have issues. People are not always honest
A lot of people are in denial
You might be right.
Then, again, are you prepared to be wrong...I surmise not.
The world (at least, yours) would fall off its' axis, if my claims were true...
Let's say (for grins) that my claims (or at least the possibility) are true...
what do you say to that? I'm anxiously waiting to hear this.
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:26 pm
aaronssongs;22568 wrote:
I'm saying we have no way of knowing , for sure....
People have issues. People are not always honest
A lot of people are in denial
You might be right.
Then, again, are you prepared to be wrong...I surmise not.
The world (at least, yours) would fall off its' axis, if my claims were true...
Let's say (for grins) that my claims (or at least the possibility) are true...


No, your claims ain't true.

what do you say to that? I'm anxiously waiting to hear this.

It would feel wierd.

For a while.

Then I wouldn't care.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:37 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22571 wrote:

No, your claims ain't true.

It would feel wierd.

For a while.

Then I wouldn't care.

No, really, my claims are true...you've shown that you cannot deal with the truth...already the walls are crumbling...your best friend...gay.
My god, your dad...gay
Your dog (or cat) ...gay
Life will never be the same, because you'll always be wonderng, was Aaron right? You've been missing the glint in the eyes of the men in your life...how does it feel?
One Man Clan
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:51 pm
aaronssongs;22573 wrote:
No, really, my claims are true...you've shown that you cannot deal with the truth...

No, I've shown that I know the truth.

already the walls are crumbling...your best friend...gay.

Already knew that, thanks.

My god, your dad...gay

Nah, most gay people that hide it are extremely homophobic, my dad's anything but.

Your dog (or cat) ...gay

'Cept I don't have a dog. Or a cat.

Life will never be the same, because you'll always be wonderng, was Aaron right? You've been missing the glint in the eyes of the men in your life...how does it feel?

Yes... it's like I'm just walking in a haze now... drifting aimlessly...

Or maybe you're insane.
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 02:04 pm
aaronssongs;22561 wrote:

He said, there is a concentration camp, here in Texas, where Arabs, perceived trouble makers, and enemy combatants are being held, without representation, and with no recourse...he fears that he could be absconded at any moment, simply for the way he looks.


wait for it...


Thats right we have a network of secret concentration camps all over the nation. We use them to control the Arab population as well as homosexuals and liberals. They are held there with no legal representation and are forced to vote for Bush, that's the only reason he's in office...

It's super secret, nobody know about it. In fact the lack of proof concerning it's existance PROVES it's real!

ever read "Catcher in the Rye"?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 02:31 pm
LOL. That reminds me, i have to write my penpal at Gitmo.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jun, 2007 05:17 pm
@One Man Clan,
One Man Clan;22576 wrote:
No, I've shown that I know the truth.

Already knew that, thanks.

Nah, most gay people that hide it are extremely homophobic, my dad's anything but.

Wow...you believe stuff like that...just like people come in a full spectrum range...so do gay people...someone ( probably, a lot of someones) you think is not "is"...trust me...and it could be somebody close to you...you're obviously not in touch with your "gaydar"....lol.

'Cept I don't have a dog. Or a cat.

Yes... it's like I'm just walking in a haze now... drifting aimlessly...

Or maybe you're insane.

I have my wits about me...it's you and others I'm unsure of...like I said before...Denial is not a river in Egypt...it is absolute...so, who might be in a "real" haze...uh, that wouldn't be me.

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