spendius wrote:
You must obviously have never left a pub with the words "I've had enough".
I drink (sometimes) in restaurants, with meals.
It has not been my practice to frequent bars much.
David wrote:I see no reason against that spelling; it had not occurred to me.
spendius wrote:Do you think there are any other instances that haven't occured to you yet?
I am confident that there r many such instances.
spendius wrote:
"Speling" for example. Or "grater". Or "peeple".
Make sure your committee has the pension scheme in order.
Or the penshun skeem I shud say. And it has a deesent tiepissed to reecord the deliberayshuns.
I dearly love the American Museum of Natural History, which Teddy Roosevelt supported.
In its exhibition of his memorabilia, are to be found handwriten letters of contemporaneous citizens,
who ridicule his efforts toward fonetic spelling, by maladroit applications thereof.
I get it too.
victory is inevitable!
spendius wrote:Your problem as I see it Dave is that when you are composing
you have so much of your mind fokeussed on taking care over
your phonetic spelling that you can't give the matters on which
you are writing the consentrayshun they deserve.
Its a good thing for me, that I take an e z going approach to it.
spendius wrote:Just as one might have difficulty doing the Times crossword when one has a bee in one's bonnet.
I 'd resume writing after resolving matters with the bee.