Gala wrote: What I do think is okay about affairs is that it helps people stay in their marriage. That is, for the marriages that are not in a shambles. Mine is not a public defense of them, either. I think a marriage contract, over the long-haul, is just that, a contract, and within that contract people get restless and extremely bored. My attitude is, be discreet, don't confuse the fling with something more than a roll in the hay and as soon as it starts to be a burden then end it.
Affairs help people stay in their marriage? Wow. I completely disagree. What affairs do is destroy the trust. They're a cop out. Deal with the issues instead of canoodling with other people.
Why does marriage have to be perceived as a contract? It's a
relationship, somewhat more personal than a
contract. A marriage, to me, is two people who
want to be together, so if that's no longer true, then get out. That's the honourable thing to do - get out of it and then you can indulge in all the affairs you want. No guilty conscience, no dishonourable behaviour, no betrayals. Cheating is so disrespectful to your partner.
It's interesting that Conflicted chose not to address the questions I had for her - why she would treat someone she supposedly loves in this way. I wonder why that is. Perhaps because she has no answer. No honourable one, at least.
As I said earlier, I don't believe in vows being for life; they're really only good for as long as they're still meaningful to you. People do change and go through things that may have a lasting impact on their relationships with others; however, there is a decent, honourable and caring way to behave, vows or not.