Excluding the moral components, the scenario is similar to russian roulette. There is a thrill every time you spin the barrel and the chance of your number coming up is small, but if your number does come up, the results are devestating. Most people think playing russian roulette is pretty stupid based on the benefit derived versus the risk taken. The conclusion I draw from Conflicted's posts is that perhaps the results are not all that devestating in this case.
From Conflicted's statements, we've learned the chance of the husband finding out is small. The chance of her paramour's wife finding out is small (but she has no control over that and leaves it to her lover to worry about.) The enjoyment from the affair is high, but it's not like this affair is hot and heavy; strictly for fun a couple of times a month. If her husband did find out, the revelation will likely end the marriage. Normally, I would think that the last statement kind of overwhelms the previous ones. While the probability of detection is small, the destruction of the marriage would seem to be a pretty severe consequence. I wouldn't play russian roulette with a gun that had one thousand chambers and only one bullet because even though the odds are pretty good I'd get away with it, the repercussions of being wrong are still too high.
I think it is a logical conclusion that Conflicted at heart believes that if she was detected, she could live with the loss of the marriage.