my routine is getting crazy.
i now workout monday wednesday and friday.
monday i do
bench presses
inclined bench presses
standing bar curls
squats (omfg these are so amazing! if u do one exercise this is it!)
bicep curls
hammer curls
shoulder presses
bent over rows
standing rows
chest flys
lateral raises
wrist curl
reverse wrist curl
forearm curls
and a few more i forget
i do these every workout day.
reverse crunches
crossover crunches
push ups
explosive push ups
plyometric push ups
and ones where u push up on two bricks next to each other both hands on ground both on brick....
when i get a gym membership i can do leg presses and leg curls and etc...
this stuff really keeps u engaged focused and most of all BUSY! omfg.
**** oh yeah i do clena and jerks, snatches etc too. just added them to the el routinoe