Wed 23 Jul, 2003 12:58 pm
I have taken note of the fact that many threads on topics which are intrinsically of great import to some of us, are not sufficiently interesting to all of us to attract very many posts. Therefore, i have started this generic forum for matters which some of us regard with profound seriouness. Please drop by to unload your nagging worries, or remarks on those aspects of our lives and the world which alarm you.
I'll begin--why do the wimmins continue to torment innocent and well-meaning men with "The Shopping Expedition?' More to the point, why do we put up with this? Are we not all aware by now that this torturous experience must be a part of some deeper, devious plot by the wimmins? Can we not, by pooling our experiences and our intellect, discern what it is that the wimmins have in mind for us?
We wish it was serfdom.
Slavery, it is.
Depends on a woman. Some want serfdom for their men, the rest want slavery...
I propose smurfdom, loads of guys, only one woman. She would get outvoted every time, even in a happy mushroom patch democracy.
I don't mind being squinney's slave when she wears those black hose, spike heels, garters and buttless panties..... :wink:
It's the Hunter-Gatherer thing. Shopping is clearly gatherer behavior. Whereas domination of the TV remote is clearing hunter behavior.
Shopping? Y'all haven't liberated yourselves from the shopping expedition yet? All you've got to do is behave so badly that you are never wanted along again. Some gas, some loud, crude comments, maybe make a pass or two at the girls and boys who work at the store, pretend to be a perfume sample person -- eventually you'll find that not only do you not have to go on the shopping excursion, you also don't have to go to the supermarket, restaurants, or church. You can't lose.
Now that's what i had in mind . . . this thread couuld really take off . . . practical solutions to the knotty problems which vex us all . . .
besides, if a male refuses to go shopping, he must be given other tasks - take out trash, cook, vacuum, etc. you can't win either messieurs.
YOO HOO, Setanta. Please note that Dasha has started a very nice list for you. Perhaps, with your most excellent memory, known to all throughout the internet, you could memorize the shopping-alternatives and prepare a draft schedule for their completion?
(i do not envy that blonde dog. faced with a united front of eastern european feminine stubbornness and canadian pragmatism, the poor boy is stuck between a rock and a hard place. how will our hero fare? we'll find out, right after this word from our sponsor.)
Thanks fer the vote of confidence, Soz . . .
But let's be serious here folks, after all this is a very, very, very serious thread. Have you ever noticed that when the wimmins is wrong, they immediately change the subject, and ask about yer laundry, or some other irrelevant issue?
It IS a vote of confidence. I am very very confident in ehBeth's ability to get you to do whatever needs to be done.
Arm and Hammer's new detergent with bleach works great.
Let's analyze this word, PD: deter, to prevent or avert; gent, vernacular for a gentleman, a well-behaved, well-dressed man. Obviously, the wimmins does not want us to be well-behaved, or well-dressed. Hmmmm . . . now what is up with that? These wimmins, i tell ya, Boss, they is powerful devious . . .
soz, being the manly man that i am and keeping up with all the latest household hints, Tide with quick dissolve bleach is the highest rated
and evil, don't forget evil.................