Fman - so glad to hear from you! I have no idea what it all means - your medical info, but you just keep doing what the docs tell you and posting us your news.
farmerman, Glad you're being well taken care of.
Potassium and magnesium?
Bummer about the insurance.
Hope you'll be home soon--for good.
ommmmmmmmmmmm urp (all that cabbage is getting to me)
we'll hoist an adult beverage in your general direction on Friday
hopefully hoist one with you later this year - somehow, somewhere
There is somewhere , in the big training book for all hospital employees, a directive that goes something like.
1. Wait until 4 AM when , at that time, it is permisseable to begin all the standard chores that produce the highest volume of sudden piercing and clanging sounds. All talk should be in the highest volumes possible and routine patient monitoring shoyuld begin so as to totally disrupt any rest that patients may have gotten to that point.
2Breakfasts should be served at no later than 6:30 AM and should be composed of food-like substances that are clearly unidentifiable and everything shall be packed within HDPE 60 mil thickness thermal sealed bags. thus presenting the patient with a choice
a find a mechanical advantage tool in the room with which to open the bags or
b eat boiling hot oatmeal with your fingers , Hawaaian style.
I chose option c. just eat the banana and drink the coffeee and shut up, cause youre leaving sometime today.
Mg and K retention seems to be more than adequate. Theyre trying to keep my K meq/L above 4 , . When I go home, Im gonna need to exercise and then run to the nearest blood lab and get a K/Mg sustainability reading.
Needless to say, Im not gonna be in NYC today . Ive rescheduled my meetings for two weeks hence (assuming no setbacks)
I was really looking forward to meeting you all and , as ehbeth said, somewhere sometime soon. I am learning to relax a bit more . Spelling is, as always, optional
Hi Farmer. Sorry to read you are still there. thinking of you. All the best mate.
I'm glad that things seem to be under control and that you're going home today.
Sulking that I'm not gonna meet you.
Sounds like your on the mend farmerbloke. Good to hear.
yep, no coffins today. Im thinking about Paulownia cremation coffins. Strong, quick burning, light, cheap.
I think we have a business plan here.
Yikes farmerman!
I've been away smelling flowers for a few days and come back to see this!? I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and they're going to let you out of there.
Maybe it's time to pick up that airbrush once again for some recreational therapy.
Phew! Sounds promising. Hopefully, the longer stay at the hospital will mean no returning in a day or two........
farmerman wrote:There is somewhere , in the big training book for all hospital employees, a directive that goes something like.
1. Wait until 4 AM when , at that time, it is permisseable to begin all the standard chores that produce the highest volume of sudden piercing and clanging sounds. All talk should be in the highest volumes possible and routine patient monitoring shoyuld begin so as to totally disrupt any rest that patients may have gotten to that point.
2Breakfasts should be served at no later than 6:30 AM and should be composed of food-like substances that are clearly unidentifiable and everything shall be packed within HDPE 60 mil thickness thermal sealed bags. thus presenting the patient with a choice
a find a mechanical advantage tool in the room with which to open the bags or
b eat boiling hot oatmeal with your fingers , Hawaaian style.
I chose option c. just eat the banana and drink the coffeee and shut up, cause youre leaving sometime today.
Mg and K retention seems to be more than adequate. Theyre trying to keep my K meq/L above 4 , . When I go home, Im gonna need to exercise and then run to the nearest blood lab and get a K/Mg sustainability reading.
Needless to say, Im not gonna be in NYC today . Ive rescheduled my meetings for two weeks hence (assuming no setbacks)
I was really looking forward to meeting you all and , as ehbeth said, somewhere sometime soon. I am learning to relax a bit more . Spelling is, as always, optional
So sorry about the trip!!!
Glad to hear of your pending release.
Make sure you retain that ******* potassium!!!
Supaglue it in if necessary!
Im Hommmmmmmmme, Thanks for all the Ohhhhmmmmmmm
Ya know we are all pulling for ya.
Good to have you home, f-m. Stay there!
I'm glad you're home, fm, but sorry that I won't get to meet you tomorrow. We'll toast to your continued Mg & K retention!
Welcome Ohmmmmmmm Farmer :-D
since i'm on five pot pills PLUS bananas PLUS kiwis and other pot containing substances , the doc told my wife to keep a good eye on my behaviour !
if i start climbing trees and beating my chest , i should cut back on bananas - some humour the guy has


- please throw me a banana !
That's a lot of pot you're getting, burger.
Cool you're back home fm! I'm thinking of going the Second San Francisco Gathering, maybe I'll see your ugly mug there.
Hey burg, you get a buzz?