@Fil Albuquerque,
There iis a great debate as to who first coined the word "geology"> Qll that we agree among colleagues is that geology was a word that was used so as to differentiate itself from Theology.
Gaston du Lac usually has the most votes but he was kind of a method man. He woulda have made an engineer.
EWNGINEERING is a practice based upon "Trade off". You design something but just so there is enough safety in there or its fuel usage is "optimal"
Geology is a search for facts and evidence , often without any ide about what we can do with it. As an applied science guy I think tht, when I find something, my job is less than half done done. I used to hire academic geologists on summer retainers to go into the field and they would map the prospects. I would hire all kinds o specialists to confirm, deny, drill out, chemically test, and do 3D reserve calculation and "point shadow maps" of a reserve. Often I would market the reserve because my own money was put up in the project. Ive done pretty damn good in that. (I y that I hate gambling but, in rtrospect, the only difference between gambling and what I do, its like the difference between TExas Hold- em v doing card counting).
I would buy a prospect from stockholders or companies who wanted to offload the site. I would use all sorts of tricks to remotely evaluate whether I should invest my money further or not. Then the fun starts.
WOULD I DO it all again? YOU BET!!
My dad was a career military in Burma in WWII. He was hired as yarmaster then trinmaster by a Railroad qfter Korea (I was Born in Dec 1950). WHle they were comfortqble, my folks ere not rich. My fathers brother (Uncle Stash) was the one who got me interested in science as a craft. He was forever prospecting in the summers when he was off teaching at Colo Mines or UNM. When I was ateen I would accompany him as a "gopher". When he died, Uncle Stash left me a rather goodly amount which I later used to buy drilling equipment, rock labs and a bulk mill and I bought my first 2 gold "mine dumps" The dumps were as big as a small mountain qnd both came out at about 7% the ton. I made my first million at 26 for selling a pile of gold rich dirt to a company that processed Au for a Canadian processor . Gold was going to about 500$ an oz when I sold. Gold was easy, any idiot could make a fortune by buying 1st cut mine dumps. I witched to Pt, then Ti, qnd worked some REE's and Li in there