Seems like a long time for an ear ache. Bummer. ((((((( LittleK ))))))))
Osso, we don't have other people care for us. Or we haven't yet. When I worked for the other family, they used to have me work even when they were home sick and would not help me arrange to take sick time. That was one of the reasons why I quit that job. My sister, at least, doesn't do that.
Progress! My ear has popped (rather dramatically) several times this am. I don't have colors coming out of my nose. I can smell the cat's litter box <eew - YAY - eew!>!
littlek wrote:I can smell the cat's litter box!
I didn't really understand how badly off you were, until this sentence.
Popping IS progress! For us anyway. That's usually when we know that things are righting themselves. It seems to be when the fluid is on its way out, leaving wonky pressure in its wake.
Drew - now you see! I had to clean the box. And, to impress even more how bad it was: the box is in my bedroom.
Osso, it does feel like it's a good thing.
It seems I spoke too soon about the colors from my nose. It's still colorful.
If popping is good, then I'm glad you're popping.
The popping and renewed colorfulness can be related. It can be that the popping is about deep colorfulness coming unlodged (and finally getting out).
(what's a good thing?)
Glad you're popping away...
(I think littlek though I was you for a second there, osso...)
I am glad you're on your way to recovery, littlek. Nothing worse then
a constant throbbing pain that keeps you awake at night. Hopefully,
you can rest over the weekend, as this must have been stress pure for
Glad to "hear" your ears are clear(ing.) :wink:
<snort> Man, I can't wait to have my full intelligence back. I'm tired. Seems at around 4 pm I hit a wall. I crave nappy-time.
So how you doin' today, littlek?
This sucks! It's worse again today. Maybe because I worked. I also didn't get much sleep last night due to some anxiety attacking.
So, we're switching antibiotics. I think. Waiting for a call-back.
Can you catch a quick nap?
I'm done with work for the weekend. I'll nap and wait for the call-back.
This sucks. Still no move to take cultures. A new one-week round of antibiotics. They still aren't convinced it's bacterial.
Doesn't it sounds bacterial in that it got better for a while before it turned worse again? Like the antibiotics were working for a bit.
Like I said before, it can be really hard to tease out why it got better. Ear infections often get better on their own. As in, you're taking antibiotics, the ear infection gets better, seems like clear cause and effect; but then someone with the same kind of ear infection might get better in the same situation without having taken antibiotics.
Unfortunately (because of your situation), my opinion is that rest is the number-one way to help things along. You have this weekend, make the most of it. No pushing yourself, for ANYTHING. Spend a lot of time in bed. Watch a lot of movies. Read a lot. Thassit.
So, what's the best position for laying down - to maximize drainage?