Only just saw this, here's my reply on the other thread:
sozobe wrote:Runny reddish-orange could be liquefied wax.
The oil step makes me nervous, I'm not sure what effects that could be expected to have.
If it were a middle ear infection that resulted in a perforated eardrum, I'd expect the pain to stop as soon as there was a perforation (in other words, pain OR drainage, not both), and that your hearing in that ear would be worse than usual.
Hard to say at this distance though -- if problems continue Monday, I'd definitely recommend having an ENT check it out. Sorry that would be a financial hit.
More info at the Mayo Clinic site:
From those descriptions, seems like outer ear infection ("Swimmer's ear") is more likely.
Feel better!
Definitely about q-tips. Until you know what's going on, I suggest that you protect your ear from everything -- oil, drops, even water (use a shower cap).
There really shouldn't be continuing pain if it's a perforated eardrum. I haven't ever seen discharge like you describe, it makes me nervous.
I'm with osso on not being clear why you can't at least call...? Is it that you're concerned that they'll say some variation of "we can't tell you anything definite on the phone, you'll need to come in"? (That happens to us a lot.)
How is your hearing in the affected ear?