Stand next to a tree, and say that!
There, apparently beyond the vision of normal people, stood the goddess, not quite lit fully enough to distinguish her full and voluptious features in detail..........
The men fell flat and prone in awe.
Oh great Craven, I fear thee not. I know thee to be a gracious and loving god, full of grace and truth, and supreme bullshit, all of which is admirable. Please grant my wish for lovely body parts. Amen
Why????? You're perfect now.
Don't let our gracious god hear you say that will invoke his great wrath and he will suffer conflict of univeral proportions..........then all violence will break loose and we'll be oppressed as the heathen are.
Do you mean like when the Black Sea flood occurred? Boy, that was really a bummer.
I shall grant you one bountiful body part. A bosom.
Unfortunately you now look lopsided.
God!! You Jest!!
((Don't ya just love a god with a scent of humor????)))
She could stand a little meat on those spindly legs.
I jest not. I be serious and such.
No bosoms please.......oh great Craven dog, I like my little peaches as they are. But you could make my legs a little longer.
I, also, am without bullshitting.
I understand there is another god in town...this is a small town...and it's mine.
oh great mountie of mounties, we must share and share alike.
I will have no other gods.
Really I won't last fella ended up naked in a barn.
I shall grant thee one long leg.
Oh great Craven-dog, you have a sucky sense of aesthetics.
Hmmmm... minion standing by to see who is the victor in the War of the Titans.
Lola has one really long leg and one really big boob. She has not completely pleased god.