dlowan wrote:Er, why are prosperous loins an insult?
For the same reason i sit on an open microwave everyday.
If i be shootin' blanks I can point the gun at anybody.
Please reconsider my blessing, noble and powerful one.
I'm afraid it may make my ass huge.
"loins everlasting?"
Ah, the old preponderance of protuberance? May thy buns be comley, like two roes that are twins.
Edict to my followers:
Why? Have you been DEmembered!????
Guess you won't be needing that microwave, oh great one....
(Psssst! Craven! The microwave won't just affect the gametes!)
Psst, I also punch myself in the balls repeatedly just to be sure.
Discussing a god's contraceptive habits is blasphemous. I will strike you barren if you continue!
I will take her barren curse instead of the butt of fish you gave me... No matter how you try, I don't think you can make a butt of fish 'comely'.
TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!
Do thy worst! I don't want no babies!
tell that to a fish.....
or a merman.....
Roes be deer??
God is not confused! God is suffering temporary technical difficulties.
Give my chin a cleft in my statue please!
Cover thy eyes Oh Lord for the unclean ones do prance and gambol at thy altar! For they will soon feel the WRATH and their little fluffy tails will surely frizzle and waste away. And we sat down by the rivers, yadda yadda
The unclean ones shall bathe in the pool of shiloam. For none may abide the odor thereof..
Yes, roe deer be deer - why do ye want a cleft? A Kirk Douglas wannabe?
Can't you cleft stuff your own self?
That would be cleave, wouldn't it?
Sure you do not mean "gyre and gimble" Pondy?
You looking to be deputy god or summat?
Like Howard to Bush?
I wasted my clefts elsewhere.
I detect an insubordinate tone. Prostate thyself.
I got plenny of spare tails, you know. PLENTY!
Your impertinence shall bring thee brimstone in thine undergarments!
His likeness will be as that of Spartacus star, Kirk Douglas. Dig a deep hole in the chin.
<Stillwater is brown-nosin' the lord.>
<Encarta blasphemed the lord's intelligence and stated roe be fish. I prefer the lord's definition.>
The others out-typed me.
I don't got a prostate! ha ha!