Sofia - and a damned fine agendum it was, too.
Craven de Kere wrote:I detect that there is simply not enough fear of me hereabouts.
Please find it within you to fear my potence.
My believers are under divine instruction to question those who do not find my godliness to be self-evident. Please ask the disbelievers for conclusive evidence!
What if you are ticklish?
snood wrote:
May you lead an interesting life.
I grant you three exemptions to that whole firstborn thing. You can now have up to three firstborn scions without fear of any vengeful urge I fall under.
May thy loins be prosperous.
Holy Hannah! Its true, and its on Time.com!!!!!!
That's a CURSE, doofus!
(What Snood said is, I mean - well, it is "May you live in interesting times" - but it is close enough!)
Here's the evidence:
But it cannot be seen by a human eye, only the dogs can see it, so only the dogs shall know the truth :wink:
I was worried he was going to detect that 'lack of fear' thingie.
Was also worried about him coming to the conclusion he was god.
Now, he'll really be pissed at the typo in his job announcement. Craven de Vere...
You MAY doubt, oh tiny sock-heathen, but yeah the scales have fallen from mine eyes and I have WITNESSED the glory that IS THE ONE!!
Link! Link! I demand a link!
Stillwater seems like a true believer. Let him offer the sacrifice!
<the crowd chants: Still-water, Still-water, Still-water...>
I was just doing my first miracle of making beer turn into urine. But I am back and feelong mighty potent.
Mr Stillwater is a prophet among men. May he sit next to my father in heaven (yo, placid, don't let him eat chili).
I am aware of this no fear thing. I'm cooking up a thunderous plague!
Psst, yes deb, it is an insult. But so be prosperous loins.
hmmm- god as a mildly entertaining drunk - there's an off-off-off broadway masterpiece there...
i've done the beer to urine thing many, many, times.
Hey, don't steal my act! I also do the "open a fridge door and turn a little light on AT THE SAME TIME trick!".
He claims powers as great as the lord! There'll be a killin'.
Er, why are prosperous loins an insult?
Hmmm - looks like little Cousin Emma has proved him mortal!
Kill the wab-bit!
Kill the wab-bit!
Thanks for pointing out the blasphemy. May thy loins be everlasting.