Speaking of which dys...what do you call two gay men named Bob? Oral Roberts!
Quote:Gen, either NH is using a different handle or someone else is using her quotes.
Yes thanks

I had figured it out, but did't want to be rude so I just posted the way I did for that reason, on the off chance I was incorrect.
THanks Cav, I was meaning to ..umm.. Surprise D.H. tonight.
I can't log into my New Haven account. Why? Don't know.
NH - post to the help forum, Jespah can help when she's online next!
Oral Roberts & Linda Lovelace have a 97 % chance of having sex
I'm back as New Haven. So long, MORI!
Please stop analyzing New Haven and her sneaky aliases, and discuss oral sex!
People-- I thought oral sex was only for men until I was in my twenties! And, thought it was too disgusting an idea to even contemplate (recieving)until my late twenties...
Ages, please. And, for bonus points-- are you a giver and/or reciever?
muahahahahahahaha. Evil convo. New Haven, you have to answer, or we'll get Craven to double-secret ban you again. :wink:
Reciver: 27.
Giver: SHUT UP!
"Let go of my ears, I know what I'm doing."
Everything I needed to know about giving I learned from LA Law...remember the 'Venus Butterfly' episode? I looked it up...
I'll be 27 in... about 12 days. And like you I was uncomfortable about receiving oral until my 4th year of marriage ( I have been incredibly happily wed for 7 years this may 12th)
Geeze that sounds like a meeting of OSA! {oral sex anonymous
So, you'd rather discuss oral sex and not MORI?
Ban her again! This time, for thirty minutes!!!!
Oral sex, you diddling penguin!
Thank you! I was thinking I was WAY too sheltered. (Which I was, but I guess you were, too.)
Isn't it funny that you can be MARRIED to someone, and still be too shy for,.....some things?
How long before you farted in front of him?
Quote: Gen--
Thank you! I was thinking I was WAY too sheltered. (Which I was, but I guess you were, too.)
Isn't it funny that you can be MARRIED to someone, and still be too shy for,.....some things?
How long before you farted in front of him?
It wasn't because I was sheltered. I have had several bad experiances before hubby. So I wasn't able to really to relax around him until i had worked some nuances out.
Earlier in this thread I had discussed some of this. I had been abused as a kid and so self confidance things at one time; were an issue with me. but luckily for me I have my D.H. and he was all I needed to put things in to the perspective they needed.