I can't believe you wasted good bourbon

The punch would have saved the drink
I have found that giving a lot of oral sex to a woman can save money on dental floss...
cavfancier wrote:I can't believe you wasted good bourbon

The punch would have saved the drink

i know....

i don't think i'll ever forgive myself for that one.....
but i had one in each hand so i would've had to drop one to hit him anyway... it was a no-win situation!!!!!
Bah, coulda kicked him in the balls and hung on to both drinks, heh heh.
Q: Why are pubic hairs like brussell spouts?
A: Most people just push them to one side and carry on eating...
Oral-genital sexuality is one of the fun items on most everyone's menu. But that wasn't so for, I think, many of the folks of my parents' generation. I talked with my mother about oral sex on one occasion and her response was "Even if I'd wanted to, your father wouldn't have let me." A cultural taboo.
I'm 55. Has anyone else about my age talked with their folks about this?
cavfancier wrote:Some women shave...
Indeed. I have suffered from some bad cases of reverse-beard-rash (think about it) in my time. My (now ex)girlfriend commented at the time "Well, now you know it feels for me when you've not shaved." Fair point, really. She stopped smirking about 3 days later when it started itching like the devil...
Gautam - what are you on about?
I was laughing at yr joke mate ! It was a masterpiece !!!
I really cant comment on Oral sex for women though
all I can say (from experiance with my wife) guys no porno tounge and everyone likes it a lil different. woman only need 1 tip....NO TEETH lol
I have been Quoted!!!! Yippy
well can you blame me i want to really know a person face to face and have good communication before i let them do that!!! intamacy comes from more than sex! "and i am very picky about my shoes and they only go on my feet!!" --- alicia silverstone clueless
It's often claimed (usually by women) that women in general are better than men at doing two things at once. Any man who's ever done 69 with a lady knows that it's not true!
(Climbs into bunker, awaiting feminine ICBM attack)
Any wimmins heard of the 'Venus Butterfly?'
Heavens no, Blatham! My mother died before - you know - and it is only by the purest slip of the tongue that my father did not go to his grave believing me a virgin!
I believe my parents only ever did it - missionary position - twice. And I know they did not enjoy it...
parents don't have oral sex!!!! anyone who says they do..... yuck i don't want to even think about it!!! bad visual can't think about it.
cavfancier wrote:Any wimmins heard of the 'Venus Butterfly?'
haha i'm not a woman but I have. my father, since my mother and he split is all too open about sex I keep telling him I don't need to know but somehow he's become a player lol
ha ha! safecracker, I feel for you...nobody should have to hear their dad talk about sex....one night, my wife and I were out for dinner with my dad, and our grandfather (my mother's dad, sadly passed away). My dad for whatever reason makes some comment about how he isn't getting enough nookie at home (he didn't use those words, but the meaning was clear). The awkward silence that followed was deafening....in front of mom's dad, never mind us...not one of his shining moments.
Good night no, Blatham. Are you kidding? My father might have been able to have this conversation with me during our adult years, but sadly, as you know, he didn't make it long enough to know me as an adult. And my Mom, I agree with Deb, I know the answer so why ask. Very interesting question..
As for doing two things at the same time, I don't see why women would be better at it than men. And as it relates to 69, my experience hasn't confirmed the claim either way. Some are good at doing two things at once, and some aren't. But when they are, it's very nice.
I've seen lots of ads for that Venus Butterfly thingy. I'd buy one for my wife -- but why take chances.