Oral sex is only nasty if it's with Oral Roberts
How can that be? Roberts is a God-fearing Bible-loving man!
Oh thank God I haven't broken the law...........yet.
Lola no rest for the wicked!!! You Go Girl!!!!
MORI - you seem strangely familiar, y'know.
How do you like my big , black pupils?
When did you go into teaching in inner-city schools, "MORI", if that is your real name...(a joke, a joke...)
strangely familiar indeed.
I have a hunch that to oher a2k'ers, Mori isn't so new.. even if a different persona was used.
Gen, either NH is using a different handle or someone else is using her quotes.
Gen, in the aphrodisiac food thread, you mentioned ice...was gonna post, but thought it would be more appropriate here. Mrs. cav has demonstrated the upside of having an Altoid mint in one's mouth while, well, you know...this is really more for the guy's pleasure, but it works!
Little k:
If I could log in as New Haven, then that's what I'd be doing.
Quite possible, quoting psalms and talking, like Bill Bennett, about gambling.
this just in----its not true that Oral Roberts married Linda Lovelace. there are somethings even she gags on.
MORI - Well, I'm much happier if NH=MORI than the other way around. Why the change?
MORI - Well, I'm much happier if NH=MORI than the other way around. Why the change?