Just as phoney as a three dollar bill. I'd say, she can't stand the thought of the thread running this long without being int he middle of it . . .
I'm glad you brought this back to more on topic. I wouldn't impede anyone's rights. I guess you might have missed the part about where I now understand how I was before but I wouldn't now?
Actually, the question I had about the transgendered/transvestites was extrememly sincere. Has nothing to with Roxxxanne. It has everything to do with crossing boundaries and how do you decide when it's a joke or it's abusive?
It's okay to do it as long as someone does it to you first?
It's okay to discriminate against someone transgendered/transvetite and yet call someone else a hypocrite when they have problems in any way with homosexuality?
I am trying to learn about this issue. Many have been very helpful in teaching me. When I have questions about something in my experience and can get feedback on it, I will ask.
So, Lash, is it okay to make disparaging remarks to someone because of a possible gender dysfunction that you (anyone) perceives? If it's ok, why? If it's not, ok. Why?
Treat human beings like human beings. No better or worse due to color, sexual orientation, or religion.
Learn what discrimination means.
**** off.
End of lesson.
<Lash just channelled real-life joeblow. Love it.>
End of lesson indeed. I hope that you learned that it is not okay to discriminate against someone because of a perceived difference just as much as I have learned it's not okay.
I will fully expect to not see you call me a hypocrite again. In some way Lash, we are all hypocrites. In some way we all discriminate.
I am learning how not to do that against people because of their sexual orientation, choices, religion, etc. But, I will not let someone call me what they are guilty of themselves.
No harm, no foul. Stalemate as far as I'm concerned.
You have no idea what discrimination is. She uses sexual orientation against people she disagrees with. All the time. I don't know what that says about her, (I always found it weird that she uses something like that as an insult), but I have NO problem returning the same thing in kind.
That's not discrimination, that's payback. It's Equal Opportunity. If a blue haired lady attacks my sexual orientation, I do the same. It doesn't change because the person who does it is transgendered. They are the same as everybody else.
Were I to treat her differently, that would be discrimination. She has no fear of that.
Not from me. She does from you, though.
Ok, so if someone does it to you first, then it's ok? I see. Thank you for answering my question. I appreciate it.
Stupid questions deserve rational answers? What has the world come to?
Back to the ranch, or the sheephearding, or whatever.
I can't believe how we all got to tip toe around peoples religious belies but they never have to tip toe around any elses beliefs or lifestyles. It seems the only thing that devoutly religious and the fundamentals have right is a free ticket to insulting and in some cases attacking (or killing) those who don't agree with there so called "word of god" beliefs. Excuse me for this outburst but i'm sick of it. Look things change and so does culture (and dare i say it) religion hanging onto a 2000 year old beleif sytsem is not only archai but ridiculous it's like haning onto you're beta video player and trying play dvd's on it and wondering why nothing agrees.
Not just archaic but arcane. It's the arcane interpretations that are troublesome. They give the control freak fundamentalist license to hate and deceive, resembling more the serpent in the Old Testament than any mirror of Christ.
tagged, that was beautiful "like hanging onto a beta video player and trying play dvd's on it".
Just when I had almost forgotten about betas!
thanks flushd it just seems to make the point so well doesn't it, I mean you wanna watch movies (live your life) but if there's a better way to do it and away that provides a higher standard and quality of film (life) then why stick to the old one cos you too afraid to change over to the DVD player or don't understand the menus? because DVD's scratch- all i'm saying is that everything has got it's down sides but some things seem to be heavily outbalanced by downsides and the good points so limeted. besides were leaving in aworld that revolves around DVD's not beta tapes so we got adjust and keep up
you live and learn right, learn and better (hopefully) your quality of life so in turn that means readjusting beliefs and sometimes dare i say it values. But then again the problem with belief is that it is irrational.
Belief is what one wants to be true but isn't necessarily (and with some rarely) true.
There are many studies on pheromones and gay people. It strongly points to the fact that gay men are attracted to male pheromones rather than female (true, disguised too often with heavy perfume!) Thanks RexRed.
Lightwizard wrote:There are many studies on pheromones and gay people. It strongly points to the fact that gay men are attracted to male pheromones rather than female (true, disguised too often with heavy perfume!) Thanks RexRed.
Does that prove something?
echi wrote:Lightwizard wrote:There are many studies on pheromones and gay people. It strongly points to the fact that gay men are attracted to male pheromones rather than female (true, disguised too often with heavy perfume!) Thanks RexRed.
Does that prove something?
It might prove that all men are not created equal...

Neither are all women created equal... We are all individuals and there is neither male nor female but all are one in the unity of our species.