Good! Now, there is just one more thing. Er, maybe two.
First, it is a great thing to be able to see all sides of a situation. I do that, too. It will help you in the long run. HOWEVER...don't EVER forget that your first job is to take care of yourself. Especially when dealing with a legal process. Lawyers look at everything in adversarial terms. (A divorce is Him VS. Her, etc.) Especially divorce lawyers. It's all about winning to them. Regardless of what your soon-to-be-ex thinks or says, his lawyer will be trying to get as much as possible for him. It's his responsibility. Therefore, you MUST have someone of at least equal skill representing YOUR interests. Am I being clear enough here?! GET A GOOD LAWYER IMMEDIATELY!!!
Now...about ways to handle the anger. First, there is physical exercise. Running is good, kickboxing is even better. Anything that gives you a target to pummel in a controlled environment will work. When I was going through a divorce, I ran. At first I pretended I was stomping on his face with every step. Then, every corner I turned was another year I was leaving behind me, etc. You get the idea.
Besides exercise, destruction is therapeutic. Tear something up. Just be sure it's something inconsequential. Maybe it's breaking cheap mugs against a brick wall...maybe it's pounding a pillow...maybe it's weeding a garden, pretending the weeds are his hair and you're pulling it out one hunk at a time.
Think this is funny? At the point where you're doing these things...and know you're getting better. Because laughter is the best, most productive way to dispel stress there is.
(((Hugs to you)))
Now, go destroy something.