Hello! Hello! Hello!Lovely to see you all, too.
MsOlga -- I loved your horoscope. That beloved one from primary school days? <heehee> I happened upon a website yesterday that reminded me of you and your love of cats. You might like it...
Tao of Meow
Drom! What? Not traveling???
I took some time off for a trip to the midwest and the east coast. When I returned at the end of last month, I became very busy on a project I started. I spend most of my time on the IMDb website and others, researching films. A friend and I are running film programs at our local library. Ahhh, you know how films can affect people? Well, we are trying to do the right thing by choosing important films that will make people think. Of course, we want them to be wonderful to watch, as well. It's been a struggle to get financing and get everyone involved "on board." We have five parts to the programming, children's films, Anime for young adults (as they're called), foreign films and showcase films, plus a film study group. (Apparently they are the newest thing -- like a book club.)
Clary! Yep... oak leaves. Gotta have 'em! This website...
Royal Observatory of Edinburgh
...should help you find the exact timing for your full moon. I'd say, when it rises on Friday it will be full, but you could enjoy it just as well on Thursday evening.
Here's another website that shows a calendar of moon phases:
Moon Calendar
Setanta -- Ukrainian witches? How interesting. Never heard that. Let's see, you used to be a Scorpio, but now you're a Gemini, right?