I think he looks great, too, MsOlga. I hope he behaves well. I'm sure he loves you very much.
Things are good here. I haven't yet painted the mural but I held the brushes in my hands this morning.
That counts! I do know what I want, but loads of housework built up while we were gone and Mr.P has me chasing after tax documents because (ugh) income taxes & property taxes are coming due. The weather is cool: it was 39F when I got up and has dropped to 38 which is not good at all! PLUS it started to rain. After the last 2 days of gorgeous weather here and all last week enjoying Mexican warmth... I must admit, it is disheartening, but I have loads of inside work to do so I shouldn't complain. (Hah, I still will.)
Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology has the right attitude and lots of other stuff to read about. He's a big Burning Man fan.
March 3, 2004
Quote:SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your power this week will come primarily from decisions not made, words not spoken, actions not taken, and spaces not filled. Everything you need will arrive if you have created enough emptiness. Everything you love will thrive if it has the freedom to do and be nothing. To ensure that you never succumb to the pressure of Type A bullies who think every moment has to be filled with ambitious commotion, steal away often to stare dreamily out the window and listen to the sound of silence.
BTW, according to Free Will, you're having a pretty spectacular time!! It almost makes me wish I were a Pisces. Today is my mom's birthday. She died 21 years ago, but it is still an important date in my calendar. Both she and my MIL (Feb 28) were Pisces so I have a fishy background.
Here's the Piscean 'scope:
Quote:PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Normally I endorse the proverb that says, "You can't cross a chasm in two short jumps." In your current state of grace, however, you just may be able to find a loophole in that cosmic law. The massive amounts of dumb luck that have been surging your way seem to be on the verge of mutating into out-and-out miracles. You could be the first anti-hero in your family line to turbo-charge a quantum leap of faith in mid-leap.