Sun 3 Nov, 2002 09:55 am
I am in my glory today. It is a magnificent 70F here in east, central Florida, clear as a bell, sunshine and the sounds of the ocean surf (when the breeze is blowing in the right direction), and beautiful flowers blooming on my porch. You'll have to ask Rae what they are, i'm not good with the names:(
My kitty kat Paddy Cassidy is basking in the cool breezes, and we're off work today!
Does it get any better?
Misti, I am so jealous. We have just ended our 5th coldest October on record. November doesn't look any more promising

I just want to wrap up in a warm blanket and cocoon!
I'm wit ya, Swimp.
At least it's nice snuggle-with-a-stack-of-books-and-a-warm-little-toddler weather.
Good morning, soz! I hope there will be some warm days before winter sets in. I feel like we got swindled out of Autumn.
Nice red maple in the neighbor's yard, though. And some lovely blue-sky days. But cooooooold!
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we are still now basking under the umbrella of the most sustained high pressure ridge of my lifetime. We've had something like one tenth normal rainfall (thank you jesus!!!) Temperatures at night are only now getting briefly to freezing, but that is at points farther from the ocean than I am (two blocks) and days can be still work-with-shirt-off warm. Lack of wind/rain storms and warm air have keep the trees leafed longer than normal and the piles that have fallen are, of course, dry and thus very easy to bury recently deceased in-laws under.
I know what you mean, which is why I moved to Florida.
If only we could have the 4 seasons here and the tropical weather too:( But, can't have it all, can we?
Yeah, that would be neat ... but I'll have to settle for iced tea instead of hot chocolate!
I would love to see a blazing fire in the evening, the smell of leaves burning, hot chocolate on the stove (microwave), and loved ones all around ... I miss those times.
blatham, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're in God's country, it's so beautiful out there it takes your breath away, and your weather is almost perfect:) Thanks for the reminder!
Well, there are times when the dull grey sky and ceaseless rainfall makes one feel like he's in a particularly disheartening Bradbury story...but when it doesn't rain, it is a lovely place.
Blatham: I hear yah! After growing up in Dublin I've had all I can stand of grey, overcast, rainy days ... talk about depressing!
Actually, there is evidence that living in the kind of weather we speak of causes severe depression, and I can believe it.
Two days of rain here in Florida gets me started in the wrong direction, and I'm totally spoiled.
There's a silver lining though, you have greener grass than we have:)
Misti26- Greetings from WEST Central Florida. It is gorgeous here too, finally. It is about 75 degrees, and pretty dry, for Florida. <private message to Misti26>. I didn't think that I could bear another hot, muggy day, but don't tell the others! :wink:
I hear yah! I won't breathe a word:)
Private message to Pheonix: Even when it's muggy and in the 90's, I still prefer it to shoveling that white stuff, bear trees, overcast skies, etc. etc. But don't tell anyone, because I still think the 4 season are great.
I guess it's a personal thangy!
Of course....fifteen minutes from my home I can go skiing, a five minute walk with my kayak takes me to the ocean, a thirty minute drive up the valley and I can go hot air ballooning, and the grass is very green.
Not to mention that beautiful, scenic drive Route 1 affords. :wink:
It is a pretty drive. Have you been over to the Gulf Islands?
No, not to the Gulf Islands, but Big Sur took my breath away. Not just the scenery but we broke down there, as you know there's nothing as far as gas stations or stores or telephone booths for miles. We got lucky, someone gave my brother-in-law a ride to the nearest gas station where he could have the tire repaired.
Wish I had had a digicam at the time.
Misti! You could have ICED chocolate!
I'm experimenting with iced tea and ice cream ... the ice cream didn't go too well with the wine, so that's out!
I will keep working on it though! How about Chivas and ice cream? Let's see now..........hmmmph.............
As lovely as your weather sounds at the moment, Misti, I still vote for mine here on Long Island: Definite seasons, with only a snow storm or two each winter to give the kids an unexpected day off from school; a summer that is rarely oppressive and usually pleasantly warm (sometimes humid but not nearly as humid as it can be in FL); and spring -- marvelous spring which makes having to go through winter so easy.