Let me throw my hat in a "political debate" just once...
I am in no way a Bush supporter.
But I do not agree with all of the **** being flung at him saying this is all his fault. What the hell? He didnt create a hurricane.
What he
hasnt done can be stacked on top of many things. Everyone can debate that.
YES. people are dying. YES this could have been handled MUCH diffrent.
YES there is a problem when the president isnt addressing issues such as this when he is on 'vacation' ..

( great timing that was, jack-hole)
I can, and so can others, go on and on and on about " Bush
didnt do this, and Bush
isnt doing that..
Take the focus away from Bush for one second because even if he was the ' man of war and strength' he wants to be .. >sigh<
What would make people happy? Seeing him on a little boat floating around the city personally saving lives ? Then people would bash him calling him a 'glory monger'. But he isnt. even if he WOULD, he could only save a few people. Would this right the situation? No
he has deployed help.. though spread paper thin.
Now those people who are helping are being shot at, attacked and have to be safe themselves. They can not rush into millions of gallons of water and be effective. They have to stay ALIVE... and unfortunatly that means they have to be safe, SLOW , and effective.
We would all like to think that the national guard can just fly over and resuce everyone and all will be well in 24 hours.
Not happening.
These people are terrified and are in a state of riot.
If the national guard, red cross... and who ever else is there ,started randomly dropping food people would kill each other for it. They would hoard and fight . Then who gets it? Only the strong? And guess what would happen then? The same thing that is happening now .. Bush would be blamed.
" Well YEAH people are gonna hoard... Bush should have had it dropped sooner....."
True.. but he nor anyone else can control human fear and the fight to survive.
On top of that.. everyone seems to forget there are
MILLIONS of gallons of water IN THE WAY. Trucks can only get so far.
helicopters can not see roof tops because of fallen trees and debris.
What would have been a safe place to land BEFORE is now unknown because the conditions of these buildings is questionable.
What are they supposed to do?? This is millions of acres covered with twice as much water.
Most of us can not wrap our brains around the size of this disaster. [/u]
The disaster isnt his fault.
His actions are a day late and a dollar short.
But even with all the dollars he can/should / could designate to this disaster it does little. Water IS IN THE WAY of even the most expencive rescue efforts. Human fear IS IN THE WAY of even the biggest rescue crowd. This disaster is enormous. Almost uncomprehendable even to those still stuck on their roof tops.
Alot of the simple solutions at this point fall into the
hands of americans.
As momma angel said.. there are thousands of people doing very selfless deeds right now. But they dont make the news.
Simple solutions would be greyhound - donating busses
Cruise ships - ferrying people out
Normal every day people- giving spare rooms, clothes , food, everything they can
Grocery stores- swallowing the cost and giving food and bottled water
Large corporations - matching donations from employees
Other businesses- ALLOW EMPLOYEES the time off of work to go HELP
Real estates- donating houses, apts , condos for homeless victims
Construction companies- donating MAN POWER and supplies to build make shift temporary shelters
Home building supply shops- dontaing supplies..
the list can go on and on.
Instead of placing the blame of thousands of people on the shoulders of one inadequate person, we as a nation need to swallow the cost and do something. Stop waiting for a green light to give our time and effort and stop playing the blame game.
Get off your ass and do something. Bush wont.