Steve (as 41oo) wrote:from bbc
"Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said he fails to understand why better preparations were not made before Hurricane Katrina struck."
As did reuters and all major newsagencies, calling Powell the [new] "potential hurricane czar".
I just realized why Bush didn't order hurricane/flood relief sooner than he did.
He remember that Noah and his Ark managed to save human and animal life on the planet during the 40 days and 40 nights flood of the Bible. He had instructed FEMA to build a fleet of Arks and a staff of animal control officers to take care of things along the Gulf Coast.
Satisfied that he had prepared for the worse, he toddled off on his month long vacation in Texas.
Bush did state, you will recall, that he believed in delegation.
I guess we shoud dub him the great delegator president.
Now all of this makes sense, doesn't it?
Has anyone got Noah's cell phone number?
Is MrGo about to go? Why did the riverboat traffic never materialise?
You cant fight nature. If you keep draining swamp land and building more city space, nature has a nasty habit of taking it back all at once.
You have to go with nature, go with the flow if you like. In this respect the Dutch know a thing or two about swamps.
They go up and down with them.,1518,377050,00.html
Anyone here read Carl Hiaasen?
He's good.
Detective fiction with an Everglades/ Florida ecology background.