World stunned as US struggles with Katrina

Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 12:19 am
There was no way to save those people from a Cat 4 hurricane but tell them to leave. It's nuts to think otherwise.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 12:32 am
Lash wrote:
There was no way to save those people from a Cat 4 hurricane but tell them to leave. It's nuts to think otherwise.

Then don't expect any feel good stories.

Evidently everyone down there had the "every man for himself" and "personal responsibility" attitude.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 12:39 am
They had the "warn them as soon as possible, because everyone knows a major city can't evacuate its' inhabitants within 24 hours" attitude.

More than half those people chose not to go.

Only old and infirmed people should have stayed--and even then, how is the city supposed to even FIND them in 24 hours, much less find and evacuate? Some things aren't possible.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 12:56 am
Lash wrote:
They had the "warn them as soon as possible, because everyone knows a major city can't evacuate its' inhabitants within 24 hours" attitude.

More than half those people chose not to go.

Only old and infirmed people should have stayed--and even then, how is the city supposed to even FIND them in 24 hours, much less find and evacuate? Some things aren't possible.

Did you take a survey, lash? I guess the young and not infirmed without a car and/or money for gas, restaurant food and lodging should have simply walked to safety? If you should happen to get raped tomorrow, will you still cling to this blame the victim mentality?
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 01:39 am
Momma Angel wrote:

In any given situation attitude makes all the difference in the world. I realize that thousands probably have died because of this disaster. And that cuts anyone to the heart.

But, what good has all of the political bashing, finger pointing, and name calling done? It is dividing the country. It's like Hurricane Katrina did what Osama Bin Laden didn't.

I want to see some of the good things. The heroic rescues by people, the children saved, etc. New Orleans has always been a city that is in the public eye because of the crime rate and the NOPD. Now, NO is being shown as a city that has rapists, looters, snipers, and rioters in the middle of a natural disaster. All that is being focused on is the bad side. And, what those people are doing in NO is no one's fault but their own. I am talking about the looters, rapists, etc. They are the ones displaying that behavior. That has nothing to do with the Mayor, Governor, or the President. Those are the ones that are making it so difficult for the others to be rescued. Would you really want to go down there and try to help someone knowing you might be shot or raped?

What if no one in current Admin didn't show up in New York until September 16, 2001? What if only a handful of NY firefighters rushed to the NY Trade Center Towers because they had to plan a strategy? Only a handful of DC fire fighters rushed to the Pentagon because they had to plan a strategy? Bush flew over NYC in AF One on September 14, 2001? Condi had shopped on Rodeo Drive on September 15, 2001? Bush said "My friend lost his house here in New York but I can see a beautiful thing rising up in a year. I can see myself sitting on the front porch." Do you honestly think Bush would be the sitting president today?

You think the looting and other nefarious activities are all the fault of the criminals of New Orleans? I don't think so, MA. The situation drove them to such extremes. They had no food, no potable water, no medical supplies, no assistance. They were left to their own resources for days. Ladies who delivered new babies in the hospitals during the storm, and other patients deemed recovered enough were turned out to get to the Superdome and Convention Center so the hospital could take rescued patients with more serious needs, and the women went, only to find no supplies, no help, and extreme heat. Many died there. Many more went on to get bussed to Houston in busses without a/c, but the ride took hours, and their reception wasn't always the best. Why were they bussed the whole way when Bush was able to ride Air Force One in to an airport not too far from NO? All those busses could've been ferrying people a whole lot faster if they had only been going as far as the airport... Then there was the treatment of the visitors getting to cut into the front of the line at some point, when there were still thousands who'd been waiting at the designated relief center for days, told to wait just a little while longer while these visitors and their luggage were bussed on out ahead of them... The treatment of the citizens was outrageous!!!
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 02:12 am
Here's newspaper comment from around the world:

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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 02:24 am
McTag wrote:
Here's newspaper comment from around the world:


More tripe from America haters, McTag. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting that.

If you want the real answers, the scoop, the lowdown, the real deal, you don't have to go farther than our own Lash and Momma Angel.

You can't begin to imagine how deeply disappointed I am in you.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 02:34 am
I only post Maureen Dowd because Lash made me do it.

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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 02:51 am
McTag wrote:
Here's newspaper comment from around the world:


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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 02:52 am
McTag wrote:
I only post Maureen Dowd because Lash made me do it.


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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 03:20 am
Forgive me Lash and Momma Angel for I'm about to sin. I realize that the truth has no place here but lawdy lawdy, the devil made me do it.


Falluja Floods the Superdome
Published: September 4, 2005

The failures of 9/11 come home to roost.


As always, the president's first priority, the one that sped him from Crawford toward California, was saving himself: he had to combat the flood of record-low poll numbers that was as uncontrollable as the surging of Lake Pontchartrain. It was time, therefore, for another disingenuous pep talk, in which he would exploit the cataclysm that defined his first term, 9/11, even at the price of failing to recognize the emerging fiasco likely to engulf Term 2.


The president's declaration that "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees" has instantly achieved the notoriety of Condoleezza Rice's "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center." The administration's complete obliviousness to the possibilities for energy failures, food and water deprivation, and civil disorder in a major city under siege needs only the Donald Rumsfeld punch line of "Stuff happens" for a coup de grĂ¢ce.

[continued at]

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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 07:29 am
Lash wrote:
They had the "warn them as soon as possible, because everyone knows a major city can't evacuate its' inhabitants within 24 hours" attitude.

More than half those people chose not to go.

Only old and infirmed people should have stayed--and even then, how is the city supposed to even FIND them in 24 hours, much less find and evacuate? Some things aren't possible.

For a moment lets just take away the politics and blaming the victims and think about how horrible this all is for those involved. I know we are not supposed to (new rule I guess) but this one is just so sad I don't know which parts to excerpt.


By ALLEN G. BREED, Associated Press Writer
8 minutes ago



I think people have simply lost their minds because of the shock of the living conditions in the aftermath of the hurricane. In this post I am not blaming anyone but I am just stating what I think has occurred which has caused people to react this way. Who knows what any of us would do in similar despairing conditions?
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 08:00 am
Lets look at a few things people,and try to examine them rationally.

First of all,we all know that mistakes were made,and the govt response,from ALL of the various govt agencies,was slow.
That includes city,and state,as well as federal. There have been mistakes made all the way down the line.

You can say that we should have been better prepared,and you would be right,but nobody ever expected this.
You can say that we were warned,you can say that there were studies done,and you would be right.
But,all the warnings in the world meant nothing,because nobody could comprehend the magnitude of the potential disaster.
There are warnings and studies for the results of the New Madrid fault shifting or Mt Shasta erupting,but nobody can really imagine it happening.

Why were they bussed the whole way when Bush was able to ride Air Force One in to an airport not too far from NO?

The people ARE being flown out.
The major air carriers are sending planes into NO to help with the evacuation.
Remember,BOTH airports were under water at one point.
Bush did NOT ride AF1 into the NO area.
He flew into Alabama,and then flew on Marine 1 the rest of the way.
Marine 1 is a helicopter.
The AF sent combat controllers and engineers into one of the airports and got one of them up and running.
As soon as that was done,people started getting flown out,and supplies flown in.

Then there was the treatment of the visitors getting to cut into the front of the line at some point, when there were still thousands who'd been waiting at the designated relief center for days, told to wait just a little while longer while these visitors and their luggage were bussed on out ahead of them... The treatment of the citizens was outrageous!!!

You are absolutely right,this is outrageous.
BUT,it was the mayor of NO that did this,not the federal govt.
He made some serious mistakes,and this is just one of them.

You think the looting and other nefarious activities are all the fault of the criminals of New Orleans? I don't think so, MA. The situation drove them to such extremes. They had no food, no potable water, no medical supplies, no assistance.

From what I have heard,looting food,water,and other essential supplies is some way legal in NO after a disaster like this.
But,how does that excuse the people taking tv's,electronics,jewelry,and other things not needed for their survival?

Did you take a survey, lash? I guess the young and not infirmed without a car and/or money for gas, restaurant food and lodging should have simply walked to safety?

This points to one of the mistakes that were made.The mayor did have the means to evacuate more people,but he didn't.

No one has even met to analyze what went wrong and how to fix it. So, I'll stop harping when I see that mistakes have been corrected so they don't happen again.

Are you actually suggesting that the authorities stop everything and have a meeting to examine what went wrong?
If they do that,you will then complain that they stopped for a meeting.
Right now,its more important that the rescue and recovery efforts go on.
Those efforts take priority over any meetings.
After this is over,then the authorities will sit down and examine what went wrong,what worked,and how to fix what didn't work.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 09:14 am
Some of this is true. No-one comes out of this with much credit, and some in senior positions have been criminally negligent.

Howver Mr Bush made some wildly inappropriate remarks before and after his belated visits, and I hope the people remember that. From my viewpoint, he is not in command of his brief.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 09:52 am
Trying to figure out what to say here.

"These people are terrified and are in a state of riot." Murder incidence on the rise in New Orleans.

Now, just what is behind statements such as those?

Point out the positive things that have been done in response to the disaster?

Why? Is that not what is expected? Why waste print, media, their time, our time - with feel good stories that we all know about anyway, from all of our previous natural disasters?

Didn't or couldn't expect something of this magnitude?

Of course we did, and could. We just ignored what we knew and did nothing to ameliorate its effects, change its outcome, forestall disaster, anything at all.

We knew. Coast 26 has been around since the 1990's, "Drowning New Orleans" from Scientific American in 2001, Bush's own studies about all of our major coastal cities (NBC Meet the Press, two hours ago).

And since when is hearing or reading about the reaction in other parts of the world below the belt? News is news. Views are views.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 11:19 am
In any event the responsiblity became federal as soon as New Orleans was declared a state of emergency; which was before the levee broke and New Orleans flooded.

Monday, Aug. 29:

- Katrina, a Category 4 hurricane with 145 mph winds, makes landfall near Buras, La., at 6:10 a.m. CDT (7:10 a.m. EDT).

- President Bush makes emergency disaster declarations for Louisiana and Mississippi, freeing up federal funds.

- Katrina rips two holes in the Superdome's roof. Some 10,000 storm refugees are inside.
- At least eight Gulf Coast refineries shut down or reduce operations.

- Airports close in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Biloxi, Mobile and Pensacola. Hundreds of flights are canceled or diverted.

Tuesday, Aug. 30:

- The hurricane death toll in Mississippi rises to more than 100.

- Two levees break in New Orleans and water pours in, covering 80 percent of the city and rising to 20 feet deep in some areas. Many people climb onto roofs to escape.

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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 11:33 am
Slam dunk. flowers strewn everywhere (well at least bodies of the dead and dying are). Let's see the strut following mission accomplished. "where's page nine of my statement of sorrow?, ah yes here it is, we never expected it to be this bad."
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 11:45 am
There will be stories of bravery, compassion and selflessness after this is over, which is when those stories will have some meaning.

To report those feel good stories now is overwhelmingly arrogant, even indecent, and could only be suggested by those who proudly live in a world of confident self-righteousness.

It sickens me to read such blatant insensitivity.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 11:45 am
revel said:

In any event the responsiblity became federal as soon as New Orleans was declared a state of emergency; which was before the levee broke and New Orleans flooded.

Thank you, revel. Isn't amazing the truth that can be contained in a relatively simple sentence?
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2005 11:48 am
It's heartbreaking for Americans to be forced to see that the emperor has no clothes. That while we are nation building, here at home racism and poverty continue unabated. That the disparity between the haves and have nots is steadily increasing. That the new face of our middle class features rotting teeth. That the lack of medical insurance is swiftly decimating those too poor to maintain it.

One can argue that it's not our governments responsibility to maintain our citizens well being. But I think the message the world is getting is that the U.S. is in for some serious soul searching.
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