Squinney Wrote:
Quote:It's five days after she hit. What kind of lessons do you think have already been learned, and how does that translate to changes being made?
It doesn't. No one has even met to analyze what went wrong and how to fix it. So, I'll stop harping when I see that mistakes have been corrected so they don't happen again.
Finger pointing pity party? Tell that to the thousands that have died.
I happen to be sick of being told to shut up, sit down and stop whining while this country is going to sh!t. Time and again, no matter what the issue, that's what people that see where we are heading are told we should do.
Follow blindly if you like, but I won't sit down and shut up until we get competent leadership.
You totally misunderstand me. I am not telling anyone to shut up. What I am saying is let's take all the energy being focused on the negatives and start focusing on the positives.
In any given situation attitude makes all the difference in the world. I realize that thousands probably have died because of this disaster. And that cuts anyone to the heart.
But, what good has all of the political bashing, finger pointing, and name calling done? It is dividing the country. It's like Hurricane Katrina did what Osama Bin Laden didn't.
I want to see some of the good things. The heroic rescues by people, the children saved, etc. New Orleans has always been a city that is in the public eye because of the crime rate and the NOPD. Now, NO is being shown as a city that has rapists, looters, snipers, and rioters in the middle of a natural disaster. All that is being focused on is the bad side. And, what those people are doing in NO is no one's fault but their own. I am talking about the looters, rapists, etc. They are the ones displaying that behavior. That has nothing to do with the Mayor, Governor, or the President. Those are the ones that are making it so difficult for the others to be rescued. Would you really want to go down there and try to help someone knowing you might be shot or raped?
The Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Department told the NOPD no way were they bringing their criminals up here to be put in our jails. And, who can blame them? New Orleans was not a very safe city for anyone to be in.