The Base of Physics, (a brief history of touchy and feely))

Reply Fri 19 Feb, 2021 06:42 pm
Piggy thought about the issue about the base of physics / cosmos for quite a long time, even it can be traced back to that time when piggy was in the physics department of Sichun university. These years, in order to solve some disputable problems in modern physics and for a more completed and unified system in theoretical physics, piggy wrote some articles in this respect about the base of physics / cosmos. But they are scattering in different sites, different forums and different threads. It’s obvious that those materials are not convenient for reference.
So, piggy really needs a thread to reorganize and amend those materials to be a more systematic basic thought for reference to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative angle, before go ahead further to the new realms of research.
Although piggy always likes to talk something from both the angle of physics and philosophy, this thread is not for rambling in virtual / illusive pure philosophical conceptions but to solve existing problems in modern physics substantially.
Piggy’s posts in this thread will be in consecutive way. No interruptions, please.
Thank you, guys.
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Reply Fri 19 Feb, 2021 07:40 pm
Piggy heard someone said that “Relativity and QM are incompatible”. Yes. In Relativity, an electron can move from one position to another position. While in QM, movement is a big problem within the conception of distribution of probability. But in QM experiment such as the single slit or double slits experiments of electron, people still say that an electron move from the gun to the slit / slits…Just sounds messy. Uncertainty is a special conception in QM, while in Relative things are certain.
Even in SR itself, there seems an obscure flaw: according to the relativistic principle, when the velocity of an electron v → c, its kinematic energy trends to infinite while obviously the kinematic energy of a photon is not infinite.
It’s said that Relativity and QM are two base stones of modern physics. But can Relativity prove QM is reasonable? Can QM prove Relativity reasonable? Or both of them are wrong? Or there is a dwarf as low as the ground hiding behind the giants and catching their tails?

As piggy said in another of my own thread that, in Einstein’s energy – mass equation, the energy is internal energy. This is from the angle of theory. From the angle of experiment, we know that the annihilation of electron – positron pair can release energy. Obviously, elementary particle contains true internal energy. A question smoothly emerges: what’s internal energy and how it’s deposited? Some smart guys might suggest casually that an abstract mass point + a suite of math games is okay…Physics is going more and more misty and illusive. Why a substantial physical body must be opposed?

The above cases are just to spark thinking about physics one step forward in depth. Piggy suggests those guys who feel physics has been speculated enough in sophisticated math games in the 20th century come back to the ground of physics.
Now piggy doubt whether I understand physics as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
Piggy never believes a normal Chinese would go to America and sabotage my normal research on web there. Piggy speculates that guy was sent by the First Order. Actually, over so many years, piggy is getting tired of the complicate and absolute cruel games of the First Order. Every time they are ever the winner while piggy be played down again and again. Die hard again and again.
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Reply Fri 19 Feb, 2021 07:43 pm
Philosophy of touching the elephant:

First, thanks to farmerman’s contribution of the classical version of the story of touching the elephant in my thread “Elephant vs Franklin”.
URL: https://able2know.org/topic/552257-1
Moreover, there is a modern version of the story of touching the elephant. Its author was a real genius (at least in math). And that’s the genesis of the term “touchy and feely”. haha

Actually, the story of drawing a pig is talking the same philosophy.
From the front view, people can draw two holes on the face of the pig, while from the side view people can draw a long nose. But neither view could represent the pig head entirely. The method to describe a pig is not sole. Any method of description is limited ability. Different method / angle of description can demonstrate different property.
Notice, such denotation as “photon is massless”, “photon is a particle with spin *#”, etc, are just methods of descriptions (theory).
The fact is that such methods of descriptions (theory) can not help entirely solve the problem piggy mentioned ahead:“Even in SR itself, there seems an obscure flaw: when the velocity of an electron v → c, its kinematic energy trends to infinite while obviously the kinematic energy of a photon is not infinite.”
The idea of “photon is massless” seems tricky because it makes more and more “?” emitted into the night sky:
Two kinds / conceptions of energy – mass relationship appears:
1. Einstein’s energy – mass equation;
2. Such representation of “for a massless particle, its energy E = pc”
There is a hidden crisis too, namely, momentum will have two conceptions:
1. The classical conception of momentum is mv.
2. But for a “massless” particle. Its momentum p is just p, not equal to mv, because if it’s mv, then p = 0, and perhaps E = 0 too. Then, no games can be played on.
Sciences can not be interconnected.

There shouldn’t be two different conceptions for one thing in nature. If there is, that might be due to the flaw in theories.
(to be continued)
In the philosophy of the Fist Order, piggy must die. Bounce…
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Reply Fri 19 Feb, 2021 07:46 pm

In Aug 2020, when the what coffin box from what CN tried hard to disturb my normal research in PHF, piggy was thinking seriously about the problem of the so - called “massless particle” and argued fiercely with physicists there. At last, piggy was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in the thread “the game of match sticks”:

Shortly after piggy left PHF, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”.
And then, piggy came back to the a2k galaxy and kept on with research on that problem of the so - called “massless particle”. Then, piggy started the thread “How to understand the energy - momentum equation in a natural way” in the Relativity forum:
URL: https://able2know.org/topic/551152-1
Piggy pointed out that the so – called energy - momentum equation E² = p²c² + (m0c²)² is actually a tricky math game and such representation as “for a massless particle, its energy E = pc” is just math game too. After analyzed carefully in math, its essence is as below:
If the energy – momentum equation reflects the stationary situation, it is just the mass – energy equation in stationary situation:
E0 = m0c²
If the energy – momentum equation reflects the dynamic situation, it is just the mass – energy equation in dynamic situation:
E = mc²

Since the energy – momentum equation E² = p²c² + (m0c²)² is considered generally applicable (to any particle), the stationary situation E0 = m0c² as well as the dynamic situation E = mc² is generally applicable (to any particle) too.
So, the energy of a particle should be calculated according to the energy – mass equation of Einstein only in physics. If you consider a particle is “massless”, then, its energy will be zero.
So, the so called “massless” particle is meaningless in physics. It does not exist in nature.

There piggy encountered an important guy: Mark.
He said: “@htam9876,
I agree.
Human 'measuring' capabilities are 'limited' by the structure of their 'set' construct.
Understanding the 'Nature' of 'Everything' was my life's purpose, until I finally understood this.
It's been a great journey - And it led me to 'Now'.
I recommend all souls to partake in my journey - Should (And it will) the opportunity arise.

(Piggy likes to joke: if Mark is controlled by the First Order, that means the human civilization doomed. Haha)

And then, in this sense, the crisis of two conceptions of momentum automatically eliminated:
If you consider a particle is “massless”, then, its energy will be zero. According to the what equation E = pc, if E = 0, then p = 0.
Actually, it’s the same result as the calculation according to the classical conception of momentum p = mv. If you consider a particle is “massless”, m = 0, then, its momentum p = 0.
Such particle with no mass no energy no momentum is meaningless in physics. No game can be played on anymore.
So, piggy agrees that the classical conception of momentum p = mv applicable to all objects / particles: a pig, a rabbit, an elephant, a proton, an electron, a neutrino, a photon, etc.
(From the front view, people can’t draw a long nose. But it doesn’t mean that the pig head has no a long nose. It’s just the limitation of the method / angle of description. )

Liqang Chen
Feb 20, 2021
Piggy believes that except the First Law of Cosmos which created by the First Order (the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No1. Middle School of Xinhui always try every means to confine piggy as a half - self payment watchman in their small business) never changes, history is ever developing.

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Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2021 06:08 am
Light trap phenomenon:
Tiny molecules can be pulled to the center of laser light beam. Why? If released photon has mass, we can explain it. The (mass) density of released photons at the center is larger than that on the side, then, the gravity generated by released photon at the center is larger than that on the side.
(Piggy saw many guys argue this phenomenon on web with all kinds of ideas. My humble opinion is for reference only. The habitual impression of gravity is that its effect is very weak. But when the distance is very short, it’s effect might be considerable.)
Also, piggy recommends another phenomenon provided by a guy in PHF. It’s “High-power laser beams can bend other laser beams, which means that streams of light do affect each others trajectory”
. https://physicshelpforum.com/threads/the-attraction-of-massless-particles-to-other-massless-particles-and-to-matter.15218/
If this information of experiment is true, that means there is something unusual and beyond the “standard”.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2021 02:28 am
Oscillation of neutrino, touchy and feely:
Piggy heard that in the so – called what “standard” model, neutrino is massless.
But recently, experimental physicists have initiated a new conception “oscillation of neutrino”, which considers the neutrino has mass.
So, no matter in respect of theory or experiment, the “standard” old conception of massless particle is getting outdated.
(From the front view, people can’t draw a long nose. But it doesn’t mean that the pig head has no a long nose. It’s just the limitation of the method / angle of description.)
Piggy believes that except the First Law of Cosmos which created by the First Order (in the philosophy of the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No1. Middle School of Xinhui, piggy must die) never changes, history is ever developing.
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Reply Tue 2 Mar, 2021 05:45 pm
Piggy just came back from Shapu village Junan township Shunde city (顺德均安沙浦村),where piggy leaned the Projective Geometry and created the X4 Theory in 2017. Piggy loves in drinking beer and thinking about the cosmos by the river side of Shapu village quietly. Actually, most of piggy’s inspirations occurred there.
The first “coincidence” with Einstein’s Relativity, touchy and feely:
Then, what’s the mass of a photon?
We have to shift temporarily to another topic following up: what’s internal energy and how it’s deposited?
Piggy always talk about the philosophy of touching the elephant. So, next, piggy put aside all existing theories and has a try to touch the elephant in an alternative way.
Just set out from experiment. Recalls the experiment mentioned ahead: the annihilation of the positron – electron pair releases energy: photon(s) travelling in straight line. No residue left. Seems that the elementary particle such as electron is “condensed electromagnetic wave”? How can electromagnetic wave be condensed? At this moment, human’s imagination works: we can understand the sea waves in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans, which travelling on the spherical surface of the Earth and they can’t shock the moon…
Then, the conception of “spherical electromagnetic wave” generated. Why light can travel in a circle without the help of gravity? Piggy’s consideration is the “mechanism of formation of matter”, which should be natural rules more fundamental than the fundamental natural force.

Philosophy of the energy – mass relationship:

Construct a model of spherical electromagnetic wave: circle kind of standing electromagnetic wave on any normal cutting plane of the small sphere. (You can imagine the sea waves in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans…Of course, this imagination is just for easy to understand the conception of the spherical model). Then, the energy of the electromagnetic wave is confined on the small spherical surface (deposited) and will not demonstrate the property of energy. Piggy’s own theory (X4 Theory) considers this spherical model as a physical model of elementary particle. It demonstrates the property of mass only.
Next, unfold the circle kind of standing electromagnetic wave on any normal cutting plane of the small spherical surface. It travels in straight line in a speed of c. X4 Theory considers it as the physical model of a released photon. The property of energy can be demonstrated.
Because it’s just that thing, what different is just the moving speed of c in straight line. Then, the relationship between the energy of the released photon and the mass of the circle kind of standing electromagnetic wave on any normal cutting plane of the small spherical surface is “c” in logic.
We notice that this not yet enough to represent the energy - mass relationship because the circle is just a line on the spherical surface while the whole physical model is a small spherical surface.
Because the simplest relationship between “surface” and “line” is “square” in logic, the simplest relationship of energy - mass should be “c²” in logic.
We know that, in SR, Einstein derived the relationship of energy - mass c².

(Note: Actually the elementary particle model in X4 Theory should be a spherical surface. But for intuition sake, the “circle kind standing wave” can serve as a simplified model. And for convenience in calculation in chapters below, the simplified model is applied. And it’s considered that the energy on the spherical surface be converted entirely into the “circle kind standing wave”. Actually, the released photon is also a kind of elementary particle, but its matter state is very special, piggy habitually talks it individually / separately.)
(to be continued)

Liqiang Chen
March 3, 2021
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Mar, 2021 07:03 pm
When the spherical electromagnetic wave demonstrates only the property of mass, it doesn’t mean that it has no energy;
The same principle, when the released photon demonstrates the property of energy, it doesn’t mean that it has no mass.
It’s just that thing. So, for a photon, E = E0, m = m0.

Next, we use a mathematical method concerning SR to analyze what’s the mass of a released photon:
In stationary situation (spherical electromagnetic wave), E0 = m0 c²;
In dynamic situation (travels in straight line), E = m c².
Because E = E0, then, m c² = m0 c², namely m = m0.

Conclusion: for a photon, its moving mass equals to its rest mass. (But pay attention please, the moving photon and the rest photon is in different matter states.)

Liqiang Chen
March 5, 2021
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2021 01:10 am
As all sciences are interconnected your last sentence is interesting as there are parallel principles within the mind.If SELF remains static within the mind in the autopilot (not in the moment) consciousness state it remains in the same experiential position.SELF needs to be active.In other words SELF needs to change its consciousness state within the mind to manual (in the moment) by moving.SELF remains the same but the consciousness experienced is different.SELF has taken control (Player) rather than remaining a (Spectator).
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2021 09:31 am
I wish people would stop using the word "Physics" in threads that have absolutely nothing to do with actual Physics. Choose another word for these weird philosophical musings.

The word Physics refers to actual science that is based on experiment and mathematics. You can go to a University and study real Physics (which will have nothing to do with anything in these silly threads).

If you simply choose another word... I will stay out of these threads and we will all be happier.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2021 06:10 pm
No bad a comment. Sounds fun philosophical principle.

If the released photon doesn’t change SELF, it can’t be a player, because its kinematic energy will be infinite. Then, no game can play.

The fun thing is about the pig: no matter how the pig changes its consciousness, it can’t escape the fate as sausage. Bounce…
Reply Fri 5 Mar, 2021 06:11 pm
At this moment, smart researchers who are sensitive in physics might aware something concerning mechanism of the absorption / emission of photon by atom (piggy means something beside the quantum mechanism of energy levels). Once upon a time we have a primary discussion in this respect in PHF.
The “standard” answer from an “authentic” physicist was “it’s gone”. Piggy’s humble opinion is that such “standard” empty answer can only be brought to university to fool the students.

Of course, the specific and detailed exploration in this respect should be the topic in another appropriate time.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Mar, 2021 12:57 am
The pig has taken control though because it has become more AWARE.The control element of the formula has now become active (+) whereas before it was static (-).......it’s state has mysteriously reversed.
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Reply Sun 7 Mar, 2021 05:37 pm
Two denotations of internal energy:
View from my physical model of elementary particle: Einstein’s energy – mass equation E0 = m0 c² or E = mc² reflects the particle characteristic of photon (no matter it travelling in a circle or straight line). In quantum theory, the energy of photon is denoted with the equation E = hγ. It reflects the wave characteristic of photon (no matter it travelling in a circle or straight line).

Liqiang Chen
March 8, 2021
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2021 06:36 am
At a philosophical level....both sides of the consciousness (fence) equations balance however there is an additional factor at play.There is an on/off element to both sides of the equation as well or a +/- This element is controlled by an outside factor.....SELF....who is aware.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Mar, 2021 05:09 pm
Bounce…It’s the First order in control in this cosmos! Piggy awared that the pig head was defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF USA in 2020:
The second “coincidence” with Einstein’s Relativity, touchy and feely:

The equation for the traditional Lorentz transformation of length contraction is: L’ = L /γ
The mass – speed equation is M = γM0
Then, ML’ = M0L so, L’ = M0L / M
Because the rest mass M0 and the mean length L are constants, then: L’ ∝ 1 / M. This might be called the “mass – space equation”. (note: I am habitual to use upper case letters in this equation because the lower case of L looks like a “1”).
Also, because the rest mass M0 and the mean length L for different objects are different constants, the item M0L is a different proportionate constant for different objects. For convenient and simple sake, piggy decides to put aside the problem of different proportionate constants and employs the simplest mathematical method to demonstrate the physical meaning. That’s why piggy employs such a format *∝ #. In specific situation, we can resort to a specific proportionate constant k, it will be a “whole” formula.

Next, analyze from piggy’s own physical model of elementary particle (simplified model).
First, there is a question, why the energy equation for a released photon is E = hγ in Quantum theory and need not to take the number of crests (n of λ, here n is a natural number) into account?
In X4 physical model, a released photon is just a section of electromagnetic wave, its energy E should ∝the number of crests (n of λ).
It implies that all released photons have the same number of crests (n of λ)? Temporarily suppose it is and see what will happen.
Next, we refer to the simplified physical model (circle kind standing wave). Unfold the standing wave, it turns into two released photons (for simplicity sake, just consider that it’s one released photon).

We watch the game in counter way, it’s one released photon turn into a standing wave.
And we got: standing wave which constitute all kinds of elementary particles have the same number of crests (note: nt of λt, when referring to travelling waves; and ns of λs, when referring to standing waves. The lower index “t” means travelling wave while “s” means standing wave in this context).

Next, we try to use the X4 physical model for elementary particle and the temporary conclusion of same number of crests in this chapter to calculate the radius of elementary particle.
(The complete conception of piggy’s physical model for elementary particle could be found in the unit charge model in the thread “matter vs anti matter”)
Below, we calculate the central line of the helical track of layer instead of the helical track itself because the speed of light should be calculated on the central line. And the wave length λt should be the projective wavelength on the central line.
E = Mc² = 2hγt = 2hc / λt then:
λt = 2h / Mc then:
The radius of elementary particle is:
r = ntλt / 2π = nth /πcM
Because nt, h, π, c are all constants, we use a constant “a” for simplicity and a = nth/πc, then:
r = a / M
Namely, r ∝1/M. In fact, it’s the same meaning as L’ ∝ 1/ M ahead.
The existence of the mass – space equation does not depend on reference frame / movement / SR.

Liqiang Chen
March 9, 2021
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Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2021 07:00 pm
Piggy researches the physical property of space. So, piggy is habitual to add a word “physical” in front of “space”. Piggy considers “r ∝1/M” the basic physical property of 3D physical space.

Liqiang Chen
March 10, 2021
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2021 07:03 pm
I suspect that when piggy says "research", piggy means "look for random stuff on google".

Learning real Physics involves actually studying the subject.
Reply Tue 9 Mar, 2021 10:38 pm
Now piggy suspects that whether you are suffering rabies? You just look like a crazy dog…
In the Chinese old saying you are “犯贱”。
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2021 07:32 pm
Okay, those guys who are willing to enter into the new era of physics go ahead with piggy.
The direct verification of the mass – space equation:

The μ Hydrogen phenomenon, touchy and feely:

When the electron of a Hydrogen atom is replaced with a μ particle, the atom turns to be μ Hydrogen. For detailed information, see relevant publications.
There is a phenomenon occurs: the radius of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom contracted. Why?
Below we try to use the conclusion in the mass – space equation to explain it.

The radius of the proton in Hydrogen atom is r1 ≈ 8.768×10ˆ-16m. The mass of an electron is Me ≈ 9.1×10ˆ-31kg, while the mass of a μ particle is Mμ ≈ 200 ×9.1×10ˆ-31kg.
The mass of a proton is Mp ≈ 1.6726×10ˆ-27kg.

The reduced mass of the electron in Hydrogen atom is:
μ1 = Me Mp / ( Me+ Mp) ≈ (9.1×10ˆ-31) ×(1.6726×10ˆ-27)/ [(9.1×10ˆ-31)+(1.6726×10ˆ-27)] ≈ 9.0951×10ˆ-31kg

The increased mass of the proton in Hydrogen atom is:
M1 = Mp+ Me -μ1 ≈ (1.6726×10ˆ-27) + (9.1×10ˆ-31) - (9.0951×10ˆ-31) ≈1.6726×10ˆ-27kg

The reduced mass of the μ particle in μ Hydrogen atom is:
μ2 = Mμ Mp / ( Mμ+ Mp) ≈ (200×9.1×10ˆ-31) × (1.6726×10ˆ-27) / [(200×9.1×10ˆ-31)+(1.6726×10ˆ-27)] ≈ 0.1641×10ˆ-27kg

The increased mass of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom rise to be:
M2 = Mp+ Mμ –μ2 ≈ (1.6726×10ˆ-27) + (0.182×10ˆ-27) - (0.1641×10ˆ-27) ≈1.6905×10ˆ-27kg
According to the mass – space equation r ∝1 / M, the rise of the increased mass of the proton leads to the contraction of the radius of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom.

(For calculation of two body issue, please see relevant lecture of QM.)
Liqiang Chen
March 11, 2021
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