The Base of Physics, (a brief history of touchy and feely))

Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2021 02:25 pm
The conception of time in physics, touchy and feely:
Perhaps “what’s time?” is one of the hot topics argued most on web. Piggy’s humble opinion is that the definition of time should reflect its basic physical property.

Piggy said in a post a head that:
““According to the mass – space equation r ∝1 / M, the rise of the increased mass of the proton results in the contraction of the radius of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom.” And according to the mass – time equation △t ∝ M, the rise of the increased mass of the proton results in the inflation of time of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom. There is no absolute time, even in situation of the static.”
It means time affiliates to matter. There is no absolute time, even in the same inertial frame. In traditional SR, time is transformed in different inertial frames. But actually, such inertial frames are built on specific objects. So, physically it’s time of that object inflates. (No matter it’s the replacement of a u particle results in the rise of the increased mass of the proton, or the movement does it, according to the mass – time equation △t ∝ M, the rise of the mass of the proton results in the inflation of time of the proton. Or say, it’s the rise of the internal energy of the proton results in the inflation of time of the proton (△t ∝ E). It’s not that there is a time flowing ahead like a river in an inertial frame.)
The gravitational situation is the same principle.

Time is controlled by internal energy of matter, so, time is the inherent property of matter.
Internal energy is wave characteristic, so, time is the pulse of everything in cosmos.
(This is time associated with 3D physical space)
(To be continued)

Liqiang Chen
April 21, 2021
(The cruel and all around dark sanction / affliction of the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city over so many years has shortened piggy’s lifespan at least ten plus years. So, piggy’s pulse could stop at any time. Bounce…Actually, most of my time is spent on worrying about the safety and prospect of my family members.)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2021 06:14 pm
Piggy hereby provides a bit more humble opinions for reference to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative way.
Okay, again this post is a bit odd.
If you think that piggy has been defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF USA in 2020, please ignore what I am talking in this post. Thank you.
Supplementary stuff to the chapter “The conception of time in physics, touchy and feely”:

In general words, the internal energy is E = hγ, γ is the frequency of the circle kind standing wave (simplified model). It is also applicable to the released photon.
The Time - Energy equation is △t ∝ E. Then, △t ∝ γ. This could be called the Time – Frequency equation. It’s the equation accompanies the Space – Frequency equation r ∝ 1 / γ ahead.
If γ is the frequency of a specific and stable circle kind standing wave (simplified model) or released photon, we can make use a proportionate constant k. Then, the Time – Frequency equation could have a specific form: △t = k γ. In vivid imagination, it means time is the pulse of everything in cosmos.

If γ = 0, then, △t = 0. It means if there is nothing existing, there is no time.
If γ changes, then, △t changes too (the criterion of unit time changes).
Wave is ever travelling, no matter in a circle or in a straight line, the pulse is ever bumping, so, time is ever flowing ahead.
The proportionate constant k could be either positive value or negative value. For convenient sake, we use positive value. The frequency γ is positive value, so, △t should be positive value too. That’s to say the mathematical symbol “- t” is meaningless in physics. Actually, as piggy illustrated, what time reflects is the frequency of internal energy, then, time should be positive value naturally.
We use a clock not to measure time but to simulate time or say to simulate the pulse: tick, tick and tick…the conception of time generates. We use one “tick” of the clock to simulate one “bump” of the pulse, then, we set up a criterion for unit time: △t = 1 second.
The frequency γ ∝ E, it can reflect the basic physical property of time: △t ∝ E.
(This is time associated with 3D physical space.)
Obviously, time is the fourth dimension of cosmos in addition to the 3D space.

The issue of “simultaneity” actually is an issue about logic rather than about the physical property of time.

Liqiang Chen
April 27, 2021
(The cruel and all around dark sanction / affliction of the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city over so many years has shortened piggy’s lifespan at least ten plus years. So, piggy’s pulse could stop at any time. Bounce…Actually, most of my time is spent on worrying about the safety and prospect of my family members.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 May, 2021 06:38 pm
Again this post is a bit odd.
If you think that piggy has been defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF USA in 2020, please ignore what I am talking in this post. Thank you.
The fourth “coincidence” with Einstein’s Relativity:

The integrity of space – time, touchy and feely:

Touchy: c is light speed, γ is the frequency of light, λ is the wave length of light. Then: c = γλ
Feely: as piggy said ahead, the frequency reflects time. And wave length reflects 3D space. So, actually, the equation c = γλ above reflects the integrity of space – time. Space and time are not entirely independent variables but mutually affected.
Transform the above equation: γ = c / λ
Because light speed c is a constant, then: γ ∝ 1 / λ
Replace variables: △t ∝ 1 / L
This could be called the Space – Time equation.

Piggy derived the Space – Time equation from Einstein’s SR in the chapter “Unified rules of the 3D physical space” ahead. Just that one carried the effect of reference frame:
△t’ ∝ 1 / L’
But they are the same in format.
Watch it in another relatively moving frame: c’ = γ’λ’. Then: △t’ ∝ 1 / L’. Because light speed c is a frame invariable: c’ = c, that means the equation △t ∝ 1 / L and the equation △t’ ∝ 1 / L’ is the same.

Liqiang Chen
May 7, 2021
(The cruel and all around dark sanction / affliction of the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city over so many years has shortened piggy’s lifespan at least ten plus years. So, piggy’s pulse could stop at any time. Bounce…Actually, most of my time is spent on worrying about the safety and prospect of my family members. Piggy really doesn’t know when the First Order will decide to shout “execute”…And then, piggy would disappear entirely in this cosmos. Bounce…)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 May, 2021 06:02 pm
Piggy doesn’t know why my physical model of elementary particle has so many “coincidence” with Einstein’s Relativity. Is it lucky? Actually, piggy has been deprived of all livelihood and human right invisibly by the First Order. Only unfavorable factors are allowed by the First Order to come to my life. What piggy can do is waiting to die in CN. Piggy has no luck at all in CN. So, piggy would rather believe that’s due to “sciences are all interconnected”.

Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2021 05:41 pm
Brief summary of the conception of “space - time”:

Piggy derived the Mass – Space equation (r ∝ 1 / M) under condition of circle kind standing wave (simplified model). Due to the existence of concrete radius and shape of elementary particle and then we can use trajectory to describe its movement, the conception of 3D space in physics generated. So, the outstanding character of 3D space is the “certainty”. There is no absolute space in cosmos, even in the same reference frame.
Additionally, the internal energy of elementary particle is wave characteristic, then, the conception of time generated. The Time – Frequency equation △t ∝ γ shows that there is no absolute time in cosmos, even in the same reference frame.
That’s the origin of the conception of “space - time”. Both space and time are physical rather than illusive. They have scientific proof rather than just casual speculation.

Liqiang Chen
June 17, 2021
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2021 06:25 am
Okay, those guys who are willing to enter the new era of science and research from the “higher perspective” / “deeper level” and agree that science should develop step by step go ahead with piggy.
Again this post is a bit odd.
If you think that piggy has been defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF USA in 2020, please ignore what I am talking in this post. Thank you.

Fundamental natural systems, touchy and feely:
There are two fundamental natural systems:

1. The PRESENCE – PROPERTY system; (If something presence in this cosmos, it must have its own property. For example, a pig has long nose, while a rabbit would grow long ears.)

2. The PRESENCE – PRESENCE system (interaction such as gravity). (Actually movement is relative, a rabbit moves relative to a pig, the pig moves in the counter direction relative to the rabbit. So, the affair of movement belongs to this system too. The representative theory in this respect is the Mass Point Dynamics.)

Liqiang Chen
August 10, 2021
Piggy believes that except the First Law of Cosmos which created by the First Order (the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No1. Middle School of Xinhui always try every means to grind piggy down. No matter how many social resource they input, no matter how complicated their game would be, they must maintain the correctness of their “consciousness”: piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man) never changes, history is ever developing.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2021 05:10 pm
This post is a bit odd again.
If you think that piggy has been defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF USA in 2020, please ignore what I am talking in this post. Thank you.

Fundamental natural relations, touchy and feely:
The mutual action between mass – space (mass – space integrity) which reflected by the Mass – Space equation: r ∝ 1 / M or say L ∝ 1 / M is a fundamental natural relation;
The mutual action between space - time (space - time integrity) which reflected by the Space – Time equation △t ∝ 1 / L is also a fundamental natural relation.

The fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter reflects the most basic natural rule and would not change / disappear following movement. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.

The dynamic Mass – Space equation: r’ ∝ 1 / M or say L’ ∝ 1 / M;
The dynamic Space – Time equation: △t’ ∝ 1 / L’.
If space can be relativistic, mass should be relativistic too. Vise versa;
If time can be relativistic, space should be relativistic too. Vise versa.
These two fundamental natural relations are the root of relativistic principles.

Liqiang Chen
August 11, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2021 07:16 pm
Relativistic vs absolute, touchy and feely:

In situation of movement, if the dynamic mass M can vary (different from the rest mass m0), then, according to the dynamic Mass – Space equation L’ ∝ 1 / M, the measured length L’ can vary too (different from the mean length L), then, according to the dynamic Space – Time equation △t’ ∝ 1 / L’, the measured time unit △t’ can vary too (different from the mean time unit △t); If the dynamic mass M can’t vary (the same as the rest mass m0), then, according to the dynamic Mass – Space equation L’ ∝ 1 / M, the measured length L’ can’t vary either (the same as the mean length L), then, according to the dynamic Space – Time equation △t’ ∝ 1 / L’, the measured time unit △t’ can’t vary either (the same as the mean time unit △t).

It’s “chain effect”.
The three of mass, space and time either should be all relativistic or be all absolute.

(Actually, in piggy’s own habit, such dynamic Mass – Space equation L’ ∝ 1 / M or the dynamic Space – Time equation △t’ ∝ 1 / L’ are not necessary, because the affair of the fundamental natural relation is in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.
According to the Mass – Space equation L ∝ 1 / M and the Space – Time equation △t ∝ 1 / L, if one among mass, space and time can vary, then the other two can vary too; if one among mass, space and time can’t vary, then the other two can’t vary either.
But next we need to go back to the old era of Einstein to make clear what happened in SR and correlate it.)

Liqiang Chen
August 12, 2021
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 04:20 am
Fundamental natural relation vs relativistic principles, touchy and feely:

Set out from the elementary particle model of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”) and the inherent property of the mass – space integrity which reflected by the mass – space equation “r ∝1/ M” or “L ∝1/ M”;

The fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter reflects the most basic natural rule and would not change / disappear following movement. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.
The dynamic Mass – Space equation: r’ ∝ 1 / M or say L’ ∝ 1 / M;

We can resort to a specific proportionate constant k, it will be a “whole” formula: L’ = k / M

Because the rest mass M0 and the mean length L are constants, let k = M0L;
Then: L’ = M0L / M;
So, ML’ = M0L;

Separate variables in math:
L’ = L /γ
M = γM0

Relativistic factor is reasonable. Relativistic principles are reasonable. In this step, “γ” is just a mathematical symbol representing proportion only, which doesn’t concern the direction of movement.
But if people consider “γ” is the Gama factor in Einstein’s SR, there might be a false impression that the relativistic effect only happens in the direction of movement, which is caused by the element of velocity “v” in “γ”.

Liqiang Chen
August 14, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2021 03:38 pm
The trouble of the so called what “transverse and longitudinal mass”, touchy and feely:

Below is abstract from Vanhees71’s post in a physics site:
“Einstein abandoned quite quickly the idea of relativistic masses. If you want to introduce this very confusing idea that the mass depends on the velocity of a particle, then you must introduce not only one such quantity but at least two, i.e., "transverse and longitudinal mass". This is utmost confusing and thus not done anymore by physicists using the special or general theory of relativity in contemporary research,…”

Analysis and solution:

As piggy stated ahead, “γ” is just a mathematical symbol originally representing proportion only, which does not concern the direction of movement. So, the dynamic / relativistic mass m should be also without direction.

The energy – mass relation, the third “fundamental natural relation”, touchy and feely:
Assume the static energy – mass relation E0 = m0c² establishes.
The energy – mass relation also could be considered as a “fundamental natural relation”. The fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter reflects the most basic natural rule and would not change / disappear following movement. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY system. So, the dynamic energy – mass relation is E = mc² (here m is dynamic / relativistic mass).
In another hand, it demonstrates the dynamic / relativistic mass is reasonable. E is a scalar without direction. So, the dynamic / relativistic mass m is also without direction.

No “confusing” of the so called what “transverse and longitudinal mass”.

Liqiang Chen
August 15, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…

0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Aug, 2021 10:11 pm
Due to the absolute dark sanction of the First Order (the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city江门地方黑恶势力钟永康集团 and who who of the Class 914 of the No1. Middle School of Xinhui), piggy only can be a third rated citizen redundant and non – sense in what CN this life. I am sure.
Next, those guys who think that piggy should not be “non – sense” in science go ahead with piggy.

Fundamental natural relations vs relativistic principles 2, touchy and feely:

Set out from the elementary particle model of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”) and the inherent property of the space - time integrity which reflected by the Space – Time equation △t ∝ 1 / L;

The fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter reflects the most basic natural rule and would not change / disappear following movement. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.
The dynamic Space – Time equation: △t’ ∝ 1 / L’;

We can resort to a specific proportionate constant k, it will be a “whole” formula: △t’ = k / L’

Because the mean time unit △t and the mean length L are constants, let k = △t L;
Then: △t’ = △t L / L’;
So, △t’ L’ = △t L;

Separate variables in math:
L’ = L /γ
△t’ = γ△t

Relativistic factor is reasonable. Relativistic principles are reasonable. In this step, “γ” is just a mathematical symbol representing proportion only, which doesn’t concern the direction of movement.
But if people consider “γ” is the Gama factor in Einstein’s SR, there might be a false impression that the relativistic effect only happens in the direction of movement (both space and time or a bit odd space only, up to people’s mind), which is caused by the element of velocity “v” in “γ”.

Liqiang Chen
August 23, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2021 07:59 am
One step forward or backward, touchy and feely:

As piggy shown ahead:
L’ = L /γ ①
M = γM0 ②
It’s a suite of equation group.

Philosophical analysis:
If people consider “γ” (the Gama factor) is reasonable in equation ① and that space / length contraction is just in the direction of movement is reasonable;
Then, “γ” (the Gama factor) is also reasonable in equation ② and that the so called what “transverse and longitudinal mass” is also reasonable;

But as piggy shown ahead, some people consider that the "transverse and longitudinal mass" is utmost confusing and have to abandon “the idea of relativistic masses”. That means “γ” (the Gama factor) is NOT reasonable in equation ②; Then, “γ” (the Gama factor) is also NOT reasonable in equation ① and space / length contraction is just in the direction of movement is NOT reasonable too. Then, they have to abandon “the idea of relativistic space” too.

As piggy shown ahead too:
L’ = L /γ ①
△t’ = γ△t ③
It’s also a suite of equation group.

And if they abandon “the idea of relativistic space”, that means “γ” (the Gama factor) is NOT reasonable in equation ①; Then, “γ” (the Gama factor) is also NOT reasonable in equation ③. Then, they have to abandon “the idea of relativistic time” too.
(In simple statement: the “chain effect” as piggy mentioned ahead.)

That means they have to abandon SR. Science has to go back to Newton’s era. Bounce…
Now if piggy surrenders to the First Order (the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city江门地方黑恶势力钟永康集团 and who who of the Class 914 of the No1. Middle School of Xinhui) again, perhaps it would be another method of death. So, even it seems adventure, piggy must go ahead.
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2021 11:44 pm
Ha…Ha….You’re proposing an awful lot of abandoning……are you going to give up on GRAVITY as well?…..…is that because the theory is dead in the water and only provides HALF answers?

Magnetism is the way forward because it has all the equation components to explain expansion/contraction…..(the big Bang/Crunch) which interestingly might only be localised events…….

Magnetism combinations correlate with the 4 off logic output combinations of 0,0..0,1..1,0..1,1 or alternatively (-/-..-/+..+/-..+/+).which ties in nicely with philosophy and consciousness types…..Ha..Ha..real science.

All sciences are interconnected.

Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 12:09 am
Science at least needs to consider it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 12:10 am
You seem already “profoundly sick” in the mind. Not capable to read and think.
Now piggy considers you are a troll who is trying to disturb piggy’s normal scientific research.
All of your Pig Head Awards cancelled.
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 12:15 am
Come on htam9876….you need to do better than that…you need to give sound scientific reasons as to why you think the magnetism theory isn’t a better theory than the gravity theory.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 12:20 am
You're wasting your time with Jasper10, "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN."
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 12:28 am
@The Anointed,
Ha Ha where did you come from…

I really don’t understand what all the upset and fuss is about….The magnetism theory is only a theory guys!

If someone could come up with a convincing challenge as to why they think it is not a valid theory..

Leave emotions to one side for once…
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 01:09 am
So the MAGNETISM theory has now superseded the GRAVITY theory then?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 04:35 am
@The Anointed,
Thank you for your reminding.
"NO BRAIN, NO PAIN." Very vivid description for Jasper 10 it is. Recently piggy found that Jasper 10 has become a “biology logic machine”, which only can employ simple logic to measure nature. He seems can’t be AWARE that such “biology logic machine” as himself is actually created by natural science.
Who is willing to waste time to talk with such a machine? Piggy just wants to disengage with it as soon as possible and concentrates on my own normal scientific research.

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