This post is a bit odd.
If you think that piggy has been defeated by the what coffin box from what CN in PHF USA in 2020, please ignore what I am talking in this post. Thank you.
In critical juncture of history, those guys who are willing to invert the habitual thought could be good player.
Unified rules of the 3D physical space, touchy and feely:
The dynamic vs the gravitational vs the static, touchy and feely:
The Mass – Space equation L’ ∝ 1/ M come in first. It contains just two most basic physics quantity: mass and space. It’s the most basic equation in cosmos and reflects the most basic natural rule. So, shake off the effect of reference frame, it would be L ∝ 1/ M.
According to SR:
The equation for the traditional Lorentz transformation of length contraction is: L’ = L / γ (here γ is the Gama factor.)
The equation for the time dilation is: △t’ = γ△t (△t could be considered as mean time unit)
Then, △t’L’ = L△t
Because “L△t” is a constant, we got △t’ ∝ 1 / L’. This might be called the Time – Space equation.
The Time – Space equation △t’ ∝ 1 / L’ contains just two most basic physics quantity: time and space. It’s also the most basic equation in cosmos and reflects the most basic natural rule. So, shake off the effect of reference frame, it will be △t ∝ 1 / L.
Then: △t ∝ M. This might be called the Mass – Time equation.
The Mass – Space equation from my physical model of elementary particle is r ∝ 1/ M;
The Mass – Time equation accompanies it is also △t ∝ M.
The internal energy E ∝ M, then:
L ∝ 1/ E, or r ∝ 1/ E, this can be called the Energy – Space equation;
And △t ∝ E, this can be called the Energy – Time equation
Hereby, X4 Theory formally employs mass or energy (internal energy) to control space and time. It’s applicable in all situations of the dynamic vs the gravitational vs the static.
(Put aside the case of the released photon temporarily)
The dynamic situation:
When an elementary particle moves, the kinematic energy occurs and its internal energy E = m0c² + Ek. According to the Energy – Space equation L ∝ 1/ E, or r ∝ 1/ E, the increase of the internal energy E results in the contraction of the 3D physical space. According to the Energy – Time equation △t ∝ E, the increase of the internal energy E results in the inflation of time.
The gravitational situation:
When an elementary particle locates in gravitational field (relative to the infinite point), its gravitational energy is negative. Its internal energy E increases. According to the Energy – Space equation L ∝ 1/ E, or r ∝ 1/ E, the increase of the internal energy E results in the contraction of the 3D physical space. According to the Energy – Time equation △t ∝ E, the increase of the internal energy E results in the inflation of time.
The static situation:
“According to the Mass – Space equation r ∝1 / M, the rise of the increased mass of the proton results in the contraction of the radius of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom.” And according to the Mass – Time equation △t ∝ M, the rise of the increased mass of the proton results in the inflation of time of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom. There is no absolute time, even in situation of the static.
The cosmic environment situation (this is a statistic / average case):
The “Mass – Space equation” can transform into another form: L ∝ 1/ρ. The derivation course is as below:
Assume V is a certain value of any finite volume, then: L ∝(1 / V)﹝1 / (M / V)﹞,
1 / V is a constant; M / V = ρ
The mass density of the cosmos now is much smaller than that of billions of years ago. According to the Mass - Space equation L ∝ 1/ρ, the 3D physical space of the cosmos is much different than that of billions of years ago. And the Mass – Time equation can transform into another form: △t ∝ ρ. The criterion of time is dynamic in the evolution of cosmos.
At any historical juncture, guys who are willing to invert their habitual thought could become good players.
Liqiang Chen
April 13, 2021
Seems that it’s irrational for piggy to be controlled by the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city – the First Order. What a joke it will be in 21st century. Piggy can’t surrender to them. That means piggy has no choice but die hard in CN. Bounce…