The Base of Physics, (a brief history of touchy and feely))

Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2022 01:04 am
“Capital punishment”?
Actually, the word “hijack” is very accurate to describe wasp’s behavior in piggy’s threads: abstract to “hijack” substance, DREAM to “hijack” fact / illusion to “hijack” reality, idealism to “hijack” materialism, “delusional squat + loudness” to “hijack” profound thinking and rigorous analysis…
Most funny, he even plotted to “hijack” the pig in the name of “teacher’…haha
It can count as the most inferior case of “hijack” in the history of science.
(Who planned it? The First Order? Bounce…)
But it’s true “hijack” could be a simple way to make fortune. Unfortunately, seems he chose the wrong target…Haha

You are ever an English gentleman... Piggy is a bit of cow boy.
However, perhaps you are rational.
We have to go on the journey, that’s our mission, even some times entangling with monsters never can be avoided.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2022 03:15 am
@ izzy:
Seems "hijack" is non criminal in this galaxy. haha

0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2022 03:52 am
“hijack” this thread? That guy really has good taste. 呵呵
Piggy always says that the mass – space equation is an equation hidden in SR for more than one century. And it is the threshold of the PRESENCE – PROPERTY new era. The derivation in math is just in this thread.
Perhaps what piggy can talk about here is “hijack” + “capital punishment”? Waste time. How happy the First Order would be.
Where there is a black hole there would be extreme curvature of space – time. Which galaxy the First Order attaches there would be no normal life.

Piggy doesn’t think that the pig has much time to say here. Piggy has much normal scientific research to do in this new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.

Next, piggy says a bit more here with the lowest voice, as low as a dead pig:
As piggy always says, the derivation of the mass – space equation in math is not very complicated. But it can enhance human’s thought to a higher level.

Just kicking in this small nest is useless at all. It’s just a very tiny point in this cosmos…
Nowadays over 99 percent of the “scientific” territory is CONTROLLED in the hands of those “loud” “authentic” guys who actually are “heavy accumulated and hard to go back 积重难返” , while are UNAWARE of this point. Actually, many “hard problems” in science have been solved IN ONE WAY here in this galaxy. However, perhaps those “authentic” guys will argue with their “loudness” even after hundreds of years.

“The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.

Nor it means PHF won out in science. They now actually lag behind one era.”

Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.
However, history is always pushed ahead by those positive minds, while those negative minds would be left behind by the development of history.
One can either be the promoting force of the development of history or the stumbling stone. It’s up to their own choice.
May Lord direct their steps.

What never change would be the First Law of cosmos which created by the First Order.

Piggy feels the First Order has decided their “execution”. The “capital punishment” will come at any time. Oh Lord, this pig will disappear entirely in this cosmos. “hard landing”. Bounce…
Piggy is in bad health and has been suffering serious mental anxiety for many years. No any nice DREAM at night for many years…due to the cruel, absolute and overall dark sanction of the First Order.
Actually most of my time is spent on worrying about the safety and prospective of my family members.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2022 03:27 pm
After the cross roads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice. 呵呵
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2022 03:36 pm
The crossroads is allegedly where Robert Johnson met the Devil to transact a business arrangement.
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2022 07:48 pm
Your analogy is very vivid, perhaps. But once upon a time piggy was very white in middle school, even whiter than those city girls.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2022 05:33 pm
Piggy DREAMs to “travel back in time” to the past to PHF galaxy to entangle with that “authentic” rabbit Dandan again. “transact a business arrangement” at new crossroads.
If it deals, perhaps science would be hopeful in the future. 呵呵
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2022 05:24 pm
Piggy “travel back in time” to the beginning of this thread and repeats a sentence with “accent”:
“Piggy suggests those guys who feel physics has been speculated enough in sophisticated math games in the 20th century come back to the ground of physics.”
Those “authentic/standard” guys who consider math > physics can keep on playing their complicated math game.

Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.

After the crossroads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice. 呵呵

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Nov, 2022 08:50 am
It’s alleged that Einstein’s draft of SR sold about 5 million USD in ww2 in USA. Piggy doesn’t know whether it’s true. But piggy feels it’s worthy. Perhaps it’s enough to buy ten planes at that time.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Nov, 2022 05:36 pm
“Flawed” physics vs flawless physics (3), touchy and feely
Positive mind vs negative mind (3), touchy and feely

Yes, piggy has to confess the original SR of Einstein was a “flawed” physics. When v = c, it will be invalid. Employing that kind of tricky math game such as the so called what “energy – momentum equation” to cover it up is non – sense.

Those negative minds would contemplate to “sink” it. They should be AWARE they actually are not qualified to do that. It’s just ignorance + foolishness.

While those positive minds would contemplate how to amend its flaw.
Piggy always says people in the old era of Mass Point Dynamics ignored the effect of the PRESENCE (matter state).
Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, after rigorous analysis, piggy’s physics model of elementary particle and released photon have effectively and explicitly explain actually the relativistic principle is not applicable to released photon. We have dig out the root of SR. Actually, the physical essence of the relativistic principles is the inherent property of spherical electromagnetic wave.

Moreover, due to the constraint of the old era of Mass Point Dynamics, people are habitual to view themselves from others' angle. They are UNAWARE what’s in CONTROL. They made a mistake the velocity is the controlling factor. Then, some “paradox”, “flaws” and “contradiction” appeared. Those “authentic” guys will argue whether relativistic mass reasonable endlessly, never can find a way out, perhaps. Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, we put the emphasis on ourselves. The inherent PROPERTY such as “fundamental natural relations” is in CONTROL. Those “paradox”, “flaws” and “contradiction” would AUTOPILOTly disappear.
A vivid analogy: in the battle field, Company A might ask for assistance from Company B, but what operation Company B will carry out is up to the decision of the captain of Company B. He is in CONTROL.

Nonetheless, the original SR of Einstein was innovative, reasonable and valuable.

Einstein + htam = flawless physics

Science has passed the cross roads.
It’s just a problem facing mankind which can’t be solved by human.

After the crossroads are two roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice. 呵呵

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2022 05:55 pm
According to news report, the situation in Ukraine is bad.
Nowadays the only official project of research on spherical electromagnetic wave is in Ukraine, perhaps.

Piggy cares the safety of Mr. SievrikovAS. He is from Ukraine according to the location shown in PHF. Obviously he is a qualified scientist.
He did something substantial in real scientific research in the category of PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.

May Lord bless scientist and normal scientific research.
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Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2022 03:24 am
If somebody thinks that he is a more excellent scientist than Albert Einstein, feel free to show up his power here.
What piggy absolutely trusts in is always the First Law of Cosmos / First Logic of Cosmos created by the First Order. No matter how many social resource they input, no matter how complicated the game would be, piggy has to be a dead man. Soft landing: a security guard in Jiangmen city. 呵呵Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
“Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism”? The First Order appreciates it very much. Piggy “sure enough”.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2022 08:34 am
Once upon a time, piggy also heard a guy in anther galaxy said that “which one can explain the U Hydrogen phenomenon / contraction of proton, he directs physics into the new era.
The mass – space equation hidden in Einstein’s SR did it.
Piggy always says that the pig doesn’t love in the misty “singularity” either. But unfortunately, the mass – space equation shows it can “exist” at the last episode of the cosmos.
In science, always is equation better than “thought” only.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2023 02:28 pm
Oh Lord, seems wasp gone…呵呵

Izzy sir ALLOWed the pig to speak everything here. Thanks him.
Piggy will reorganize some stuff in this thread and repeat them for reference to those guys with positive mind and spirit of exploration / innovation who are willing to touch the elephant from an alternative angle and enter the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.
Piggy hopes donkey and his foot don’t take a look at it. It’s not for them. 呵呵
If they do it, that means they AUTOPILOTly donate 1 USD into the account of the Pig Head Committee.
Piggy saw a donkey boy talking about “singularity” in this galaxy. Piggy doubts whether that boy can calculate “singularity” with rigorous mathematical – physical analysis / formula or not? If not, he can learn something here. How can he sink whose physics?
Piggy always says the PRESENCE of black hole is the prelude of collapse of this cosmos…

If Lord not yet aware he created something wrong in the case of those so called what “authentic” / “standard” / “mainstream” constraint, he would do it in the case wasp;
If Lord not yet aware he created something wrong in the case of wasp, he would do it in the case of donkey;
If Lord not yet aware he created something wrong in the case of donkey, he would do it at last in the case of the First Order...
He has no idea how to “have compassion for” / “sympathize with” them. 呵呵

Next, go on with normal scientific research.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2023 02:31 pm
An Important Equation Hidden in SR: the Mass – Space Equation

Piggy always says that the “mass – space equation” is the threshold of entering the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.

The equation for the traditional Lorentz transformation of length contraction is: L’ = L / γ (here “γ” is the Gama factor in SR)
The mass – speed equation is M = γM0
Then, ML’ = M0L so, L’ = M0L / M
Because the rest mass M0 and the mean length L are constants for an object, then:
L’ ∝ 1 / M. ①
This might be called the “Mass – Space equation”. (Note: I am habitual to use upper case letters in this equation because the lower case of L looks like a “1”).
Because the rest mass M0 and the mean length L for different objects are different constants, the item M0L is a different proportionate constant for different objects. For convenient and simple sake, I decide to put aside the problem of different proportionate constants and employ the simplest mathematical method to demonstrate the physical meaning. That’s why I employ such a format *∝ #. In specific situation, we can employ a specific proportionate constant k, it will be a full formula.

Below is the key thinking throughout this context and it would be the threshold of the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.
The “mass – space equation” (L’ ∝ 1 / M) above contains two most basic physical quantities: mass and space. It reflects the most basic natural rule. It should not be subjected to the limitation of the velocity of movement. Then, shake off the effect of movement / reference frame, the “mass – space equation” would be:
L ∝ 1 / M. ② (Note: here “M” just means “mass”.)

(The key point is whether a guy can be AWARE or not. If a guy is AWARE, he would understand the last paragraph and can “shake off the effect of movement / reference frame” and enter the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY.)

Liqiang Chen
Feb 27, 2023
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2023 02:36 pm
The Derivation of the Mass – Space Equation from “Spherical Electromagnetic Wave”

Next, I will analyze and derive the “mass – space equation” from my own physics model of elementary particle (simplified model).

We shift temporarily to another topic: What Einstein’s energy – mass equation E = m c² reflects is neither kinematic energy nor potential energy but internal energy. What’s internal energy and how it’s deposited?
Just set out from the experiment of the annihilation of the positron – electron pair releases energy: released photon(s) travelling in straight line. No residue left. Seems that the elementary particle such as electron is “confined electromagnetic wave”? How can electromagnetic wave be confined?
The “mass point” is just an abstract conception in theoretical physics. There is no such thing in nature. The real internal energy should not be deposited in an abstract “mass point”. We must construct a feasible model with effective mathematical – physical method.

At this moment, we imagine something: we can understand the sea waves in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Oceans, which travelling on the spherical surface of the Earth and they can’t shock the moon…
Then, the conception of “spherical electromagnetic wave” generated. (Why light can travel in a circle without the help of gravity? My consideration is it should be the affair of the “mechanism of formation of matter”, which should be natural rules more fundamental than the fundamental natural force.)

Thinking in this way, I initiated my “physics model of elementary particle”: elementary particles can be divided into two big categories depending on matter state:
Matter state 1: Spherical electromagnetic wave. It’s the physics model for such elementary particles as electron, proton, etc. Construct a model of spherical electromagnetic wave in this way: circle type of standing electromagnetic wave on any normal cutting plane of the small sphere. Then, the energy of the electromagnetic wave is confined on the small spherical surface (deposited).
Matter state 2: A section of electromagnetic wave travels in straight line in the speed of light c. It is the physics model of a released photon.

The elementary particles have an inherent property of spiral chirality. The corresponding anti - elementary particles have an inherent property of contrary spiral chirality. Either left – handed or right – handed. The electric interaction or charge is directly reflected by the spiral chilarity of spherical electromagnetic wave. If an elementary particle is neutral, it should have no spiral chirality. (This point is not the emphasis in this context. So, the details would not be provided.)

But for intuition sake, the “circle type of standing wave” can serve as a simplified model. And for convenience in calculation in this context, the simplified model is applied. And it’s considered that the energy on the spherical surface be converted entirely into the “circle type of standing wave”.

There is a question, why the energy equation for a released photon is E = hγ (here “γ” is frequency) in Quantum theory and need not to take the number of crests (n of λ, here n is a natural number) into account?
In my physics model, a released photon is just a section of electromagnetic wave, its energy E should ∝ the number of crests (n of λ).
It implies that all released photons have the same number of crests (n of λ)? Temporarily suppose it is and see what will happen.
Next, we refer to the simplified physics model (circle type of standing wave). Unfold the standing wave, it turns into two released photons (for simplicity sake, just consider that it’s one released photon).

We watch the game in counter way, it’s one released photon turn into a standing wave.
And we got: standing wave which constitute all kinds of elementary particles have the same number of crests (note: nt of λt, when referring to travelling waves; and ns of λs, when referring to standing waves. The lower index “t” means travelling wave while “s” means standing wave in this context).

Next, we try to use the physics model for elementary particle and the temporary conclusion of same number of crests in this chapter to calculate the radius of elementary particle of “matter state 1”.

Below, we calculate the central line of the helical track instead of the helical track itself because the speed of light should be calculated on the central line. And the wave length λt should be the projective wavelength on the central line.
E = Mc² = 2hγt = 2hc / λt then:
λt = 2h / Mc then:
The radius of elementary particle is:
r = ntλt / 2π = nth /πcM
Because nt, h, π, c are all constants, we use a constant “a” for simplicity and a = nth/πc, then:
r = a / M ③
Namely, r ∝1/ M. In fact, it’s the same meaning as L ∝ 1 / M ahead.

The existence of the mass – space equation does not depend on reference frame / movement.

Liqiang Chen
Feb 27, 2023

Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2023 02:34 pm
(As piggy mentioned in the thread ‘matter vs anti matter”, different number of crests (n of λ) has something to do with dark matter. This point is not the emphasis in this context. So, the details would not be provided. But the mass – space equation establish in case of different n.)
Next, continue the topic of mass – space equation.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2023 02:41 pm
The Explanation of μ Hydrogen phenomenon

When the electron of a Hydrogen atom is replaced with a μ particle, the atom turns to be μ Hydrogen. (For detailed information, please see relevant publications.)
There is a phenomenon occurs: the radius of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom contracted. Why?
Below we try to use the conclusion in the mass – space equation to explain it.

The radius of the proton in Hydrogen atom is r1 ≈ 8.768×10ˆ-16m. The mass of an electron is Me ≈ 9.1×10ˆ-31kg, while the mass of a μ particle is Mμ ≈ 200 ×9.1×10ˆ-31kg.
The mass of a proton is Mp ≈ 1.6726×10ˆ-27kg.

The reduced mass of the electron in Hydrogen atom is:
μ1 = Me Mp / ( Me + Mp) ≈ (9.1×10ˆ-31) × (1.6726×10ˆ-27) / [(9.1×10ˆ-31)+ (1.6726×10ˆ-27)] ≈ 9.0951×10ˆ-31kg

The increased mass of the proton in Hydrogen atom is:
M1 = Mp + Me -μ1 ≈ (1.6726×10ˆ-27) + (9.1×10ˆ-31) - (9.0951×10ˆ-31) ≈1.6726×10ˆ-27kg

The reduced mass of the μ particle in μ Hydrogen atom is:
μ2 = Mμ Mp / ( Mμ+ Mp) ≈ (200×9.1×10ˆ-31) × (1.6726×10ˆ-27) / [(200×9.1×10ˆ-31)+ (1.6726×10ˆ-27)] ≈ 0.1641×10ˆ-27kg

The increased mass of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom rise to be:
M2 = Mp+ Mμ –μ2 ≈ (1.6726×10ˆ-27) + (0.182×10ˆ-27) - (0.1641×10ˆ-27) ≈1.6905×10ˆ-27kg
According to the mass – space equation r ∝ 1 / M, the rise of the increased mass of the proton leads to the contraction of the radius of the proton in μ Hydrogen atom.

(For calculation of two body issue, please see relevant lecture of QM.)
(All data in this chapter is published data for reference. The key is the principle.)

Liqiang Chen
Feb 28, 2023
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2023 02:50 pm
The Velocity of Movement of Spherical Electromagnetic Wave

It’s easy to understand “spherical electromagnetic wave” as a whole structure can be statics or moves in a velocity of v. A vivid analogy: A football can sit there. When you kick, it moves; the more powerful you kick, it moves faster.

When v → c, according to the mass – speed equation of SR M = γM0, the mass of the spherical electromagnetic wave M → ∞; according to the mass – space equation r = a / M, the radius of spherical electromagnetic wave r → 0, Of course, r never can reach 0 because that means the spherical electromagnetic wave disappears, non sense in physics. That’s why v can’t reach the speed of light c.
Namely, the range of the moving velocity of spherical electromagnetic wave is 0 < v < c.

It’s well proved fact that such elementary particles as electron, positron, proton, etc, can only move near the speed of light c, even accelerated with powerful accelerator. The range of their moving velocity is just 0 < v < c.
Say it in counter way, such elementary particles as electron, positron, proton, etc, are spherical electromagnetic wave.

Liqiang Chen
Feb 28, 2023
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jun, 2023 04:26 am
Actually the pig has amended and reorganized much stuff of this thread and wrote an article of “Research on the Root of Special Relativity”. But the pig always respects anyone’s choice. Just talk a bit more here for those guys who are will to touch the elephant from an alternative angle…

How to Understand the Mass – Space Equation Correctly

Perhaps a guy might ask such a funny question: if a rabbit ate a strawberry, would its size contract?
Piggy’s answer is very explicit: no. This case is a misunderstanding of the mass – space equation. Rabbit is not that rabbit already. It’s rabbit + strawberry. Its size would expand.

But if an electron absorbs a photon, the energy of the photon would be reorganized on the “spherical electromagnetic wave”. The mass of electron would increase. According to the mass – space equation r = a / M, the radius of electron would contract. This is another case.

Only in deeper level of meta - physics, we can distinguish the above two cases.

The constant “a” is applicable to both the electron and proton. Because the rest mass of the proton is much larger than the electron, we can expect the size of the proton is much smaller than that of the electron in static situation.

The cosmic environment situation (this is an average / statistic case considering cosmos as a whole):
Assume V is a certain value of any finite volume, then, the “Mass – Space equation” L∝1 / M can transform into L ∝(1 / V)﹝1 / (M / V)﹞,
1 / V is a constant; M / V = ρ; ρ is density of mass,
Then, L ∝ 1 / ρ
The mass density of the cosmos now is much smaller than that of billions of years ago. According to the mass - space equation L ∝ 1 / ρ, the three dimension physical space of the cosmos is much different than that of billions of years ago. The criterion of space is dynamic in the evolution of cosmos.
And the mass – time equation can transform into another form: △t ∝ ρ. The criterion of time is dynamic in the evolution of cosmos.

This is the real meaning of inter space – time.

Vivid analogy: just imagine the whole cosmos as a “balloon”. Put a wave length of light in the “balloon”. When the balloon inflates, the wave length will stretch, while the frequency will decrease.
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