Hi guys.
The following is essentially my 'theory of everything'. I just felt like sharing with you, and would love to know what you guys think of it.
In truth, any given 'particular thing' (for example, a tree) can ONLY exist if the right conditions are present. These conditions are 'not the tree', and are necessarily comprised of 'other things', ALL of which can ONLY exist if the right conditions are present. These conditions are 'not those other things', and are necessarily comprised of 'other other things', ALL of which can ONLY exist if the right conditions are present....and so on, ad infinitum.
Therefore, 'the tree' could not possibly appear in exactly the way that it is without the ENTIRETY of 'not the tree' (which is, in this context, most accurately defined as the all-inclusive and as such fundamentally singular and ultimately boundless presence that lies beyond 'the tree') appearing in exactly the way that it is.
In this way, 'the tree' and 'not the tree' are realized to be an absolutely inseparable 'pair' of opposites, which (like ALL such pairs) is inextricably indicative of the 'deeper' (and MORE ACTUAL) Reality that is itself fundamentally seamless and as such completely devoid of BOTH. Therefore, it isn't actually true that there exists EITHER 'the tree' OR 'not the tree', that are intrinsically different from and/or independently other than each other in the way in which they SEEM to be. EXACTLY the same is true of 'Me' and 'Not Me' (and of 'You' and 'Not You').
In truth, both of these 'two' are absolutely equal. That is, equally non-existent. NEITHER are actually Here.
Ultimately, what IS actually Here is Reality itself, which, in truth, can have no real ultimate 'edge', in any direction at all, in expanse or duration.
The very presence of any conceivable 'absence of Reality' that may intuitively seem to inherently remain boundlessly beyond such an edge would forever ensure, in and of itself, that its own essential condition of 'absolute lack of presence' could NEVER be met. Consequently, this apparent absence is always already encompassed by (and therefore, included 'within') the ever-remaining causeless, boundless presence that is Reality itself, which is, as such, not a 'thing', nor is it any number of 'things'.
In truth, Reality fundamentally equals 'ZERO'. That is to say, actually, there isn't anything.
Yet, the very 'ISness' of this 'ZERO' inextricably equals 'ONE'.
Being intrinsically infinite and eternal, 'ONE' is forever choicelessly aware of (and is therefore effortlessly experiencing) the eternal infinity that is 'ONE', all the while remaining (due to its fundamentally attributeless nature) absolutely unrequiring of (and thus, completely devoid of) any capacity for the formation of any kind of 'knowledge' of 'itself', or of 'anything else'.
This is the stateless state of 'pure awareness'. It simply 'is', without beginning, ending or edge, always already perfect and complete, and absolutely sufficient unto itself. As such, it remains forever in an unfathomable state of unthreatenable bliss.
This, alone, is 'What Actually 'IS'', 'Here' and 'Now'.
As 'ONE' experiences 'ONE', 'ONE' SEEMS to be 'TWO'. These illusory 'TWO' are 'the seer' and 'the seen'. The seen is fundamentally manifested as the state of 'absolute chaos' (finite, ever-changing and moving form). The seer is fundamentally manifested as the state of 'absolute order' (infinite, ever-changeless and still emptiness).
'From' the eternal interaction between this apparent 'pair', 'Everything' happens, in the ONLY way that it possibly can;
'THIS' way.
In other words, the so-called 'big bang' (which is one in an infinite series of such bangs) can be described as an instantaneous event of pure chaos (the seen) that happens in the infinite field of changeless and orderly emptiness (the seer). When this occurs, the passive 'gaze' of the field causes the event to coherently 'evaporate', unresistingly, via the orderly path of least resistance until it has completely dissolved, and then another bang happens, and so on forever. The evaporation itself (which can ONLY happen perfectly) is the seemingly causal and sequential 'life' of the universe, along with all of its apparently coherent hierarchical structure and physical 'laws'.
Being an evaporation, it doesn't really have any actual 'parts', that are fundamentally different from and/or independently other than each other in the way in which they seem to be.
Therefore, every'thing', every'one', and every 'event' EVER is actually an 'apparent part' of the forever fundamentally seamless and effortless unfurling of this one choiceless effect, which is itself comprised ONLY of the one causeless, unencompassed, self-experiencing presence that is 'ZERO'.
Amongst the myriad finite and temporary undulations that arise and dissolve within this illusory unfurling, there arise certain undulations of such extreme physical complexity that they have the choiceless and effortless capacity to 'reflect' the gaze of the infinite emptiness back upon itself from their own particular positions, as well as upon all surrounding undulations within a certain coherent distance from themselves. This makes it seem as if there is a uniquely autonomous, finite and temporary awareness operating within each one of these extremely complex undulations, consequently concealing the true oneness of the universe.
Ultimately 'Here' and 'Now', without another, forever and ever;
Thanks very much for reading.