The Base of Physics, (a brief history of touchy and feely))

Reply Wed 15 Dec, 2021 01:28 am
Is that the best you can do?….you should know by now that such play ground talk only goes further to weaken your position…it doesn’t wash with me …I find it hilarious…

Please explain why you only adopt HALF logic 0,1…1,0 in your calculations?

Justify why this is to everyone….we all want to know…..

Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2021 01:50 am
The common link between the macro and the micro is ELECTROMECHANICAL processes.

The cosmos and the physical body operate because of ELECTROMECHANICS.

Electromechanical process produce + and - charges.This is where + and - charges originate from.They are generated due to the SPINNING of objects and sub atomic particles in electromagnetic fields.

+ and - charges interact resulting in attraction/repulsion of physical objects at both the macro/ micro levels.

Planets in the.Cosmos /Subatomic particles only spin because they are within electromagnetic fields.The attraction/repulsion which is observed
all the time in the cosmos resulting in big bangs and big crunches wouldn’t happen without the electromagnetic fields because no spin would happen and no +/- charges would be produced and therefore no attraction/repulsion would be observed.

What is modern day science’s take on all this again??

Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2021 06:09 am

htam9876…please explain why you think the above isn’t a valid theory….we could all do with a laugh…
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 10:28 pm
Piggy suggests that "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN" “profoundly sick” in the mind guy pee on the ground as a mirror to take a look at himself, how many natural science it actually knows, how many equations it actually can read, what he actually can do in natural science except imagine this think that randomly, and then AUTOPILOTly go to hell.
Piggy hereby sincerely invites scientists, researchers and experts around the globe come to a2k and review whether j – 10’s behaviors in my threads, especially in this physics thread, from the date of 25 Aug, 2021
URL: https://able2know.org/topic/555934-3
can count as trolling.
Perhaps this case can serve as a reference project in international anti trolling effort on internet.

Now, it’s very obvious that J – 10 rubbish / social scum is 神经病, that sort should be mandatory closed in metal hospital and take deep treatment. I am sure.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 10:33 pm
Next, go on with normal scientific research on most basic level.
(Below is some materials in previous post or in other thread, piggy reorganized them and put it here for reference to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative angle)

The energy – momentum equation vs the energy – mass equation, touchy and feely:

First, introduce the energy – momentum equation E² = p²c² + (m0c²)².
Next, just think it in natural way.

1. If the energy – momentum equation reflects the stationary situation, then, momentum p naturally equals to zero. Then, we got E² = 0 + (m0c²)², namely: E = m0c². It can be denoted exactly as E0 = m0c². This is the energy - mass equation in stationary situation;

2. If the energy – momentum equation reflects the dynamic situation, then, momentum p ≠ 0.
Transform the energy – momentum equation E² = p²c² + (m0c²)² into p² – E² / c² = - m0²c²,
- m0²c² = m0²v² / (1 – v² / c²) – m0²c² / (1 – v² / c²),
As the analysis ahead demonstrated, dynamic mass or say relativistic mass in SR should be reasonable, then:
Because m² = m0² / (1 – v² / c²), then, - m0²c² = m²v² – m²c² = p² – E² / c²,
Because m²v² = p², then, – m²c² = – E² / c²,
Then E² = m²c ^4, namely: E = mc². This is the energy – mass equation in dynamic situation.

Below is the transformation in counter way:
E = mc² is Dynamic energy - mass relationship in nature. It’s a basic natural relationship. (“Dynamic” means the particle is moving and hints it has momentum);
Next square both sides: E² = m²c ^4, namely: m²c² = E² / c², then, add a negative mark on both side: – m²c² = – E² / c²;
Add two “redundant” items m²v² on both sides: m²v² – m²c² = m²v² – E² / c²;
Because m²v² = p², then, m²v² – m²c² = p² – E² / c²;
Because m = γm0, (pay attention here, it just means that you can consider the magnitude of the moving dynamic mass m is γm0, but not means the particle be rest), square both sides: m² = m0² / (1 – v² / c²);
Then, m0²v² / (1 – v² / c²) – m0²c² / (1 – v² / c²) = p² – E² / c²;
A mathematical calculation: m0²v² / (1 – v² / c²) – m0²c² / (1 – v² / c²) = - m0²c²;
Then, - m0²c² = p² – E² / c²;
Transform it in math, then, E² = p²c² + (m0c²)².
It’s the so called energy – momentum equation.

If it’s the stationary situation, v = 0, then, no math game can be played. Then, it’s just an energy - mass equation in stationary situation: E0 = m0c².

Liqiang Chen
Dec 24, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 01:39 am
It has to be realised that a good scientific theory needs to encompass all the sciences otherwise it is a useless/pointless theory.Modern day science theories are totally that.Is it not obvious, why keep flogging a dead horse?

There is no definitive evidence for gravity and antigravity hasn’t turned up yet so at the very least we have a poor half theory with the gravity theory.Modern day science doesn’t have a full theory.It only has poor half theories that do not relate to the human experience or physical body workings.

Modern day science needs glue to explain how matter is held together, until it’s illusive antimatter turns up.Modern day science doesn’t have a good explanation as to why planets/stars/subatomic particles spin.Science doesn’t know what caused the Big Bang.Modern day science hasn’t a clue about consciousness.Modern day science hasn’t got adequate explanations for all the above and I could go on.Modern day science is in a total mess.

The magnetism theory can get modern day science out of that mess because it has an explanation to all the above that makes sense and uses established scientific principles.The magnetism theory explains the “toggling” effect.The magnetism theory explains how +/- charges are created.The magnetism theory explains the big bangs/big crunches.The magnetism theory explains the sinusoidal wave forms that are created due to electromechanical processes that are the common denominator between the macro/micro.The magnetism theory explains Boolean Logic output possibly principles which the whole of the cosmos adopts in its make up.

The electromagnetic fields were around before the big bangs and big crunches.Modern day science needs to start considering this possibility and then all the jig saw pieces will fall into place and things will start to make sense.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 02:53 am
Modern day science needs a shake up.
Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 06:20 pm
Why should piggy waste time to argue with a 神经病? How happy the First Order would be. 呵呵
The 1 – “f” logic really works: trolling = win.
It’s FACT.
The what coffin box from what CN appeared in PHF in 2020, just trolled and then piggy dead.
But what can such guy do in science?
Can such guy explain whether relativistic mass is reasonable or not in Einstein’s SR?
J – 10 rubbish has receded to be a stumbling stone in the development of science. I am sure.
What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k community and plaguing science and society.
What he can do in the rest of his time will be DREAMing (satisfy his mind with his psychology) and TROLLing others and waste others’ time. I am very sure.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 06:24 pm
Next, go on with normal scientific research on most basic level.

Special analysis about the problem of “massless particle”, touchy and feely:
Since the energy – momentum equation E² = p²c² + (m0c²)² is generally applicable (to any particle), the stationary situation E0 = m0c² as well as the dynamic situation E = mc² is generally applicable (to any particle) too.

The so called energy – momentum equation is just a tricky math game as illustrated above. So, such representation of “for a massless particle, its energy E = pc” is also a tricky math game. The energy of a particle should be calculated according to the energy – mass equation in physics. If you consider a particle is “massless”, then, its energy will be zero. Such “massless - energyless” particle is theoretically meaningless in physics. It does not exist in nature.

Liqiang Chen
Dec 28, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Dec, 2021 02:55 am
htam9876…you keep claiming my theories are rubbish and to ignore them without a single explanation as to why they are rubbish………..as if that is enough……..Ha Ha…hilarious…a sound theory will ride through it all.

Science is in a mess…..and you know it…..it has come up with that many nonsense theories now it doesn’t know which way to turn.

A united theory means just that…certain modern day science’s who think they hold the monopoly need to back off a bit and work with all the other science’s.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 03:28 am
The behavior of the J – 10 bully bully is just alike a boring rat, which **** everywhere and move rubbish to your place.
The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. 呵呵
I am very sure.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 05:50 am
Your statement…..”I am very sure” ….

……..but you are not totally sure are you?….….and that is your problem….be more flexible and open to the other science’s views/opinions and stop being so arrogant…..

It’s your down fall….
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 07:40 am
What specific physics problems j - 10 rubbish can SOVLE? Show it here. Piggy invite scientist, researchers, experts around the groble come to a2k to review.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 08:49 am
Piggy suggests that "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN" “profoundly sick” in the mind guy pee on the ground as a mirror to take a look at himself, how many natural science it actually knows, how many equations it actually can read, what he actually can do in natural science except imagine this think that randomly, and then AUTOPILOTly go to hell.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 08:59 am
There is an old Chinese saying “a piece of rat **** destroys a pot of soup”. J-10 bully is obviously that piece of rat **** in a2k. I am sure.
J – 10 rubbish has receded to be a stumbling stone in the development of science. I am sure.
What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k community and plaguing science and society, damaging the reputation and future of a2k community. I am sure.
What he can do in the rest of his time will be DREAMing (satisfy his mind with his psychology) and TROLLing others and waste others’ time and the resource of the Earth. I am very sure.
That sort of social scum is just alike a rat **** everywhere. Boring. He should AUTOPILOTly go to hell.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 11:27 am
Stop complaining and put him on ignore.

Nobody is forcing you to read his posts.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 01:55 pm
I wish he would put me on ignore……..he’s just a sore loser who can’t challenge the full logic possibility magnetism theory because it is a sound theory………..he can still read my posts if he to wants to learn more about proper science concepts…..……Leave him chasing his tail with his half gravity theory calcs and his vain attempts to find antigravity…….

Has anyone got any more GLUE!!!!!! in the meantime… …he’s gonna need it….
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 02:20 pm
You see philosophy has found it’s full theory…..science on the other hand is still looking in vain for it’s full theory……
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 05:36 pm
The behavior of the J – 10 bully bully is just alike a boring rat, which shits everywhere and moves rubbish to your place.
Science is just science. Rat **** is just rat ****. 神经病 is just神经病. Why science has to accept rat **** and神经病?
“A piece of rat **** destroys a pot of soup”. J-10 bully is obviously that piece of rat **** in a2k. I am sure.
J – 10 bully has receded to be a stumbling stone in the development of science. I am sure.
What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k community and plaguing science and society, damaging the reputation and future of a2k community. I am sure.
What he can do in the rest of his time will be DREAMing (satisfy his mind with his psychology) and TROLLing others and waste others’ time and the resource of the Earth. I am very sure.
The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. 呵呵
I am very sure.
That sort of social scum is just alike a boring rat shits everywhere. He should AUTOPILOTly go to hell.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 01:48 am
J-10 is not a bully at all…...J-10 just talks common sense and has come up with sound philosophical and scientific theories which are not based upon biased assumptions……..

If you can’t definitely prove something then don’t solely bias your logic 0,1…1,0 that way….this is exactly what modern day science does and continues to do, which results in half scientific theories.

The evidence shows that Science is not solely based upon 0,1…1,0 logic and neither is it solely based upon 0,0…1,1 logic either.

You can’t ignore any of the 4 off logic outputs in science.They are integrated together.

The 4 off logic outputs are clearly seen in science with magnetism because you can see all 4 off logic charge combinations in action.

There is no real math involved …..…just a bit of common sense and unbiased logic is all that is required.

Philosophy isn’t dead……no quite the opposite…….philosophy is now leading the way because modern day science has totally lost its way….


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