The Base of Physics, (a brief history of touchy and feely))

Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 05:35 am
Ha Ha...come on guys play ground stuff.....it's water off ducks back to me...

Ouch....I'm not a "biological logic machine" htam9876... I might have interfaces with it and so in that respect I am AWARE.

The MAGNETISM theory is just a theory and makes use of established science....and is therefore real science not BS science that you are basing all your calculations on. Science only goes on about GARVITY (contraction).It remains very silent on what causes the expansion in the first place.

The MAGNETISM theory could explain this (+/+...-/-)..

This isn't going nowhere fast htam9876.......if the MAGNETSIM theory is a reasonable theory then you are going to have re-think all your calcs my friend.

Are either of you going to come up with a sensible challenge or not?

Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 06:26 am
check mate then!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 07:00 am
Piggy doesn’t know how to stop the persisting malicious disturbance from the "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN" “profoundly sick” in the mind guy Jasper 10. Piggy is very sorry that the consecutiveness of this thread has been seriously damaged.
To prevent this thread from being obliged to suspend too, piggy decides to adopt two emergency measures as below:
1. Ignore all of Jasper 10 rubbish trolling post;
2. As soon as piggy has prepared the materials, piggy would post it for reference to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant from an alternative angle.
Piggy is trying to do his best to maintain normal research in natural science here.
Sorry guys.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 07:03 am
The problem of contraction of space in Einstein’s SR, touchy and feely:

Now it’s time to entirely solve this problem.

The Mass – Space equation: r ∝ 1 / M or say L ∝ 1 / M;
The Time – Space equation L ∝1 / △t.

The dynamic Mass – Space equation: r’ ∝ 1 / M or say L’ ∝ 1 / M;
The dynamic Space – Time equation: L’ ∝ 1 /△t’.

The mass and time are all scalars without direction. So, the contraction of space should be in all directions.
Exactly the affair of inflation / deflation of space or time should be the substantial affair in the PRESENCE – PROPERTY system.

Or think it in this way “the relativistic factor “γ” is just a mathematical symbol originally representing proportion only, which does not concern the direction of movement”. So, the contraction of space should be in all directions.

Below is a thought experiment to demonstrate the insufficiency of the traditional Lorentz transformation.
When someone stays stationary relative to the sun, he will see that the sun is a round ball. When he moves to the sun in constant velocity (the sun moves to him relatively), he will see that the sun is an oval ball/thin due to the "length contraction effect" in the direction of movement.
The effect of gravity is even in all directions, so the sun is round; if the sun is thin, that means the effect of gravity is not even in all directions. Physics rule is not equivalent in different inertial frames? But one of the postulates of SR is "physics rule is equivalent" in different inertial frames...

Actually, there is another very simple thought experiment to demonstrate the inherent flaw of the traditional Lorentz transformation in Einstein’s SR.
Assume an object is moving in speed v in frame S, the same angles with all axis x,y,z for simplicity. Then, in frame S, the components of speed v along x,y,z axis are the same. While in frame S’, because the Lorentz transformation formulas in the cross direction is not the same as that of the along direction (the moving direction of frame S’), that’s mean the components of speed v’ along x’,y’,z’ axis are NOT the same. Then, physics rule is not the same in different inertial frames.

If we resort to the space contraction in all directions (Lorentz transformation is the same in all directions) as per the analysis ahead, the above flaw can be amended easily.

(to be continued)

Liqiang Chen
August 26, 2021
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2021 08:43 am
Well it's a shame that you take that approach htam9876...you still have not come back with a valid challenge to the MAGNETISM theory by the way.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2021 03:19 pm
Now this thread has been serious disturbed by the "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN" “profoundly sick” in the mind guy. (or merely a malfunctioned “biology logic machine”?) and is already half dead. It’s a tragedy in science.
Perhaps the happiest in this cosmos should be the First Order. They surely are cheerful again.

Piggy suggests that "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN" “profoundly sick” in the mind guy (or merely a malfunctioned “biology logic machine”? who only can imagine this think that randomly. ) pee on the ground as a mirror to take a look at himself, how many natural science it actually knows, how many equations it actually can read, what he actually can do in natural science except imagine this think that randomly, and then AUTOPILOTly go to hell.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Aug, 2021 08:21 am

Below is a third thought experiment to demonstrate the insufficiency of the traditional Lorentz transformation.
Assume a part of stable DC circuit with the shape of “L” rests in inertial frame S: section 1 horizontal; section 2 vertical; wire cutting face is a square for convenience. Another inertial frame S’ moves rightward at velocity u.
The purpose of this thought experiment is to verify whether the “length contraction effect” is in all direction as per the analysis ahead shows or just in the moving direction as traditional Lorentz transformation shows.

First, analysis resorts to traditional Lorentz transformation.
In frame S:
For section 1, I1 = n1qv1; for section 2, I2 = n2qv2
(Here take the moving direction of electron as the direction of current for convenience, n is the density of free electron in the wire, q is the charge carried by electron, v is the moving velocity of free electron.)
I1 = I2, n1 = n2 = n, v1 = v2 = v
In frame S’:
For section 1, △x’ = △x / γ , △y’ = △y , △z’ = △z
V’ = △x’△y’△z’ = △x△y△z / γ = V / γ (V’ is volume in frame S’, V is volume in frame S)
So, n1’ = γn1 = γn
Lorentz transformation of velocity:
v1’ = (v1 - u) / (1 - u v1/c² )
I1’ = n1’qv1’ = γnq (v1 - u) / (1 - u v1/c²)
For section 2, also V’ = V / γ
So, n2’ = γn2 = γn
Lorentz transformation of velocity:
v2’ = v2 / γ(1 - u v1/c²)
I2’ = n2’qv2’ = γnq v2 / γ(1 - u v1/c²) = nq v2 / (1 - u v1/c²)
I1’ ≠ I2’
Physics rule is not equally applicable in inertial frame S’.

Next, resort to the space contraction in all directions as per the analysis ahead.
In frame S’:
For section 1, n1’ = γ³n1 = γ³n
v1’ = dx’ / dt’ = (v1 - u) / (1 - u v1/c² )
I1’ = n1’qv1’ = γ³nq (v1 - u) / (1 - u v1/c²)
For section 2, n2’ = γ³n2 = γ³n
v2’ = dz’ / dt’ = dx’ / dt’ = (v1 - u) / (1 - u v1/c² )
I2’ = n2’qv2’ = γ³nq (v1 - u) / (1 - u v1/c²)
I1’ = I2’
Physics rule is equally applicable in inertial frame S’.

Of course, the “L” shape DC circuit scenario can be verified. Just fix two electric meters in the sections and watch if their values are the same. It’s not a difficult experiment to do.

Liqiang Chen
August 31, 2021
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2021 03:37 am
Actually, the physical essence of the relativistic principles is the inherent property of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”). Summarized briefly as below:
In dynamic situation, the kinematic energy appears and then the internal energy increases; according to the energy – mass equation, the mass increases; according to the mass – space equation, the radium or circumference would contract; and then the wavelength decreases; and then the frequency would increase (time inflates).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2021 12:53 pm
ALL particles Are energy. Only quarks and leptons, all being comopsed out of three truly elementary rishons, can move with aarbitrary speeds between 0 and c. Quarks and leptons APPEAR to have mass because they move slower than the speed of light. Their constituent particles are massless and move at the speed of light. Only aggregates of three of these massless rishons move slower than c, like all quarks and leptons indeed do, even neutrinos. There is NO NEED for an artificial Higgs mechanism in this picture (a Mexican hat potential...? No way) though the Higgs PARTICLE is real. All gauge fields are massless (the weak force is just a residue interaction, like the old mesonic strong force). These gauge fields, like the photon field, are pure energy fields. Massive matter (fields of quarks and leptons, which carry an effective mass/kinetic energy because they consist each of three rishons, which are massless) can absorb pure energy which is transformed into effective kinetic energy.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2021 12:57 pm
Negative space(time) curvature causes expansion, though the expansion of space is virtual. We experience just increasing volumes of 4d space.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2021 01:24 pm
I have to disagree ….electromechanical force combinations of -/- or +/+ cause expansion….simple really.
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2021 05:06 pm
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2021 05:19 pm
Piggy is researching the most basic natural and generally applicable rules in physics. The so called what quark theory, Higgers particle, etc, are all method of description to try touch the elephant in a certain angle. People mistake model as truth. If such theory / ideas can’t be in conformity with most basic natural and generally applicable rules in physics, then, we can suspect whether they are just conjectures.
Piggy’s humble opinion is that some old theories / ideas which can’t be effectively verified within a long period of time, should be abandoned, so that science can move on.
Have a lovely day.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Dec, 2021 05:53 pm
Theory vs practice, touchy and feely

Below is some material in a textbook about Einstein’s SR. Piggy moves it here for further analysis.

According to the Mass Point Dynamics, the kinematic energy is:
Ek = ∫F●dr (here “F” is the combined force, “r” is distance, “●” is point product)
And momentum P = dF / dt = d(mv) / dt
Then, Ek = ∫F●dr = ∫(d(mv) / dt) ●dr = ∫(d(mv)) ●(dr / dt) = ∫0→v(d(mv)) ● v
Actually, (d(mv)) ● v = dmv ● v + mdv ● v = v²dm + mvdv

According to the mass – speed relationship m = γm0 (here “γ” is the Gama factor),
We got: m²v² = m²c² - m0²c²
Make differential on both sides and clear up,
We got: v²dm + mvdv = c²dm

Then, Ek = ∫m0→m c²dm = m c² - m0 c²
This is the relativistic kinematic energy equation.
In which, E = m c² or E = m0 c² is internal energy.
(Note, vector marks and some details of calculation omitted, because piggy doesn’t know how to display them. Sorry.)

1. During the course of derivation, a key point was that Einstein employed relativistic mass. Or, say he acquiesced that?
Of course, as Vanhees71 said in a physics site:
“Einstein abandoned quite quickly the idea of relativistic masses…utmost confusing…”
So, actually Einstein’s Relativity is still toggling between “establish” and “abandon” in theory.
2. What important is that the exploitation of nuclear energy verified the correctness of internal energy.
3. Watch this event in counter way, the exploitation of nuclear energy verified the correctness of internal energy → the correctness of relativistic mass → the "transverse and longitudinal mass" are the same → what confusing is just man’s consciousness.

Have a lovely day, guys.

Liqiang Chen
Dec 8, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2021 01:19 am
Movement Movement Movement…what about Stillnes? Where does stillness fit into Einstein’s scientific equations?

Electromechanical systems have still elements as well as “Toggling ” moving elements.

Don’t neglect the still element to it all.

Big Bangs and Big Crunches are ONLY the moving elements.

Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2021 01:43 am
Big Bangs and Big Crunches are what make up the CAGE……or Hamsters wheel…or moving part of it all….There is a bigger picture….There is a STILL part to it all as well.However science is still stuck with its black hole /white hole theories….which are no such thing by the way….you realise this when you introduce consciousness into the equation.

You have to think outside the box….or should I say cage….uummmm…
Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2021 06:54 am
The moving CAGE produces the toggling 0,0… 0,1…1,0…1,1 logic outputs….because that is what electromechanical systems do…apologies DIGITAL outputs do…how else do we reason/think…there has to be an explanation…
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 05:12 pm
Declaration of disclaimer

In order to prevent J – 10 virus from making use of piggy’s thread(s) to propagate unscientific stuff and MISGUIDE science into his cage of logic / psychology, piggy hereby makes this serious declaration of disclaimer.
All of post by J – 10 would be considered as trolling rubbish attempting to disturb normal scientific research and so ignored by piggy. Piggy has reminded the danger of such a NO SAVE virus hereby.
Be careful guys.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 02:04 am
Modern day science is asleep….or should I say has been asleep.

Modern day science knows nothing about consciousness.

Modern day half scientific theories don’t correlate with the psychological experience whatsoever.There is no interconnection that people can understand and there should be.

Modern day science doesn’t recognise the fundamental part electromechanical systems play in the functioning of the cosmos and our physical bodies even though all the evidence is out there staring them in the face.

Modern day science doesn’t recognise or understand the implications of “toggling” fully which is an output of electromechanical systems.

Modern day science is still looking for it’s antigravity and it’s white holes.There is no such thing as black or white holes if you factor in consciousness …just holes…

Modern day science is a HALF science and only considers HALF possibility logic and all this can be proved by sound logic.

Modern day science can come up with as many half theories as it likes but they will bear no relationship to the actual functioning of the cosmos or the physical body.

The magnetism theory has overtaken the half gravity theory…

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2021 05:27 pm
Now, it’s very obvious that J – 10 rubbish / social scum is 神经病, that kind should be mandatory closed in metal hospital and take deep treatment. I am sure.
Actually that NO SAVE fool can’t understand what’s scientific research and scientific analysis, even not capable to read and think normally.
What he is doing just destroying the ecological environment of a2k and plaguing science and society and wasting others’ time. The most happy guys of course would be the First Order. High five!

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