Non – relativistic (invariable) mass problem, touchy and feely:
If the non – relativistic mass is employed in SR, the so called energy – momentum equation is as blow:
E² = p²c² + (mc²)²
(note: piggy quotes it from some “authentic” guys’ posts in some professional physics sites.)
1. If the energy – momentum equation reflects the stationary situation, then, momentum p naturally equals to zero. Then, we got E² = 0 + (mc²)², namely: E² = m²c^4 = m² c² c².
2. If the energy – momentum equation reflects the dynamic situation, then, p = mv, so:
E² = p²c² + (mc²)² = m²v²c² + (mc²)² = m² (v² + c²) c².
Because in dynamic situation velocity v ≠ 0, then, (v² + c²) ≠ c²
That means the energy – mass relation is not the same in different inertial frames (or say, it changes following movement).
But one of the basic principles of SR is "physics rule is equivalent" in different inertial frames. It’s a problem.
Now in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, we can analyze it from another angle.
Piggy considers the energy – mass relation is the third fundamental natural relation, which is the affair of the PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system.
Such fundamental natural relation is inherent property of matter and the most basic natural rule and should not change following movement. It’s the affair in the independent PRESENCE – PROPERTY natural system. It’s also a problem here.
If the relativistic mass is employed, then
1. If it is the stationary situation, E0 = m0c².
2. If it is the dynamic situation, E = mc².
(Relevant materials for reference: the chapter “Theory vs practice, touchy and feely” and the chapter “The energy – momentum equation vs the energy – mass equation, touchy and feely” ahead.)
That means the energy – mass relation is the same (namely c²) in different inertial frames (or say, it would not change following movement).
Problems solved.
Liqiang Chen
Jan 5 , 2022
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…