"You saw everything that is really important. "
That is a very strange remark. How do you know that? Shouldn't you be open for more information?
"A man, face down on the pavement, with his hands handcuffed behind his back, had a full grown man's body weight kneeling on his neck until he died."
Really? Are you so sure? 'weight kneeling on his neck", really?
Then how was it possible why he could say 'I can't breathe"?
There is a lot more to ask, namely if they were good buddies then why this this happen? was it staged? ( I think so), were they both freemasons (yes)
Why is the one who researched his death the same who researched Epstein's "death'? You see, no, you didn't see everything that was important.
Unless you are very gullible and naive and thinks that everything you see on the mainstream media is exactly what they show you.I assure you, it is not.