glitterbag wrote:
It's more than racist, have you ever seen the way they talk to women??? It's a power trip for a lot of these guys. I had a break-in when my husband was TDY, the neanderthals who arrived were curious if I had a boyfriend who might be pissed about something........Yeah, me and my young children were the reason some asshole tried to assault me.
It was lazy, but what can you do? Not much really....
There are some cops that are just so full of power - think they are on a power trip. Your comment reminded of an (now granted small incident) incident I had with a police officer when I was about 24 or so.
I had just moved to a new apartment with a new roommate. I was there maybe just a few days so I was unfamiliar with all the traffic lights/patterns. I was driving back to the apartment and was stopped at a red light right near the apartment. The light (at least I thought) changed to green - I saw the cars across from me moving and did not notice that the light on my side was a delayed green.. anyway I was taking a left - I moved up a bit and waited for the traffic to clear and turned left and then went to my parking spot.
A police car pulled up next to me - the police officer said did you know that was a delayed green light and your light was red. I answered "No" - seeing there was a police car there and I followed all other traffic rules it should have been obvious it was a mistake. He asked for my stuff - gave him my licence and registration. At that point in my life I had never gotten a ticket (even a parking ticket) and never even stopped by a police officer. He noticed that my registration and licence had different addresses. And begin questioning me - I explained how I just moved here. My original registration was from when I first graduation from college and had lived at home and first bought my car. I had since moved and lived with a friend for a year and then moved to be closer to where I worked.
He begin, in my opinion, threatening talking to me, asking me why I moved so much, if I was in trouble but in a mean and scary way. I mean I was 5'2" maybe a 100 pounds, he could clearly see looking up my information I had nothing on me. I was young and really scared at how he was talking to me. There was NO reason for his handling of this. Believe it or not he gave me a ticket. I did nothing but make an honest mistake. I was so shaken by this it never occurred to me to fight it or even report him - there was no reason for how he treated me.
Just imagine if I were a young black man. If he got off on a power trip of scaring a young pretty innocent petite woman.
Flip side - when I was about 8 years older and bought a condo. I was speeding near where I had moved. Yep guilty this time. A local police officer stopped me. I grabbed my stuff and just knew I was going to get a ticket - I was dumb had a bad day and took it out driving.
He came over starting talking to me - said hi do you know why I stopped you - I said yes I was speeding. I had a bad day at work and was speeding - I was wrong and shouldn't have done that. He then starting talking to me using the shortened version of my name explaining how I could get hurt driving to fast - proceeded to ask me where I was going and where I worked. I told him - he said do you have any speeding tickets before. I replied no - please go ahead and check. He did not - he did not even issue me a warning - he just verbally warned me and said to be careful.
Funny there are cops that are really there to serve and protect and that understand that sometimes you just make a mistake. Here I was fully guilty and ready to accept my punishment as I deserved and he was kind and considerate. Whereas before I simply made a human mistake and was driving safely - no threat and the cop had an attitude and power trip.