Did George Floyd ever threaten anyone's life? Did he threaten the lives of the cops who subdued him?

Thu 18 Jun, 2020 07:59 am
If he didn't threaten the lives of the cops who subdued him the officers had no right to kill him.

I would think the police would not have a right to kill him if Floyd was subdued and not currently a threat even if he threaten the lives of the cops. So say he lying there and instead of saying I can't breathe - he said I am going to kill you all! Doesn't matter - Floyd was not a threat - there was no reason to kill him. Now if a person had a gun pointed at the cops and said I am going to kill him - well then they were threaten at that time and in that case may need to kill to defend themselves. However, someone lying on the ground that could not move is NO threat even if saying threatening words.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 08:20 am
glitterbag wrote:

It's more than racist, have you ever seen the way they talk to women??? It's a power trip for a lot of these guys. I had a break-in when my husband was TDY, the neanderthals who arrived were curious if I had a boyfriend who might be pissed about something........Yeah, me and my young children were the reason some asshole tried to assault me.

It was lazy, but what can you do? Not much really....

There are some cops that are just so full of power - think they are on a power trip. Your comment reminded of an (now granted small incident) incident I had with a police officer when I was about 24 or so.

I had just moved to a new apartment with a new roommate. I was there maybe just a few days so I was unfamiliar with all the traffic lights/patterns. I was driving back to the apartment and was stopped at a red light right near the apartment. The light (at least I thought) changed to green - I saw the cars across from me moving and did not notice that the light on my side was a delayed green.. anyway I was taking a left - I moved up a bit and waited for the traffic to clear and turned left and then went to my parking spot.

A police car pulled up next to me - the police officer said did you know that was a delayed green light and your light was red. I answered "No" - seeing there was a police car there and I followed all other traffic rules it should have been obvious it was a mistake. He asked for my stuff - gave him my licence and registration. At that point in my life I had never gotten a ticket (even a parking ticket) and never even stopped by a police officer. He noticed that my registration and licence had different addresses. And begin questioning me - I explained how I just moved here. My original registration was from when I first graduation from college and had lived at home and first bought my car. I had since moved and lived with a friend for a year and then moved to be closer to where I worked.

He begin, in my opinion, threatening talking to me, asking me why I moved so much, if I was in trouble but in a mean and scary way. I mean I was 5'2" maybe a 100 pounds, he could clearly see looking up my information I had nothing on me. I was young and really scared at how he was talking to me. There was NO reason for his handling of this. Believe it or not he gave me a ticket. I did nothing but make an honest mistake. I was so shaken by this it never occurred to me to fight it or even report him - there was no reason for how he treated me.

Just imagine if I were a young black man. If he got off on a power trip of scaring a young pretty innocent petite woman.

Flip side - when I was about 8 years older and bought a condo. I was speeding near where I had moved. Yep guilty this time. A local police officer stopped me. I grabbed my stuff and just knew I was going to get a ticket - I was dumb had a bad day and took it out driving.

He came over starting talking to me - said hi do you know why I stopped you - I said yes I was speeding. I had a bad day at work and was speeding - I was wrong and shouldn't have done that. He then starting talking to me using the shortened version of my name explaining how I could get hurt driving to fast - proceeded to ask me where I was going and where I worked. I told him - he said do you have any speeding tickets before. I replied no - please go ahead and check. He did not - he did not even issue me a warning - he just verbally warned me and said to be careful.

Funny there are cops that are really there to serve and protect and that understand that sometimes you just make a mistake. Here I was fully guilty and ready to accept my punishment as I deserved and he was kind and considerate. Whereas before I simply made a human mistake and was driving safely - no threat and the cop had an attitude and power trip.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 08:29 am
People die all the time - sometimes very good people die.

God decides that - it has nothing to do with a punishment by God.

If heaven is so wonderful - then one would think that God would reward those that are "better" people with dying younger so they can experience the wonder of heaven sooner.

God does not punish someone who is homosexual by having them killed. Even if one were to think homosexual acts were a sin - you still love those that sin. We would all have been killed by now if God decided that we should all be punished because we sin.

Almost everything we do is an abomination to God. You cannot pick and choose which sin is more an abomination to God.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 08:32 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

God's ways are not man's ways. A few times when I wasn't doing the right thing God took His hedge of protection that was around me away from me.

The Holy Spirit reveals things to people.

You are right God's ways are not man's ways.

God loves all - man does not. Man is the one who is prejudiced.

I do suggest you try connecting with some other churches - many have online services. Just to broaden what has been taught to you. By your own admissions you are sheltered. Maybe you should at least hear what some other ministers have to say.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 08:41 am
RABEL222 wrote:

That book was written by men, not god. Its not accurate history. Its stories and sayings that have been passed down by biased men for 10000 years and not quite as accurate as today's histories.

You also have to remember this is an interpretation of the original Bible which was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Not all translates well - that is also why you have so many versions of the Bible. Even some of those are hard to read depending on the type of English used.

That is why in part you have so much discussions of what the "true" meaning is. One church or one minister may interpret a passage differently than another.

This is why I suggest that goldman just at least look at a few other online sermons - maybe he will not change his mind but at least can see that others that may call themselves Christians can look at things differently than he does.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 08:43 am
Sandy Hook massacre - December 2012
28 dead, 2 injured

Goldman please explain how a first grader did something to God that would cause Him to punish a young child by death?
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 08:55 am
I doubt you’ll get anywhere, and I can see how reasonable and understanding you’re being.

Mr Goldman has all the characteristics of a cult member, this stuff has been ground into him. In some ways it must be comforting to think you’re somehow special, better than everyone else. That can be quite seductive and I can see why he would be reluctant to think otherwise.

It’s not him, it’s those who have filled his head with such nonsense.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 09:19 am
Ah you might have hit it on the head.

I have been thinking goldman might be mildly autistic whereas he sometimes does sound a bit cultist. Maybe that is it or even perhaps a bit of both.

Lets find him and do a cult intervention - like those old made for TV/Halmark channel B- movies.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 09:21 am
I think you are ridiculous. There is no hedge of protection around Christians. What about the saints who were persecuted and killed in the first century for spreading the gospel?

There are countless awful things which happen to both innocent and not too innocent people who are Christians or Muslim, or Jewish or any of the other religions. This is argument most people of faith lose with atheist. However, it depends on how well someone understands the words which were written and the meaning of those words at the time those words were written.

Paul, (I confess, never was too crazy about Paul) or it might of been Peter (didn't like him much better) that a prayer of righteous man availed much. He didn't say, will make everything better or make the trouble go away. In my own opinion it is saying, prayers give a person of faith the will to fight on and deal with whatever comes your way even if it is sickness and death.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 09:35 am
He has to want to be rescued, and as he’s been living on his own for a bit I can’t see that happening.

He reminds me of conspiracy types. They think they’re very clever because they think they’re the only ones who know what’s going on.

Have you seen the insulting language Builder uses towards those who believe the moon landings happened?

Being part of a select group is really comforting, what does reality have to offer?
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 01:19 pm
Linkat wrote:
I would think the police would not have a right to kill him if Floyd was subdued and not currently a threat even if he threaten the lives of the cops.

They were not trying to kill him. They were trying to make him stop resisting arrest.

I agree that they badly screwed up and should have called for a supervisor and more backup.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 01:29 pm
RABEL222 wrote:
Its not accurate history. Its stories and sayings that have been passed down by biased men for 10000 years and not quite as accurate as today's histories.

Wrong again. The history in the Bible is pretty accurate back to about 900 BC.

That's not to say that when the Bible says that some king's downfall was the result of God's displeasure that there is historical/archaeological evidence of God's displeasure. But there is generally evidence that there was such a king, and that he did meet his downfall at the time and place mentioned.

There are some events in the Bible from before 900 BC that it clearly gets right as well: Saul's kingdom for example, and Shiloh being the center of the Jewish faith in the time before they had kings.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 01:38 pm
Well, mission accomplished, you can't resist if you're dead. What happens if you just roll your eyes, do they they just slap you around a little?
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 01:42 pm
Linkat wrote:
You also have to remember this is an interpretation of the original Bible which was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

The original Christian Bible was written all in Greek.

I'm firmly of the opinion that translations for Christian Bibles should be made from the original Greek and not from any other languages.

Only Orthodox Christians seem to agree with me on this.

There are some excellent protestant translations of the New Testament though. NASB95 has a nearly-perfect translation of the New Testament.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 02:02 pm
Well, this is getting a little technical into the Christian religious beliefs. People from other religious beliefs, have a different tale to tell.

In my own understanding, (meaning no offense to Israel and Jews today), the purpose of all those terrible wars (which when you read them were really barbaric) were all in the name of fulfilling prophesy of God setting up a kingdom that can never fade away. Which is the Kingdom of God which is not over there, or over here, but it is within all Christians and all those of faith who believe it. The church is to remember and worship God every first day of the week when Jesus died on the cross. People today have a mixed up view of what the kingdom really is, in my opinion. The prophesies of the old testament have already been fulfilled in Jesus death and resurrection, the kingdom of God came through Jesus and by him and now we live through Jesus. Jesus said after he goes to his father, the holy spirit will come and reveal the truth to his apostles, they in turn taught it people and they converted people to Christians. We have no need of Biblical miracles anymore as the book of Hebrew Cleary teaches us in the first few chapters and then expands of it through the rest of the chapter. Jesus fulfilled the reason for the miracles with his death and resurrection. We live in the New Testament times. The holy spirit gave his apostles the gifts of the Holy Spirit which could perform miracles and only to proclaim the testimony of Jesus and the death and resurrection and the redemption of sins through Jesus Christ. He didn't give them the power to perform miracles to kill people.

So even if you believe in Christianity, you can't really justify a belief that God sends out assassin's to kill sinners. So even if George Floyd had some amount of the drugs in his system, God didn't have him be killed outright by a thoughtless thug of a cop.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 02:31 pm
If I remember my new testament correctly Jesus taught love of all people including sinners. The only time he showed aggression when he found business men in the temple taking advantage of worshipers. I have never understood why the old testament wad included in the Christian bible. It describes a vicious God who does indeed advocate death for those who flaunt his rules. Not Christian like at all.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 02:31 pm
Well Mr. Izzy derailed this thread with his personal attacks.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 02:34 pm
Christians can pray and ask the Lord to dispatch warring angels with drawn swords and shields to stand guard and watch over them. What are you talking about?

Christians can command angels to do stuff for them.
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 02:35 pm
It appears to me Mr izzy described you precisely. Sorry if you consider it an attack.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Jun, 2020 02:40 pm
I don't have much to offer on the question of proper religious interpretations.

My point in my previous post was that the historical events in the Bible are pretty accurate as far back as 900 BC. Claims that the Bible is not historically accurate are untrue.

Even before 900 BC, the stories of Saul's kingdom seem to be reasonably accurate. And it is clear that Shiloh really was a religious center in the time before Jewish kings.

Shiloh was probably the place that Egyptian historical records were referring to when they mentioned the existence of the Hebrew deity back in 1400 BC.
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