Further Discussion About Covid-19 and the Covid-19 Crisis 2020

Tue 21 Apr, 2020 03:14 pm
JGoldman10 wrote:

You're acting like a devil.

Don’t be such a Drama Queen, it’s always so apocalyptic with you. It’s possible to disagree without the fires of Hell having anything to do with it.

Chai is not acting like the Devil, the Devil would let you carry on the way you’re going, because you really are doing a bang up job of discrediting Christians.

Like you’re doing a bang up job of ignoring Chai.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Apr, 2020 03:40 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

I am sorry I caused you upset and consternation.

Believe me, after what I went through, nothing you could ever say could cause me anything.

goldman's either a troll or an asshole, probably both.

He brings up really stupid, irrelevant things to take the focus off him, yet at the same time, put the spotlight on him. For him, any attention is the goal.

It's all water off a ducks back for me.
Tue 21 Apr, 2020 03:55 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Thank you Bob.
0 Replies
Tue 21 Apr, 2020 04:21 pm
It's a way of beating the sh*t out of someone without getting caught. You wait until the sucker goes to sleep, then put a blanket over the upper half of the clown's body and tuck it under the mattress. Then when you beat the sh*t out of him, he can't identify his assailants. Apparently, it's an old army tradition.
Tue 21 Apr, 2020 05:02 pm
bob, I just came home from my daily post office run, and picked up some dinner.

I want to be clear to you in my last response I wasn't trying to shoot barbs at you. I simply don't much get affected by anything anyone does or says right now.
It's all just smoke and mirrors and posturing, what people engage in daily.

I did remember something on my drive that made me realize something about goldmans supposed level of competence in any social interations with others.....which as I keep saying I'm 99.9% sure is all show.

Ok, listen. A number of years ago I worked with a lovely woman, Annie. Annie had a daughter in I guess her mid to late 20's who had, just a little less than the year before, had married a very nice young man. They were very very much in love. Annie said they just told here they were ready to start a family, and wanted several children. She was looking forward to being a grandmother.
Then, the young husband got killed in a car accident. Even worse, the accident was his fault, and others were injured, but thankfully no one else died.
The young bride took time off of work, but all to soon had to go back to her job. She was a grade school teacher. I think something like 2nd or 3rd grade. Her students knew about what happened, but I have no idea how children of that age process things like that.
There was a boy in the class that was a bit high spirited, something of a troublemaker to be honest. She had to take him aside, reprimand him, give him a punishment, or whatever it is teachers do.
The boy was angry at getting caught, and at whatever he had to do, and said to her in front of the whole class "I'm GLAD your husband's dead!"

I mean, of course....just wow.

The thing is though, this boy was what? 7? Maybe 8 years old? He had no capability to understand the pain and anguish those words caused. He was in his own bubble, his own universe, and just lashed out not even knowing saying that would have consequences.
All I can say is she is a better person than me, and walked out of that room, a month after the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with was taken away forever, in an instant.

goldman is a grown man in his 30's or 40's, but if he is as socially inept as he presents himself to be, he has the same skills as that 7 or 8 year old.

At some point before I said the horrible word "sex" and apparantly caused him phychological damage (because, you know, what 40 year old man understands what sex even is), in another thread when I mentioned my husbands passing, of all the things he could have offered, all he could think to say was "I hope he was saved."

Like you know, because if he wasn't, he was going to burn in some hell for all eternity. And if he was, well hey presto! Nothing to worry about, right? Why so glum?

To this moment, direct from his mouth (because of course he had to send me a PM telling me he did nothing wrong) that was apparantly the most obvious thing one should say to someone who'd lost their spouse less than 2 months before (it's just over 3 now)

He (if he really is that poor a judge of humans) is that 7 or 8 year old, and if he isn't a troll, really can't comprehend the human situation.

That's why he can, just a few posts ago, somehow think I've ever claimed to be anything like a Christian and other times say to me (or anyone) I have to get "saved". It's because "he couldn't recall" what someone said, or "heard or read somewhere" some damn thing.

I read how he carefully skews what others say, and convolutes or ignores answers so much that it's not even worth addressing. He's really pretty impressive sometimes how he does it. Any attention is good attention, and he grabs it with both hands.

Or, he really is a simpleton, and equally loves attention of any kinds.

Neither one is a good look.

So no, thinking he's calling me out about saying the word sex, or asking me if someone was saved, or how one would find out something about his phone plan, who's getting the $1200, covid 19 is just viral pneumonia, some dick wad he knows is a "prophet" is really pretty nothing to me.


Tue 21 Apr, 2020 05:06 pm
Setanta wrote:

Apparently, it's an old army tradition.

I don't think I'd sleep well in the army.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 09:47 am

COVID is not a flu. Not even a little. Here are reasons why:

1. It is a separate species. It is no more like influenza than you are like a hippo. DIFFERENT SPECIES.

2. It is an airborne virus. This means the tiny droplets can stay in the air for a full 2 hours. So if a person coughed in aisle 4 of Target 1.5 hours ago, they may be home now but their covid cloud is still hanging there just waiting for you to walk by and take a breath.Kind of like when someone in the bean aisle farts and walks away, the smell stays in the Mexican and tomatoes aisle when the guy is all the way over in frozen foods. But you go to pick up a can of kidney beans for tonight's chili, it hits you in the face like a fastball. Influenza is not an airborne virus. It is droplet spread- meaning someone has to directly crop dust you with their sneeze to get you sick. Covid is much more contagious.

3. Covid is more virulent. Virulence factor is a measure of how catchy something is. For example, the flu is like beer. It takes a bunch to get you drunk. Covid is more like tequila - A little goes a long way. You need to suck up a lot of flu particles to actually catch the flu; with covid, even a few particles is enough to infect you.

4. Covid has a longer incubation than the flu. When you catch the flu, you typically get sick in the next 1-2 days. This is awesome because it means you stay at home while contagious because you feel like a heap of fried garbage. Covid has a blissful 5-9 days of symptom free time during which you are well enough to head to the movies, gym or mar-a-lago while also being contagious enough to infect everyone you encounter.

5. Covid has a longer duration of illness than flu. With covid, you have a 5-9 days of blissful asymptomatic contagiousness. This then turns into about 1 week of cough and overall feeling like hell but still surviving. Week 2 is when things hit the fan and people end up unable to breathe and on a ventilator. Many stay on the vent for up to 15 days. 5 days incubating+7 kinda sick days + 15 days on a ventilator makes for 27 days of virus spreading illness, (assuming your don’t just die of massive asphyxiation and body-wide collapse from overwhelming infection somewhere in that last week). The flu has an average incubation of 1-2 days and sick time of 7 days for a total of 9 infectious days. In the world of deadly viruses, that 18 extra days might as well be a millennia.

6. Covid is more deadly. A LOT more deadly. The flu has about a 0.2% mortality rate, meaning 2 of every thousand people who get sick with flu will die. On the contrary, the death rate from covid is reportedly 2%, so 10 times more deadly than flu. Ten times more death seems like a lot more death to me. Whats more worrisome is that 2% is actually incorrect because it doesn’t usually kill kids so that skews the average. With covid, age is a major factor in survival. If we don’t include people under 30, the death rate for adults is on average 4.5%. 9 out of every 200 adults that get this will die from it. Do you know 200 adults? Do you think losing 9 of them is no big deal? Since mortality increases with age in covid, the risk gets worse as you get older so if we put 100 grannies in a room with covid, only 85 would make it out alive to make pies and tell great stories of the old days... and that just sucks.

I hope that helps to clarify why covid is in no way a flu, why you are in no way a hippo, and why staying home is the only way for non-essential people to do their part while I spend my days at work covered in a plastic poncho, sucking air through a stuffy respirator mask, leaving my scrubs in my driveway, showering the covid off at 4am when I get in, and thinking to myself “now do u still think it was just a flu?” as I risk my own life with my face 2 inches from their highly contagious, gasping mouth while I slide the plastic tube down their throat and start up the ventilator.
- Dr. Peter Tippett

More about Dr Tippett


Peter Tippett (born 1953 in Dearborn, Michigan) is an American physician, researcher, and inventor known for contributions to information security, clinical medicine, and technology. These contributions include the development of the anti-virus program "Corporate Vaccine".[1] Tippett was Vice President of Verizon's Innovations Incubator and Chief Medical Officer for Verizon Enterprise Services from 2009 to 2015. He is currently the Founder and CEO of Healthcelerate Inc. [2]

Early life and education

Born in 1953 and raised in Dearborn, Michigan, Tippett is an alumnus of Kalamazoo College and holds both a Ph.D. and M.D. from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He studied at the Rockefeller University in New York under Nobel Prize winner Robert Bruce Merrifield, directing his doctoral research efforts toward the metabolic indicators of peptide synthesis. He completed his internship and residency in Internal Medicine at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, and spent 1975-1985 engaged in biochemical research.
Work history

While engaged in research at Case Western Reserve, Tippett moonlighted as an emergency room physician and instructor in Emergency and Outpatient Medicine, and spent much of his early clinical career (1989-1995) in Emergency Medicine in Ohio and California. He received his board certification in Internal Medicine in 1987. Between 1993 and 2000, he served on the board of the Computer Ethics Institute.[3]

He served as executive director of The Pacific Foundation for Science and Medicine from 1988 to 1992, an intersection of his clinical career with an emerging focus on technology, particularly in the arena of cybersecurity as well as the use and access protocols of the Internet. It was in his role as president and chairman of Certus International, a publisher and developer of PC anti-virus and security software, that Tippett applied his research insights as a biochemist to the concept of computer "viruses" to develop the anti-virus software, "Vaccine," which was later purchased by Symantec in 1992.[4] His CEO role with Cybertrust led to a merger of Cybertrust by Verizon and to Tippett's role in the Verizon healthcare and security innovations divisions. Tippett served as chairman of the Alliance for Internet Security in 2000.[5] He represented Verizon on the board of directors of The Open Identity Exchange (OIX)[6] and the Information Card Foundation.[7]
Technological achievements

In addition to being credited with development of one of the first anti-virus programs, "Vaccine", Tippett pioneered and commercialized a string of now-common technologies including what is now called the "Recovery Disk," processor image signatures, using hash-tables for trusted file execution and anomaly detection, aspects of mail merge and "un-do."[8] He ran a bulletin board system for CP/M software before the first IBM PC was created and was president of the Cleveland Osborne Group (a user group for the computers of the Osborne Computer Corporation) in the early 1980s.

As chief scientist for ICSA.net, Tippett was one of a handful of experts to identify and address[9] the ILOVEYOU virus that broke in May 2000[10] and provided key information to the Department of Justice about David Smith, the writer of the Melissa virus.[11] He was featured and on the cover of the August 2000 issue of Time Digital magazine.[12]
Professional activities

Tippett's work in the cybersecurity space has led to roles as speaker, contributor and advisor to government and private sector organizations. From 2003-2005,[13] he served on the President's Information Technology Committee (PITAC), established by Congress in 1997 under the High Performance Computing Act of 1991 to "guide the Administration's efforts to accelerate the development and adoption of information technologies vital for American prosperity in the 21st century."[14]

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce awarded Tippett its first Leadership in Health Care Award at the Chamber’s first annual Health Care Summit (2012) for his leadership of Verizon's incubator.[15] Tippett was also Chief Scientist for ICSA Labs and previously served as President of the International Computer Security Association.[16]

Tippett is currently an Adjunct Professor, Division of General Medical Sciences at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.[17]

In November 2017, T.E.N., a technology and information security executive networking and relationship-marketing firm, announced that Tippett was the recipient of the 2017 ISE® Luminary Leadership Award. [18]
Clinical publications

Tippett, P. S. (1975) Structural-Specificity Relationships of the Immunoglobulin Molecule and the Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis of two Antigen-binding Peptides. Archives of Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI.
Corporale, L. L H.; Tippett, P. S.; Erickson, B. W.; and Hugli, T. E. (1980) The Active Site of C3a Anaphylatoxin. J. Biol. Chem. 255 10758-10763.
Tippett, P. S. and Neet, K. E. (1982) Specific Inhibition of Glucokinase by Long Chain Acyl CoAs Belos the Critical Micelle Concentration. J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12839-12845.
Tippett, P. S. and Neet, K. E. (1982) An Allosteric Model for the Inhibition of Glucokinase by Long Chain Acyl CoA. J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12846-12852
Tippett, P. S. (1981) Kinetics and Regulation of Rat Liver Glucokinase (Ph.D.). University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Mi.
Tippett, P. S. and Neet, K. E. (1983) Interconversion Between Different Sulfhydryl-Related Kinetic States in Glucokinase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 222, 285-289.
Powell, G. L.; Tippett, P. S.; et al. (1985) Fatty acyl-CoA as an Effector Molecule in Metabolism. Federation Proceedings 44, 81-84.
Neet, K. E.; Tippett, P. S.; and Keenan, R. P. (1986) Regulatory Properties of Glucokinase, Regulation and Metabolism. Wiley, London.
Tippett, P. S. (1986) Regulation of Enzymes by Long Chain Acyl CoAs, Fact or Fantasy. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 11.
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 09:48 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Hi Bob. But isn't it a viral pnuemonia?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 09:51 am
Read the above. It's not "Pneumcocal19", its Covid19. Hippos and Oranges.
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 09:59 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Thank you Bob. How are you?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 10:07 am
So far so good. Two months almost in self quarantine and we are still getting along. We planted flowers on our second story balcony. We actually go days without turning on the tube!!!! We're eating better. We go to the grocery about once a week to twice in three weeks mainly to get fresh veg and eggs and kitty food.

The virus has been found in our county. About 10 cases he in Burnett County and three case have recovered in Llano County.

But I do worry about a second wave. I do see more masks.

How are you holding out?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 10:08 am
0 Replies
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 10:43 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I have a lot of things I have to deal with in my personal life. My mother is away in intensive care in a nearby rehab center. My brother is staying with my sister and nephew.

I am home alone.

bobsal u1553115
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 11:43 am
I'm sorry to hear that. I pray she recovers.

My nephew passed Monday morning, they pulled his plug on Sunday. His liver failed while he was in rehab for alcohol - the third or fourth time in rehab. I think he beat it. He didn't give up and he died sober. It breaks my heart such a nice and cheerfull little boy had to come to this, but he never gave up the fight. He wasn't quite forty. My brother is pretty torn up about it.
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 11:48 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Ah. So sorry to hear this bob.

It's hard, as you say, when remembering the person they were.
My brother died the same way at 34.

My condolescenes to your entire family.
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 12:10 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Thank you. She is recovering. She has been back and forth between a local hospital and a nearby rehab center since November. She's in a nearby rehab center as of the time of the posting of this and has been there most of the time she has been away.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 12:11 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Sorry to hear about your nephew's passing. If I may ask was he Saved?
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 12:34 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I'm sorry for your loss.

I hope he was not in pain when he passed.

Condolences to you and your family.
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 12:37 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Alcohol killed my brother in law, he was in rehab when my wife was in hospital and he used her funeral as an excuse to start drinking again. He didn’t last a year.

Sorry to hear about your nephew.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 22 Apr, 2020 02:00 pm
If I may ask was he Saved?

That's between him and the lord, how would I know? I am grateful for the blessing of having had him in my life.

I take the words of St Augustine (whether he said them exactly like this or not his other quotes express this sentiment) seriously: Preach the Gospel daily; if necessary use words." Bobby never asked me for words. But his continuing struggle and fight against his alcoholism leads me to believe he understood redemption.

The soul I am most concerned is my own. The welfare I am most concerned about is everybody else's, and this planet's, of which I was given joint stewardship of with the rest of the crew on this fishing boat called Earth.

The most important question we need to ask is: "Am I saved?" Its a process, living in grace. We don't get saved once, we have to "cleave to iron rod" daily on our passage. Just me asking you if you are saved does nothing for either of us, but if asking with an open heart wanting a witness, well that's different. I have my witness from Bobby's life and I can get nothing out of questioning any aspect of his life. I will always have my memories and the gladness of having known him. What need do I have for more?

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