What's the deal with this "coronavirus" people are talking about?

Wed 18 Mar, 2020 06:34 am
I don't do other people's homework for them.
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 08:40 am
According to what I have found (since you refuse to cite your source):

An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump.


The Fox News poll shows Biden with large leads among blacks (+41 points), men (+31), and voters over age 45 (+38). Since July, his support has grown 9 points among blacks and 13 points among black men.


the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that all black registered voters give President Donald Trump an approval rating of just 14 percent, and they would overwhelmingly chose any of the Democratic candidates over him in a general election.


If you have data that supports your claim, I would like to see it.
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 09:02 am
This is what he wants you to do, waste your time running around for sources to disprove his claims.

They want you to waste your time by tying you up with pointless tasks.

A good rule of thumb is that Gunga always talks out of his arse, so it's best to ignore him.

Honestly, he's been doing this for a long, long time.
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 09:05 am
I figured, but I'm bored with nothing to do and I got all the time in the world.
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 09:47 am
Will the world now wake up to the global threat of zoonotic diseases?

The Man Who Saw the Pandemic Coming
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 09:55 am
Fair enough.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 01:31 pm
It's not my "homework" to do, you're the one making bullshit claims. It is gratifying, though, to see how carefully you ignore me, as you have long claimed.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 01:46 pm
Too much information--I didn't want to know that there are 600,000 to 800,000 viruses out there, layin' for us. Good article, Boss, thanks for posting that.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 03:19 pm
there are many ways to spend time wisely
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Wed 18 Mar, 2020 06:59 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:

Here's how debate works.

There is no debate, you're trying to get my attention and waste my time, and I'm trying, (with limited success,) to ignore you.

That's how social interaction works, if some tedious boor tries to take over the conversation with his lickspittle nonsense, you ignore them.

Now go and waste someone else's time, you're not worth mine.

You asserted that Trump is a racist but refuse to give a particle of evidence to support your assertion. You lose.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 07:04 pm
Rebelofnj wrote:

I did give one example: Trump's claims of Obama being born outside of the US. I provided a Vox link that takes 5+ minutes to read.

To provide another example:

A few months into his campaign, Trump shared an image on Twitter that suggested that the vast majority of killings of white people in the United States were committed by black people. This isn’t at all true. Most white people are killed by white people. But Trump never apologized or corrected the tweet, instead quietly deleting it. The same theme cropped up repeatedly afterward, including his constant tying together of black Americans, inner cities and violent crime.

Let's take the first one first, that is, Obama's birthplace. I'll readily admit that the Obama birthplace thing is nonsense, but please explain how it's racist. All accusations against black people, even stupid accusations, are not necessarily racist just because the person being accused is black.


0 Replies
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 09:55 pm
When Obama was in office there was the swine flu epidemic in the U.S. and the Ebola epidemic over in Africa. The U.S. and the rest of the world wasn't in panic over these diseases.

Why is there such panic over the Wuhan Flu now that Trump is in office?

What is Trump, and the world's scientists and medical experts and the United Nations doing to isolate and contain the virus?
Wed 18 Mar, 2020 10:23 pm
The way the world is carrying on the virus you'd think it was the Black Plague, or that people listened to a rebroadcast of War Of The Worlds. It's ridiculous.

I went shopping recently a few days ago at my local plaza as of the time of the posting of this to get a few groceries. Shelves in some of the stores were empty. It's a good thing I didn't need paper towels and napkins - one store at the plaza was out. Another store was out of $1-dollar loaves of whole wheat bread which I usually buy. I couldn't even buy regular bread at the supermarket at the plaza - that was gone. I couldn't buy regular bottles of spring water either. I bought a little 12-pack. The longue area of my local supermarket was "quarantined"; they sealed it off with that black-and-yellow tape the cops use when they seal areas off. I snapped pics of the area on my phone.

Things have gotten so bad in my hometown regarding the virus my town's mayor isused a nightly curfew for town residents. He wants all town residents at home between 5 AM and 10 PM.

I'm wondering if my local employment center, local public library and my old art college have had irregular closings due to the Wuhan Flu scare.

I know my local library closes due to inclement weather.

I'm wondering if my local supermarket is being forced to close early due to my town mayor's curfew.

I wonder if local restaurants in my hometown are being forced to close early because of the curfew. I'm wondering if restaurants in nearby towns are being forced to close early because they are being subjected to a similar curfew.

In other words, I'm wondering if I can order pizza or Chinese food from any restaurants in my county after 10 PM.

Wed 18 Mar, 2020 11:09 pm
How do you people feel about references made to Covid-19 in pop culture? I know there are songs being made about it. There were a handful of musicians producing their own version of "My Corona" which is a parody of "My Sharona". Rapper Rucka Rucka Ali had a song out called "Corona Na Na" which is a remake of his "Ebola La La" which is a parody of "L.A. Love". There's even a parody of "Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothing To **** With" out called "Wuhan Flu Ain't Nothing To **** With", which Howard Stern played part of on his radio show.

I think these pop culture references to the disease aren't and are in extremely bad taste. Not everyone thinks making jokes about the disease is funny.

Even "Weird Al" Yankovic, a musical parodist/satirist known for his occasional dark humor declined to make any songs about the Wuhan Flu. He said so on social media when fans asked him about doing that. Even Yankovic recognizes the seriousness of the disease. He has enough to not do something crazy enough to hurt his image. Years ago he came out with a song called "Christmas At Ground Zero", which some people think predicted 9/11, which is absurd.

That song came out at a time in which there were no epidemics and pandemics or any other kind of world-changing and/or earth-shattering events going on. The song was dark but it wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

I'm willing to bet if George Carlin was still around he'd be making a ton of jokes doing stand-up about Covid-19, and/or at least making . comedic audio recordings about it. He might even write comedic books about it. That sounds like something he would do. He'd probably be crazy enough to do it. I know he didn't care too much about political correctness. Who knows - there were times when Carlin was serious about certain issues.

I wonder, are there any comedians making jokes about the virus? Are stand-up comedians actually doing this? Is this something people are joking about on late-night talk shows?

Are references being made to the virus in current cartoon shows and animated shorts and animated films? Or any TV shows? Are comic book publishers (DC, Marvel, etc.) producing any comics that reference the disease? Are there any PSAs about the disease being shown on TV and/or aired over the radio? Are there any serious songs being made about the disease? Any PSAs being made and shown online?

I was playing Candy Crush Soda on my phone recently; a little PSA reminder popped up saying, "Remember to wash your hands and stay safe".

Wed 18 Mar, 2020 11:25 pm
JGoldman10 wrote:

The way the world is carrying on the virus you'd think it was the Black Plague, or that people listened to a rebroadcast of War Of The Worlds. It's ridiculous.

Sometimes when I think about the Wuhan Flu scare I'm reminded of the movie When The Wind Blows. It's an old British animated '80s movie about an old married British couple who were the last remaining survivors of a nuclear holocaust on Earth.
Thu 19 Mar, 2020 01:40 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

Wuhan Flu

This is a term used by racists. It's the coronavirus, covid 19. When you use a deliberately racist term like that you increase racist incidents against people of Asian heritage.

Trump uses it because he's trying to deflect criticism of his inept handling of the pandemic by focussing on the Chinese.

They've responded by calling it the CIA virus, a deliberate case of germ warfare by America, which if you think about it is far more likely. America is the only country ever to have used nuclear weapons and Vietnam still has plenty of birth defects caused by America's use of chemical weapons.

This would put the B in ABC A Atomic, (Hiroshima) B Biological, (China) C Chemical, (Vietnam.)

Just because you've spent your adult life lusting after Chinese women only to be rejected doesn't give you the right to start spouting racist nonsense.
Thu 19 Mar, 2020 01:41 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

When Obama was in office there was the swine flu epidemic in the U.S.

Covid 19 is 50X more deadly than Swine flu. You've been listening to far right sources again.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Mar, 2020 02:01 am
How is "Wuhan Flu" racist when the virus originated in Wuhan, China? It's not "the coronavirus", there is more than one type of coronavirus. It's called the Wuhan coronavirus. "Wuhan Flu" and "Covid-19" are just easier to say.
Thu 19 Mar, 2020 02:10 am
You really need to ask? You may as well ask why the n word is racist, it's just a variation of the Latin word for black after all.

It's the Covid 19 virus, the first reported cases are in China. Calling it the Wuhan virus blames the Chinese people personally and leads to attacks on Chinese people.

On a Monday night in late February, Jonathan Mok was walking down London’s busy Oxford Street, when he was attacked. He was kicked and punched in the face, a beating that resulted in a bruised and swollen eye the size of a golf ball, which he showed to the world in a Facebook post.

Mok is twenty-three and Singaporean; he had been studying for the last two years at the University of London. The attack, which he described in his post, was brutal and racially motivated. “The guy who tried to kick me then said, ‘I don’t want your coronavirus in my country,’ ” he wrote, “before swinging another sucker punch at me, which resulted in my face exploding with blood.”

The Metropolitan Police were called to the scene, near the Tottenham Court Road tube station, around nine-fifteen in the evening. On March 6th, they called the incident “racially aggravated assault” and announced that they had arrested two teen-agers, one sixteen, the other fifteen. At the time, they were still looking for two additional men believed to have been involved, and asked the public for help in identifying them. The pictures released of the two men are difficult to make out; they’re blurry and black-and-white.

One of the men wears a thick parka and holds something to his mouth. “This attack left the victim shaken and hurt,” Detective Sergeant Emma Kirby, the officer on the case, said in a statement. “There’s no room on our streets for this kind of violent behaviour and we are committed to finding the perpetrators.”

In recent days, however, as fear and anxiety about covid-19 have spread, other incidents have emerged in the U.K. and elsewhere. In New York City, on the subway, a man sprayed an Asian passenger with Febreze and verbally abused him. Last week, a Vietnamese curator, An Nguyen, posted an e-mail from a gallerist preparing to exhibit at London’s Affordable Art Fair. The gallerist asked Nguyen not to come assist with the booth. “The coronavirus is causing much anxiety everywhere, and fairly or not, Asians are being seen as carriers of the virus,” the e-mail read. “Your presence on the stand would unfortunately create hesitation on the part of the audience to enter the exhibition space.” The Affordable Art Fair later confirmed that the gallery would not be exhibiting at the fair by mutual agreement. (In another irony, many of the initial news reports on the incident used the photo and biography of the wrong An Nguyen, an artist who lives in Canada.)

When I spoke to Mike Ainsworth, the director of London services at Stop Hate U.K., an anti-hate group, he said his organization had seen a spike in hate crimes and incidents reported by Asian communities and individuals in the U.K. “There has been, for our helpline, a significant increase in calls from the Chinese community,” he said. “The incidents range from name calling, through to spitting, through to someone having been pushed in the road in the path of oncoming vehicles.” He called the increase a modest but marked one, “given that this is a community which we traditionally didn’t receive any calls from whatsoever.” He also noted “an upturn in concern and fear” from the Chinese community in London regarding wearing surgical masks. “People that would normally wear masks are now feeling that somehow they would become the target of abuse if they continued to do so,” he said.

In the U.S., the Anti-Defamation League has been tracking racist memes and online activity directed toward Asian communities in reaction to the outbreak. They’ve uncovered lurid cartoons depicting an Asian “Winnie the Flu,” mocking references to “bat soup,” and more violent imagery. “For months, there have been posts on notoriously extremist-friendly platforms like Telegram, 4chan and Gab linking the coronavirus to racist and antisemitic slurs and memes,” the A.D.L. wrote, in a recent blog post. “Users across these channels regularly share racist messages or caricatures of Chinese people, mocking their eating habits, accents, and hygiene.” Some posts, they went on, “appear to be cheering on the virus, hoping it will spread to predominately non-white countries, such as those in Africa.” Oren Segal, the vice-president of the A.D.L.’s Center on Extremism, noted that extremists “use every opportunity they can to create division.” He worried about the spread of racist content as more and more people are asked to stay at home and communicate online. “The fact that this sort of hatred exists in the same spaces where people are collecting their legitimate news—it is a concern,” he said.

https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-uk/the-rise-of-coronavirus-hate-crimes<br />
When you use racist terms instead of the correct term you're contributing to this atmosphere. Stop being racist.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Mar, 2020 04:07 am
Are references being made to the virus in current cartoon shows and animated shorts and animated films? Or any TV shows? Are comic book publishers (DC, Marvel, etc.) producing any comics that reference the disease? Are there any PSAs about the disease being shown on TV and/or aired over the radio? Are there any serious songs being made about the disease? Any PSAs being made and shown online?

It is far too early for any show, movie, song, or cartoon to have any reference to COVID-19. At this point, nearly all TV and film productions have been suspended to stop the spread of the virus.

Also, you listen to Howard Stern?

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