farmerman wrote:Merino. My wife would kill for a flock of Merino , too bad they have all that wrinkly skin. Nobody around here knows how to shear em without major bloodsports.
Well hello - up out of our death bed? If the Pope had done the same we'd be have a whole new religion this week.........
yep, feelin a whole lot better.
No, thats a real question. I always thought that the only way to shear a Merino without bleeding em to death , was to stick an airhose down their throats and inflate em. Like a Shar Pei with wool
we used to have a herd of registered black angus
husker-you were just kiddin about that other thing right?
the thing that was about that thing that he did a thing with
lol Lk - we're talking about the worst eaten again - lol
see thats the first time I heard that and , since Im just gettin over the flu with a weak stomach, Im about ready to blow my chicken soup
you know I just to get over it - but it's sure burned into my memories - i remember a few years ago seeing a mov that was much worse