For all Trump supporters

Reply Fri 9 Nov, 2018 07:01 am
Michael Cohen reveals horrifically racist comments Trump made in private


Nov 02, 2018 1:31pm CDT by Aldous J Pennyfarthing, Community
Comment large246
Vanity Fair has an exclusive today. The upshot? Donald Trump is a horrible racist.

Okay, so not breaking news.

After all, what could be more racist than ordering the military to shoot Hispanic immigrants if they’re seen throwing rocks?

Probably nothing, but these excerpts are nevertheless chilling:

During our conversation, Cohen recalled a discussion at Trump Tower, following the then-candidate’s return from a campaign rally during the 2016 election cycle. Cohen had watched the rally on TV and noticed that the crowd was largely caucasian. He offered this observation to his boss. “I told Trump that the rally looked vanilla on television. Trump responded, ‘That’s because black people are too stupid to vote for me.’”

And …

This conversation, he noted, was reminiscent of an exchange that the two men had engaged in years earlier, after Nelson Mandela’s death. “[Trump] said to me, ‘Name one country run by a black person that’s not a shithole,’ and then he added, ‘Name one city,’” Cohen recalled, a statement that echoed the president’s alleged comments about African nations earlier this year.

And ...

Cohen also recounted a conversation he had with Trump in the late 2000s, while they were traveling to Chicago for a Trump International Hotel board meeting. “We were going from the airport to the hotel, and we drove through what looked like a rougher neighborhood. Trump made a comment to me, saying that only the blacks could live like this.”

And ...

After the first few seasons of The Apprentice, Cohen recalled how he and Trump were discussing the reality show and past-season winners. The conversation wended its way back to the show’s first season, which ended in a head-to-head between two contestants, Bill Rancic and Kwame Jackson. “Trump was explaining his back-and-forth about not picking Jackson,” an African-American investment manager who had graduated from Harvard Business School. “He said, ‘There’s no way I can let this black f-g win.’”

So, yeah. The president of the United States is a racist dick.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Nov, 2018 08:05 pm
Setanta wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:
You claim that because Trump referenced "sh*hole countries," that makes him a racist, but you cannot make that conclusion based on that comment. Calling countries with multi-century long grinding poverty and corrupt government "sh*hole countries" is a pretty apt description.

It was a matter of which countries he referred to--African countries, and Haiti--and at the same time whining because we don't get lots of immigrants from Norway, a country which is 91.5% white (according to the CIA world factbook).

You cannot actually find things the president has done which are racist, so you take comments subject to a wide variety of interpretations, with no mention whatever of race, and mind read the meaning he had behind them.

Back in the day they used to say that you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows. I have not said that he has "done" anything racist. I am bemused by that, though, how does one do something racist? I suspect that if he went into the street and assaulted black people, you'd say that I couldn't prove he had done it because they are black. What "wide variety" of interpretations do you allege apply here? Africa was colonized and heavily exploited long after the European nations had colonized the Americas and Asia south of Russia and China. They have only had their independence since the early 1960s. They were heavily plundered by the colonizing nations. Just what kind of condition would you expect them to be in?

Really, your defense of this piece of **** who disgraces our nation is just sickening.

First of all, we're dealing with a statement that there isn't much evidence that he even said. He may or may not have. If he were such a racist, it should be simple to find an example that is known to be true, rather than alleged without much evidence. However, once again, let's assume that it's the gospel truth.

Secondly, the allegation is that it came out of a conversation about those particular countries. In 2010, president Obama granted temporary protection status for Haitian immigrants related to an earthquake that had occurred. President Trump had announced his intention to terminate it. The allegation by the Washington Post was that president Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers in the Oval Office when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting. So the particular group of countries under discussion was already there and he didn't invent it. See:


Yes, the allegation is that he used Norway as an example of a desirable source for immigrants and that he also made some reference to Asian countries as a desirable source of immigrants.

If he said this, he might have said it because he is a racist, or he might have said it because the countries in question actually do fit the description. That's what I mean by an example with several plausible explanations.

If president Trump is such a big racist, why can't you locate an example of his words and deeds which is absolutely known to have occurred and for which you don't have to read his mind to infer racism?
Reply Fri 9 Nov, 2018 08:08 pm
While you are at it, setanta, why can't you prove that on a clear day the sky looks blue?
Reply Fri 9 Nov, 2018 08:14 pm
Bullsh*t, I provided you a source, a woman closely linked to Plump even before he became president, and a former member of his administration who testifies that he said it.

This is what I predicted. Even though you are intelligent and well-educated, you have sold your soul to the devil Plump. Nothing anyone can say will get through to you. You waste my time. Bye.
Reply Fri 9 Nov, 2018 08:17 pm
Setanta wrote:
Bullsh*t, I provided you a source, a woman closely linked to Plump even before he became president, and a former member of his administration who testifies that he said it.
There is still the small matter of the statement not being racist to begin with.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2018 10:10 pm
Setanta wrote:
Bullsh*t, I provided you a source, a woman closely linked to Plump even before he became president, and a former member of his administration who testifies that he said it.

This is what I predicted. Even though you are intelligent and well-educated, you have sold your soul to the devil Plump. Nothing anyone can say will get through to you. You waste my time. Bye.

You've now had numerous opportunities to give a single unambiguous example of his alleged racism, but for some reason have provided nothing other than a comment he may or may not have made which may or may not be racist.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2018 10:11 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
While you are at it, setanta, why can't you prove that on a clear day the sky looks blue?

"Everyone knows" is an invalid argument.
Reply Sat 10 Nov, 2018 10:33 pm
I'm pretty certain you know of Trump's racism but are too loyal to question him.
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2018 07:27 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
I'm pretty certain you know of Trump's racism but are too loyal to question him.

So, if he is a racist, why can you not give me one single instance of his racism? And please, don't link me to some article listing 20 things in someone else's words that it would take me hours to check. Just give me one and only one example of his racism.
old europe
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2018 04:41 pm
Just give me one and only one example of his racism.

The thing is that Trump exhibits a pattern of racist behavior. And in order to establish that pattern, you will always have to look at more than one isolated example.

One incident is easy to brush off. One incident might just be inadvertent, and a non-racist person might go out of their way to apologize for it afterwards.

Trump has been repeatedly made denigrating, racist remarks. He has repeatedly exhibited racist behavior. He has repeatedly sided with racists.

You're just too loyal to Trump to even consider that this might mean that Trump himself is a racist.
Reply Tue 20 Nov, 2018 06:21 pm
@old europe,
Eh, long time - no see.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 05:29 pm
The papal election of 1268–71 (from November 1268 to 1 September 1271), following the death of Pope Clement IV, was the longest papal election in the history of the Catholic Church.

Holy cow, long time no see.

why can you not give me one single instance of his racism? And please, don't link me to some article listing 20 things

Assemble the pattern-makers: your emperor wants new clothes.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 06:57 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:
Trump has been repeatedly made denigrating, racist remarks. He has repeatedly exhibited racist behavior. He has repeatedly sided with racists.
No he hasn't. The left has repeatedly falsely accused him of racism because they can't defend their extremist positions using facts or logic.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 07:23 pm
@old europe,
Trump has been repeatedly made denigrating, racist remarks. He has repeatedly exhibited racist behavior. He has repeatedly sided with racists.

I have to call you on this.
Please list specific examples of Trump making racist comments.
Not generalities, but specific examples.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 08:11 pm
@old europe,
old europe wrote:

Just give me one and only one example of his racism.

The thing is that Trump exhibits a pattern of racist behavior. And in order to establish that pattern, you will always have to look at more than one isolated example.

One incident is easy to brush off. One incident might just be inadvertent, and a non-racist person might go out of their way to apologize for it afterwards.

Trump has been repeatedly made denigrating, racist remarks. He has repeatedly exhibited racist behavior. He has repeatedly sided with racists.

You're just too loyal to Trump to even consider that this might mean that Trump himself is a racist.

It's interesting that you claim he's done these things repeatedly but are unable to name a single one. I insist. Name one.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 08:19 pm
What the hell would be the point? It has been pointed out to you that he said African countries and Haiti--a majority black country--are sh*tholes. At first you denied it, then you said that you didn't doubt that, but tried to suggest that it was not racist. He described Latin Americans coming across the border as rapists and murderers. No evidence for that, just him calling them that. Your pattern has been to deny those things, and when someone provides evidence for them, to suggest that that does not make him racist. You won't accept it, so why the hell should anyone waste any more time on your pathetic, deluded self?
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 08:22 pm
I note that Brandon and Mysteryman are comopletely ignoring EB's post at the top of this page.
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 08:29 pm
I for one do not consider the accusations in that post to be proven.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 08:36 pm
Setanta wrote:
What the hell would be the point? It has been pointed out to you that he said African countries and Haiti--a majority black country--are sh*tholes. At first you denied it, then you said that you didn't doubt that, but tried to suggest that it was not racist.
Trump's comment clearly isn't racist. It is reasonable for Brandon and Mysteryman (and me) to point this out.

Setanta wrote:
He described Latin Americans coming across the border as rapists and murderers. No evidence for that, just him calling them that.
Only the specific individuals that actually are rapists and murderers.

The evidence would be all the murders and rapes associated with illegal immigration.

Setanta wrote:
Your pattern has been to deny those things, and when someone provides evidence for them, to suggest that that does not make him racist.
It is reasonable for people to request proof for accusations.

It is also reasonable for people to point out that non-racist statements are non-racist.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2018 08:56 pm
Setanta wrote:
I note that Brandon and Mysteryman are comopletely ignoring EB's post at the top of this page.

I didn't see that. So, we have a person who had a public falling out with Trump and lists unquestionably racist comments made by Trump. I doubt its veracity. If Trump is saying and doing racist things all over the place, why is it that the only evidence you have of it is a few comments his enemies say that he made privately? If Trump really were a racist, he'd be a serial racist, because all racists are serial racists, and by now would have said something that was recorded or done something racist. Can you point to any recorded comment or actual action of his that was racist?
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