oralloy wrote:I've seen no evidence of any such bigotry or hate, only false accusations from the left.
Doing a search on Bing, these are the top headlines:
How the Republican Party Became The Party of Racism
The Disturbing Data on Republicans and Racism: Trump Backers Are the Most Bigoted Within the GOP
REPUBLICANS ARE RACISTS…And they're not shy about it.
What is wrong with Republicans? - The Washington Post
The national Republican Party tolerates violence and ...
Are White Republicans More Racist Than White Democrats ...
A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
Are republicans more racist than democrats? | Debate.org
And the list goes on.
Michigan GOP Senate ad features a swastika for some reason
Texas police confiscate yard sign depicting GOP elephant with trunk up girl’s skirt
He’s a Nazi, Republicans Warn, but He’s Their Likely Nominee for Congress
Donald Trump warns of ‘violence’ if Republicans lose midterms
So open your eyes. It's there for the world to see. I can loan you my bifocals...