@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Trump is not only a moron, but a con. Anyone doing business with Trump the con is rather ignorant about how many people he already stiffed. That's their problem.
If his reputation was that bad, he wouldn't have 500 businesses. People wouldn't do business with him and he would be broke.
Quote:Trump the con promised to show his tax returns. Are you still waiting?
I never cared about his taxes, it was the leftist who cared about those. It was first to prove he wasn't as rich as he claimed, then it was to prove Russian collusion. I could care less to be honest. In fact I don't think a majority of Americans care, it's a big gotcha because Trump went after Obama's birth certificate. I didn't care about that either, I never bought into the birther circus.
Quote:You can arrive at your own conclusions. According to Politifact, Trump tells the truth only around 4% of the time.
I only wish they "fact checked" Obama as much as they "fact check" Trump. In fact I wish they fact checked all politicians on what they said, it won't happen the MSM has an agenda.
Quote:That you would admire a moron who shut down the government to stop the income of 800,000 government workers show you are just as ignorant.
I don't admire Trump, but I do applaud the shutdown. If he re-opens the govt without guaranteed funding for the barrier, it will never be built. Congress has gotten to good at kicking the can down the road and not actually working on the problems faced by US citizens.
Quote:His wall project that he promised Mexico will pay for and didn't now results in a crisis for Americans.
It's been a crisis for our country for far longer than Trump has been talking about it. We have needed a good southern barrier for decades. Everyone from Chuck Schumer to Nancy Pelosi have talked about illegal immigration and the southern border for decades, yet haven't done anything about it. Trump is holding their feet to the fire. I don't care if Mexico pays for it, it needs to be built, I talked about this for a very long time, even before Trump ran for President.
Quote:One of his "compromises" was on so-called Dreamers - who entered the US illegally when young. He still wants $5.7bn (£4.5bn) to fund the wall.
Let's be honest, he offered 1.8 million "dreamers" a deal a year ago, but it was rejected because of the "wall". That was 1 million more than than what the Dems asked for, but they rejected it. If there is anything dealing with a southern barrier, the left will reject it. It blocks free entry for future welfare recipients and the DNC needs voters.
Quote:Democrats have refused to fund it and ahead of the speech had already rejected the expected concessions.
Obstructionists. The DNC does not have the best interests of US citizens in their agenda, they care little what is best for us, they have proven this time and time again. The shutdown is going to prove this to the American people, if the MSM would only report the truth and stop being the mouth piece for the DNC and the leftist agenda.
Why do you dislike our sovereignty so much?
Quote:The shutdown, the longest in history, has affected 800,000 federal workers.
It has only effected 800,000 none essential federal workers. I've felt no effects from the shutdown, if it wasn't in the news, I'd never know it was happening.
Quote:People like you put a stain to our country.
Ha. If the govt shutdown is having an effect on your life, then it's you who put a strain on our country. Essential personal are working, it's only a partial shutdown. Everyone of those Federal workers will get back pay, even those who didn't work during the shutdown will get back pay.