Montana? You would't happen to have some tar and feathers laying around would ya?
If u r putting your job (outside work) on the top of the list and cooking and cleaning is not top priority, it will lose the whol sense again.
Oh Brooke. If you want to wear cute little outfits and go out and play with your college degree, hubby Ronfg will LET you . . . so long as you are aware that your top priority as a woman is and always will be cooking and cleaning.
He doesn't understand why you're angry. Hmmmm.
All I want u to do is cook and clean. These be your top priority. Other than these are upon me. u can do whatever u want without my consent as long as u fulfill these priorities.
Debra_Law wrote:Oh Brooke. If you want to wear cute little outfits and go out and play with your college degree, hubby Ronfg will LET you . . . so long as you are aware that your top priority as a woman is and always will be cooking and cleaning.
He doesn't understand why you're angry. Hmmmm.
If I go out and earn a good living, also - and was expected to do all the cooking and cleaning when I got home - I will stay single for the rest of my life. It's much easier to pick up after myself. Men are messy anyways.
so u don't like my idea, huh?
yeah, but . . . it's YOUR job because you're a WOMAN. He will mow the lawn and cut the hedges. ROFL
I don't see the problem here. Kicky . . . Brooke is giving her wannabe fiance some grief. What do you say?
Ronfg wrote:All I want u to do is cook and clean. These be your top priority. Other than these are upon me. u can do whatever u want without my consent as long as u fulfill these priorities.
Ron - when two people work outside the home to pay the bills and provide a home for the family........... there is NO my chore - your chore. It's OUR chores.
Therefore the cooking and cleaning belong to both of us.
Why do u have to engage into outside work when I am paying all the bills, paying for all the necessities, and guarantying to take care of all the finances?
Ronfg. Don't expect to make a woman happy if you define marriage in accordance with gender roles. The husband is NOT the master (nor the head of the household); The wife is NOT the servant.
When I was married, my husband told me that he would NOT do the dishes. When we bought our house and I asked him to do his share of the housework, he said, "If you didn't want to do housework, why did you want to buy a house?"
I divorced him. Go figure that one out.
okay OKay brooke, then u onlt do the cooking. That's all. Nothing else. u do whatever u want during rest of the time.
I will work, pay bills, maintain home improvements, look after children, clean house, do the shopping, and whatever, besides cooking. Now, r u satisfied brooke?
Debra! these role issues will come to u at some point whether u like it or not.
Thus, I am saying before becoming a family, man and woman should know the roles, so that later in life these issues won't ruin their healthy relationships.
what's the problem brooke? tell me!
Ronfg wrote:Why do u have to engage into outside work when I am paying all the bills, paying for all the necessities, and guarantying to take care of all the finances?
Ronfg: If you make all the money, will you give Brooke an allowance? I mean . . . she might want a few dollars every now and then to buy dancing shoes or get her nails done. LOL What if she wants to buy a new car? Will you give her the money?
justa_babbling_brooke wrote:Montana wrote:I hear ya Brooke. The first 5 years were the hardest, having to stay home.
I think staying at home because you have children to care for would be something I would like. I just wouldn't like it after they entered school and I was home all day by myself.
Of course. I think I just found it very difficuly because I was completely on my own.
Of course I will, what do u think I am? cheap and greedy person? As I stated many times before, I will earn ENOUGH money to provide our everyday necessities. Money that I earned is her money as well. She has a full authority to spend it.
If u wanna control the money? Fine, control it. I will earn. U control. FINE BY ME.
Montana, Debra, Brooke!
is it the money?