That's a nice trailer, but the "true story" is that about one million Rwandans had their throats slit by rebel forces, by their own countrymen.
I didn't mean to hijack the thread. Anyway, yeah, I was being a smartass, it is a depressing movie, but now that I think of it, you won't be thinking about sex for about 24 hours after watching it. Kind of kills the mood.
By the way, though, don't all relationships, serious ones, happen unexpectedly? I mean there's always an element of the sudden, to some degree. That is to say that despite any woman or man's desires and plans, whether someone is ready or not, or just wants an f-buddy, a certain person can make you change whatever standards and attitudes you have about relationships at any moment.
Thought I'd be optimistic for once.
I agree. It may seem a little too romantic but I always tell my stepson not to settle. We all deserve the giddy sensation of having our socks knocked off.
DrewDad wrote:Montana wrote:I use to have a sex buddy, but he was kind of a pain in the ass too.
Ahem! We
really didn't need this kind of detail....
Of course I didn't mean that literally. Some streets are simply one way
Montana wrote:farmerman wrote:Kicky-you selfish lout. Cant you help our Montana out ? Always thinkin of yourself. Cmon , be a knight.
Its just a short drive from NY to the ARCTIC, . Why you guys could have a queekie and then annoy the hell out of each other and , then a couple of longies, and then go hunt maple syrup. Does that sound like a weekend or what?.
Oh ****, I didn't even notice that! Send me the directions, Montana, and we will be gettin' it on by tomorrow morning!
Well hell, I guess better late than never. I'm finally catching up after 11
Kicky...34.......Married and haven't haved any nookie in over 3 months....HELL YEAH....THERES a Horny Women typing this!!
The freakin' delivery men were lookin' good today at work!!! LOL
Montana is laughing at you Kicky. Obviously you haven't shown her what that hole is for.
(no offense intended
MMS, You know it's hard to get a job as a UPS delivery guy, right? Once you're hired, you never quit. I've heard it's the uniform....
I see a circle jerk brewing up on friday evening
< gus quickly checks calendar and breathes a sigh of relief when he notices "bingo" penciled in for friday evening >
Naah, that's just some fairytale bullshit that people say when they're on Oprah or Montel Williams.
There is no hope. There is no hope. Just keep repeating that mantra to yourself.
Are you just looking for sex or are you looking for a
relationship to go with it kicky?
CJ, I am looking for something more than sex, but like a child, if the damn candy bowl is within reach, I'm going to try to get a piece.
So here's my thinking on the topic at hand now...I really think it would be incredibly bad for me to get in touch with Rhoda, but if I were to weaken...
I would call her from the payphone in front of my building, so that she couldn't check the number and know that I'm calling her from my apartment. If she's home, I tell her I'm in her neighborhood because I'm on a blind date, but it's not going well, and that her e-mail got me thinking...the blind date story would give me the 45 minutes that I would need to get to her apartment, because I'd just say it took me extra time because I had to walk my date to the train or that she just wouldn't leave or whatever--any bs story will do. And then I'd just play it by ear from that point, but I'd make sure to tell her that I can't stay over because I have italian class early tomorrow morning, which is actually true!
Of course I won't do any of this, but it's fun to fantasize.
Er - Kicky - no chance of at least finding a f-buddy where you both actually really enjoy each other's company?
I have had a couple of those relationships - where we were friends, first and foremost - but sometimes our eyes just started glowing - and wham! Then back to friends again until next time.
Is it a guy thing to be ok with not liking someone you have sex with - even to the point of actively DISliking them? I HATE the feeling of waking up with somebody and discovering I just want them not to be there. So - the couple of times I have felt that way the next day - byeeee......And it has only happened to me once the reverse way - it was awful!!!
And - it isn't only we woman who find ourselves falling harder in what we have seen as a casual relationship - guys do it too - I know this!
Why not go on some net dating sites, Kicky, have you had bad experiences?
I think his experience at left him with a bad taste in his mouth.
Quote:I HATE the feeling of waking up with somebody and discovering I just want them not to be there. So - the couple of times I have felt that way the next day - byeeee......And it has only happened to me once the reverse way - it was awful!!!
I've had that feeling 1 minute after the deed has been done.