Quote:Impressing us all with another hit from your Nunavitic Nutzy Neologies this fine morning eh?
This, from you, farmerman, is hardly what one would expect from a scientist. Have you been fraudulently misrepresenting yourself for all these years.
You haven't posted anything on the science or the facts/events of 911 that would lead anyone to seriously consider you a scientist.
Here's just two reminders:
1. US government proprietary nanothermite found in WTC dust, along with the by products of those nanothermitic reactions.
Quote:Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe
Niels H. Harrit*,1, Jeffrey Farrer2
, Steven E. Jones*,3, Kevin R. Ryan4
, Frank M. Legge5
Daniel Farnsworth2
, Gregg Roberts6
, James R. Gourley7
and Bradley R. Larsen3
Abstract: We have discovered distinctive red/gray chips in all the samples we have studied of the dust produced by the
destruction of the World Trade Center. Examination of four of these samples, collected from separate sites, is reported in
this paper. These red/gray chips show marked similarities in all four samples.
The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy
dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The red material contains grains approximately
100 nm across which are largely iron oxide, while aluminum is contained in tiny plate-like structures. Separation of components using methyl ethyl ketone demonstrated that elemental aluminum is present. The iron oxide and aluminum are intimately mixed in the red material. When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring
at approximately 430 ˚C, far below the normal ignition temperature for conventional thermite. Numerous iron-rich spheres are clearly observed in the residue following the ignition of these peculiar red/gray chips. The red portion of these chips is found to be an unreacted thermitic material and highly energetic.
2. The WTCs 1, 2 & 7 molten/vaporized structural steel. Not possible within the confines of the USGOCT. That means the USGOCT is a fallacious conspiracy theory.
Are you actually pretending to deny the existence of molten and vaporized WTC structural steel? Surely you would sink that low, to actually lie about things you, anyone, can see for themselves in myriad photos, eyewitness reports, ... .
Why do you deny evidence you can see with your own eyes? That is one of the most unscientific things ever to come out of a reputed scientist's mouth.
911 • Molten Steel And NIST Lies