Lightwizard wrote:...
I never specifically accused you by name of being fat, Tico. I baited everyone and you fell for it with your characteristic bragging. Very commendable that your amongst the 1/3 of Americans that are at least not overweight. The real point went straight over your head but I expected that.
You didn't mention my name in this thread but you did on the other .....
On January 11, 2005, Lightwizard wrote:And, of course, Tico is as thin as a rail. Care to post a pic?
What is all this "bragging" you feel is my character? Care to post a link to me bragging, other than when I've debunked your spurious claim that I'm a fattie?
I have a nephew who suffers from epilepsy. In a last ditch attempt before surgery, he was put on a strictly monitored, high fat, high protein and almost carb-free diet. He hasn't had a seizure since. I've posted his story here before. He's my hero.
That is good to hear, cjhsa. I hope he stays well.
Just watch the long term effects of no-carb diets. Many people who lose weight on atkins are actually losing muscle mass due to their body thinking it is starving. Eventually when they fall off the wagon they are worse off then when they started due to decreased muscle mass. Not to mention increased risk of arthitis and osteoporosis.
That's not specifically calling you a fattie, Tico, and you took it way to seriously. My, you are sensitive. So you admit your response was bragging. That's also commendable 'cause, of course, I don't believe it is at all characteristic.
I've read that about epilepsy, cjhsa. If the diet gurus every make up their mind what is a healthy diet, we'll all live longer and happier.
jp,in everyone has a different respons to the no carb and low carb diets. One should consult with their physician and get tests before embarking on any diet. I did so and did not lose any muscle mass. For one important thing, he advised me to really increase excercising and to add even more fruit than the diet advised.
As a further diversion, I suggest everyone go out to a theater and see "Hotel Rwanda." Don Cheadle
delivers an electrifying performance in an exceptional film that you won't soon forget.
(It's a docu-drama and if one wants to take it as propaganda, it's their call).
Lightwizard wrote:That's not specifically calling you a fattie, Tico. My, you are sensitive. So you admit your response was bragging. That's also commendable 'cause, of course, I don't believe it is at all characteristic.
Yes, I'll admit that my saying I'm in good enough shape to play soccer with professionals could be considered "bragging." I mainly stated as much so you would understand I'm no couch potato. I would hope you would be man enough to admit that my remark was only in response to your
insinuation that I was a fattie, and I would further hope you would admit that you cannot think of another instance where you feel I have "bragged," notwithstanding your claim that "bragging" is a characteristic you have observed in me.
Okay, tico -- truce! It already did write I didn't really believe the bragging was characteristic. A shameless bait and I will try and refrain from inserting (sic) it in the future. Sorry, one-upsmanship is in my blood ever since I read the Potter books. Don't take it too seriously. I don't know you and you don't know me.
I think sometimes we write things on these forums that aren't as clear as they could be if we only all had an editor! I believe you to be an intelligent, self-aware, kind and caring person who shouldn't be resorting to calling someone a fattie when you are insulting 2/3 of the American public of which many voted for the most lovable GWB. So you did get the point.
Truce it is.
Sometimes the written word makes thinks clearer ... and sometimes it has the opposite effect. But I hope you know I don't make a habit of going around calling people fatties. That particular bit of vitriol is reserved for a select group, ...... of which Mr. Moore is the only member.

So if he loses weight, you will have to find some other physical characteristic to criticize him when all other arguments are moot? He might, after all, be better looking than you if he does lose weight.
Ha! Not a chance. I'm so pretty .... nevermind.
If he loses weight I will take back every mean thing I ever said about the fool. Not a chance that will ever happen. He loves his Twinkies and Doritos way too much.
My latest weakness is Kirkland (Costco) trailmix. Man that stuff is good!
Don't be too sure 'cause the last time Mike was on Jay Leno (one of Leno's favorite guests), Leno again jibbed him about his weight and favor of such things like Twinkies (do they still make those?) and Doritos (actually a corn chip which is not all that fattening unless one indulges in several bags). If I'm reading this right, you've seen all his films and the only exception you're taking towards the filmmaker is that the he is obese. Moore's response to Leno was humble and words to the effect that he was going to see some change in that regard.
His viewpoint on Bush isn't too far afield from mine so, of course, he has a willing audience (I sing bass in a choir). I got several of my conservatives friends to finally see the film and they had little to criticize. In fact, they said the Moore was softer on Bush than they had been told or had read. Their response that although the individual Bush guffas and other misstatements (some of those Bush has recently tried to take back) individually didn't bother them, when they were collected into one film it was very dismaying. One of the friends is a local Orange County African American attorney. I met him by doing the lighting design in his home and we became good friends. He's also homosexual, although that's an aside and beside the point here.
If you take their approach to their version of the facts on Moorewatch, you can just as easily shoot them full of holes. It's not the facts themselves, its the way they are presented. The fact that those who love Bush are indignant and insulted by the arrows, most of them are still lodged in Dubya's posterior because they were from his own bow. Damn those curved arrows!
cjhsa wrote:My latest weakness is Kirkland (Costco) trailmix. Man that stuff is good!
I did love both the Cosco and the Sam's Club trailmix but since the fruit is candied, I've laid off. I have maintained my weight by adding some carbs (sorry, can't eat Chinese without rice or noodles), cutting back on coffee and other caffein drinks (it raises the insulin level and causes your body to store blood sugar as fat) and cutting raw sugar completely out of my diet (lots of great diet ice cream out there plus I just got an ice cream maker for Xmas so I've been making my own Supra delights).
LW wrote:... If I'm reading this right, you've seen all his films and the only exception you're taking towards the filmmaker is that the he is obese.
You most assuredly are not reading it right. His obesity is the least of the issues I have with him.
LW wrote:His viewpoint on Bush isn't too far afield from mine so, of course, he has a willing audience ...
LW wrote:He's also homosexual, although that's an aside and beside the point here.
I'd say.
As far as losing or keeping weight off .... might I suggest eating a can of tuna for lunch and a large glass of pink grapefruit juice. If you are so hungry that a can of tuna sounds good, you are doing something right. Also, get lots of exercise.
That's a good suggestion, even if the tuna is packed in its own oil. Fish oil is very healthy and the Mayo Clinic established many years ago that there is some chemistry in grapefruit juice which blocks the body's intake of fat. I don't know if it blocks the good from the bad and, of course, a low or no fat diet is also bad because your body needs the essential fatty acids. I've had the experience of observing friends whose hair was splitting and falling out who went on a non-fat diet.
I can't drink grapefruit juice, and I love it.