Lightwizard wrote:If it weren't for all the hate directed at Moore, his bodyguard wouldn't have to carry a gun. It's not a case of hypocrisy but of necessity.
But Moore brought the "hate" on himself. It was his own doing that caused the hate. If he hadn't made those movies, he wouldn't be hated.
(Adapting a liberal's argument that has been put forward on this board lately concerning the need for security at Bush's Inaguration .... One which they feel is logical .... Feel free to tear it apart.)
This sure appears to be a case of "Do as I say, not as I do." Moore thinks there are too many guns in America, yet when he decides what is needed for his own personal security, he feels a gun is necessary. Why is his need to feel secure of any greater merit than John Q. Public's need to feel secure?