Well...here we are AGAIN!
I haven't been on much this week due to having my sister show up Wednesday...(I think, might of been Tuesday), if anyone recalls..I made a comment on Bella's thread about trading her woes for my sister....(
My mind, nerves..and body had about had all they can take)
Ya'll ready for this?
I don't even know where to start.....
She's been back from AIT for ummm, about four months or so, has kept up with her drill when its required, but she's not had a "job"..."job" persay, since she's been back. We have a cousin that has more money than sense..and has paid my sister...(if ya'll will remember who gave up her own kids) to
babysit her newborn.
The only relationship that my sister and I have had...has been kept to the phone. She doesn't come to visit.....but she calls five-six-hell.....a dozen times a day. Our conversations consist of..."Uhumm" on my end...and thats about it. (Half the time, I don't even answer the phone)
Well Well Well.....Tues or Weds..morning, the Sheriffs dept calls me.
J called me on his cell, he tells me.."S, I got someone here that wants to talk to you." I'm dumbfounded...because I'm friends with J...but not the kinda friend that calls......especially at 10:30 in the morning. Well...Low and Behold it was HER.......she was scared, needed somewhere to go...
I tell her.."OK", But I'm now an angry pissed off woman.......
Now, let me back this story up here...tell you what happened that got us to this point.
In the 4 of so months that she's been back, she's dated a whole sloosh of men, I can't keep up with them. And NOOOO, she's not divorced...the story of her filing her divorce papers I soppose was to shut us up, and get us off her back. But she's never filed the papers come to find out. She's still very married.
Even though no one knows where he's at.
So...about 3 or 4 weeks ago, she had called to tell me she was going up to Fort C...for two weeks of training and drills. All I got out of her two weeks up there was one big party, where my sister was one out of maybe 20 females....and 200 men. (Uhhumm) Can't imagine why she volunteered to go..can ya? She meets this younger man there...he's 25. She'd call and talk about him, I'd do my usual routine..."UHUMM"..and we'd hang up.
Well, this relationship kept getting thicker and thicker in the last couple of weeks....(too fast, as usual) She up and heads to his hometown about 80 miles from here, and decides that she's moving down there with him, they are going to move in together. (
Now, my sister is one of them that calls everyday...all day, unless she's doing something that she feels we are all going to be in disagreement with, then you don't hear anything from her. She goes on the defensive, hides out...doesn't call anyone. So..when she doesn't call for days on end, we all start wondering if she's still breathing? Its out of sinc with her....for this lil huzzy if she's not in the horizontal position, she's got a phone in her hand.
After not hearing from her for about 6 days, I called another cousin...who she's usually in constant contact with also, and asked about her. "NOPE..haven't heard from her in 8 days...blah blah blah...its the same old ****!, you know she's up to something no good if you don't hear from her..yadda yadda yadda! " (They are fed up with her also)
Speed this up a little bit~~~~~~~~~ this past Monday, the very same day I called our cousin, she calls me, everything is wonderful in paradise, she's moving in with "her man", there's no drama there, its just peace and quiet. ([/I]Whatever floats your boat
) "UHUMM"....and hang up.
Now I'm thinking.."What an idiot!"
Forward~~~~~to phone call from J. "He's threatened to kill me!"
I'm foaming at the bit mad........pissed off totally, ready to kick her ass when she gets here. And when she did arrive blazing up my driveway, I met her at the door with an attitude from hell.
She entered into my front door, seen the look on my face..and put her hand up to me...as in to stop me from saying anything, and then had the audacity to tell me, "I really don't feel like hearing it, YOU just really don't know what I've been through the last four or five days!"
OMG.........I WENT OFF! (Plug your ears if you might take offense to my language...because I wasn't nice!)
I got her over her kids......my kids, her calling DHS on me over two years ago , this coming from a woman that gave her kids up to join the Army!!!!! I got her over her relationships, her whoring ...everything about HER!! How fast she moves with men, the fact that she's still married.....that she's never going to learn a lesson till one of these men beats the ever lovin' dog out of her, or slits her throat. That she picks nothing but dope headed S.O.B's to have a relationship with..yadda yadda yadda......ya'll get the jist.
So........she had no choice but to listen to me, but she didn't take heed to it at all. After she heard what I had to say, she got on the phone and called atleast 5 different people, of which I gave her hell over calling everybody and their brother. Finally, she just withdrew into her own little world, because I kicked her every chance I had...she sat in my livingroom with her eyes closed ignoring me. (Yes, I feel sorry for her, she's sick) She spent the night, and left the next morning at 8 after a melt down at my kicthen table, in which I didn't give her sympathy for. Just kicked her again.....
Ok...ready for THIS???
After this meltdown at my house, how he threatened to kill her, and having to deal with the fear of this bullshit for 24 hours, she loads up...and heads off..........(because I did not enable her, cajole her, sympathize with her)
Calls me 4 hours later, she's volunteered to go to the border...she's staying in another town. I asked where...she's staying with *George.
ANOTHER MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG...jumping up and down... A totally different man...where this one come from....I have no idea!
Talk about a shock~n~awe routine........