Good points.......
The kids? Well...this is really going to get confusing here, so hang on. When she moved back, she enlisted the help of her ex-MIL to help with the kids. The ex-MIL from her first marriage. I really thought this woman was setting her up for a fall...not sure she isn't still yet. But I warned my sister that she needed to stay on her gaurd where the MIL was concerned that she has never been that nice, why now?
So......MIL has helped her out over and over........the kids are practically living there. (shaking my head)
I have tried to warn her about her taking the chance of loosing her kids. She hasn't taken heed to any warnings that I have given her, or our cousin that we are both close with. Matter of fact, our cousin is a mental therapist (if thats the correct term for it) and her sister has a doctorate in Physcology. SOOOOOOOOOOOO........she's been WARNED.
She obviously doesn't care.
Quote:Would Social Services pull the kids if they knew they were at risk? Is she aware of that risk of her kids being pulled?
I've wondered that myself? From what I understand they wouldn't be pulled unless there is abuse. What form though?
Quote:Some plots--and characters--belong in fiction, not real life.
You might start suggesting to your sister that Prince Charming is not going to ride up the driveway if Meth Man is in residence--and Meth Man is not Prince Charming.
After all, she's a woman who needs a man around, full time--not a man setting off underwater explosions or serving a prison sentence.
Tell me about it! My cousin and I are at our WITS END tonight!
We are not trying to be meddlesome, we didn't ask to be brought into this situation. She brought us into it. From the time she throwed him on us...there was not a single one of us that had a good feeling about this man. (WE were not comparing notes, niether of us had talked about it )There was his bragging to me about his dope dealing, warrants etc...that set me off. My cousin and I didn't speak about the situation till two weeks ago. Thats when our lil plan got set into motion. We went behind her back because of everything she had to say about him...and what she would do if everyone went on talking about him like they did.
We honestly thought we did what was best for her. It was HER that called the both of us, telling us that she was TERRIFIED of HIM.......And it was NEITHER one of US that made that phone call, matter of fact, we had nothing to do with the phone call. Someone else did it.......that we would have never thought would have done it.
Quote:Is there a chance your sister needs meds?
My cousin and I both feel, along with the whole family that she needs counseling along with some medication. Tonight we more or less had a conference call and are trying to decide whether we need to treat her like a drug addict and have an intervention with her?
You know, if I dragged all the skeletons out of the closet you good people would be looking at me like I was crazy.......there are some things about her that I'm leaving out......