Welcome back Dag and hang in there kiddo.
Glad to have you home, home being where you are.
Glad for your decisions.
Yayyy, she's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
well, i'm all moved in, now i have to start actually working and writing :-( can't seem to rest though, whenever i sit down i get restless and antsy. luckily there's still stuff to do around the new house, and i got a new office at work which is totally empty. so i can decorate for days. i still have this stone in my stomach, but it's not bad, it comes and goes, i'm sure within a few weeks i'll be all settled in the new place and busy with work. so all in all, things are good. and it's good to be back here !
The years flow quickly--it's the days that move slowly.
Hold your dominion.
And don't let your meat loaf.
Do something indulgent for yourself today, Dag. I know how it feels, but it passes!

Lots of sympathy & hugs heading your way from across the planet.
Mr Alice Porkrind wrote:And don't let your meat loaf.
Haha! I love that expression. I also love Noddy's
Quote:The years flow quickly--it's the days that move slowly.
will do, olga. will drill some holes to install bookshelves! wahooo!
It's good to have you back, dag!
yay, gautam! and how are your love sagas unrolling? haven't heard anything for awhile.
speaking of which... i've just been asked on a date. a date! that thing terrifies me, i don't know when is the last time i did such a thing, very possibly never. well, or not in a number of years. a brazillian journalist of all people. am quite excited, though very insecure in this area. weee!
Hey !! Hope it goes well !! Come back and tell us abt it !! Brazilian people have great butts !! Did he have one ? Did you crop a feel ?
A date already!
Of course you'll be fine. No need for this nervousness, Dag.
Psst ... Is he nice?
oooooh! One of the fellows you and your co-worker were socializing with last week? I thought I smelled something going on that evening......
That's great news Dag. I'm sure you'll have a great time. You go girl ;-)
Practice makes perfect--get back up on that horse and gallop!
Hold your dominion.
yeah, lilk, that one fellow. not my type at all!!!! as in: not dirty blond, not muscular, not into bikes, losing hair a little, but i blush like a little girl when i see him and he is darn cute when he smiles. not to mention he writes like a god and won million prizes for his journalism skills. we'll seeeeee. date is tomorrow, don't even know if i can call it that. but he asked for the number, called and now we're meeting, so i suppose it qualifies. i'll gallop - hope that dominion doesn't fall off!